SEXTOS : L’art de faire monter la température GOLIATE

SEXTOS: The art of raising the temperature

In the era of "all digital", sexting takes a significant place in our daily lives and is part of our lives.

Whether you're exchanging sexts with a casual partner or within your relationship, the primary goal is to build up the tension. But for a conversation to be successful, it's important to follow a few rules of use. Follow the guide!

What is sexting?

Sexting is the exchange of sexts; in other words, the exchange of messages of a sexual nature between two people.

It can be a simple message, a spicy conversation or even photos or videos. For many, it allows desire to emerge before a meeting or to maintain a state of tension in the relationship . Indeed, sending a sext is not only reserved for people on dating sites, or for young people. This practice can be fully part of a couple's life and provide pleasure to both the person who sends it and the partner who receives it.

The 4 important steps of sexting:

Step 1: Consent

First of all - and I insist on this point - it is essential to exchange your consents. Sexting involves sharing explicit content, and transmitting messages, photos or videos of a sexual nature without consent is punishable by two years in prison and a €60,000 fine . Once this step is done, do not hesitate to give free rein to your respective imaginations.

Step 2: Discuss your desires

For once, communication is essential. If you are already in a relationship, you may already know your partner's affinities and that's a good thing.

However, keep in mind that these (and yours) can evolve and change over time. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your sexting desires verbally, the written format is a preferred means of communication for many people. It allows many people to communicate more easily.

If, on the other hand, you have only just met your partner, don't skip this moment of exchange.

Step 3: Choose your preferred communication mode(s)

In writing, via a voice note, in image or video, there is something for everyone! Even if they each have their own particularity, these different forms of sexting allow you to vary the pleasures. For some, the written form is more comfortable because the words can be sufficient in themselves while for others, "a picture is worth a thousand words".

In any case, it is very important to choose your exchange platform carefully, favoring those that allow the sending of ephemeral messages if you do not know (or know little) your game partner.

Among the best known are WhatsApp, Snapchat and Messenger.

Step 4: Be yourself!

We tend to forget it, but the goal of sexting is not to judge your partner or yourself, whether in form or substance. No, above all, sexting allows you to share your attraction, especially sexual, and your desire for the other. However, not everyone knows how to go about it or is comfortable with this practice. If this is the case, nothing prevents you from exploring the world of sexting step by step. Indeed, you are not obliged to reveal everything (right away, or at all). Also, do not hesitate to use your assets. I assure you, everyone has some, even if you convince yourself otherwise.

Sexting in a couple

If you are currently in a relationship, you may feel a form of routine settling into your daily life. I reassure you, this is completely normal and many people go through rough patches in their relationship.

Also, even if we don't always make this connection naturally, love and sexting go together perfectly. Sexting, when practiced with a loved one, helps to strengthen emotional ties, increase complicity but also to (re)awaken a sometimes dormant desire. This is also one of the main strengths of these exchanges.

Why is sexting cool for libido?

Indeed, the asynchronous format of this type of discussion awakens desire and libido in us while boosting our imagination. You can also take this opportunity to share your current fantasy (or fantasies) with your other half. Whether directly or through a game of innuendo, sexting offers an incredible space for expression. It even allows some couples to reconnect with a form of communication that, in many ways, can be very positive.

Finally, sexting allows you to create surprise at unexpected moments. Receiving a hot message at the office, when you are far from each other or during a family meal can have its little effect!

How to take sexting further?

If this practice becomes part of your couple's habits, you can also help your partner take action. A good idea is, for example, to offer him a small toy and ask him to describe his solo sex experience through sexo!

For that, we recommend our wonderful G-spot stimulator !

How to remember the basics of sexting?

Now that sexting has no more secrets for you, all you have to do is jump in at the deep end and send that first sext! Remember that what matters above all is mutual respect. One wrong word and you risk ruining this moment of sharing. To help you remember all the points discussed above, here is a little mnemonic device: “It’s like you” (CECOMVOUS)

C for consent, E for desire, COM for Communication,

YOU as in “be yourself”.

So? Ready to give it a try?