
Our advices

Explore the many facets of sexuality with us . Our blog offers useful information from the Kamasutra to BDSM, including the judicious use of sex toys and techniques to rekindle passion in your relationship. Learn to better understand male and female anatomy and discover sex tips to enrich your intimacy.
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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Faut-il faire du sexe avant une compétition sportive ?

Dans l’inconscient collectif, un bon rapport sexuel avant une compétition sportive peut altérer les performances physiques et mentales. Pour d’autres, il serait un boosteur ! Où se situe la vérité ? Chez Goliate, on s’est posé la question. Dans la Grèce Antique, on proscrivait toute relation sexuelle avant le sport ; on imaginait que celui-ci nuisait aux performances. C’était mauvais pour le corps et l’esprit ! Mais aujourd'hui ? C’est toujours la même histoire. Nous avons tous entendu que le coach de l'équipe britannique de football avait interdit à ses joueurs de s'envoyer en l'air lors de la Coupe du monde 98… L’abstinence serait donc une clé de la victoire, le meilleur moyen de décrocher des médailles ? Pas si sûr : on rappelle que l’Angleterre a été éliminée en huitième de finale ! Toujours est-il que la croyance persiste : même Mohamed Ali, célèbre boxeur, s'offrirait l'abstinence avant un match important pour augmenter sa compétitivité. Vraiment ? Pourquoi ? Que redoute-t-on ? Garder son énergie vitale (et sa testostérone)… Dans l'imaginaire, le sexe épuise. Il grignote nos ressources et notre énergie vitale, qui n’est autre que notre libido, cet élan de vie que l’on peut mettre dans l’activité de notre choix ! Et puis, le sexe est tellement bon qu'il est susceptible de nous faire quitter le monde réel au point d’altérer notre concentration. Or, sans concentration, que devenons-nous sur un ring, une piste de course, une scène ? Imaginons un rapport sexuel intense la veille d'une rencontre sportive majeure : en nous abandonnant sous les draps, en offrant tout notre souffle et notre vigueur avec plaisir, on se vide ! Le lendemain, c’est la cata : muscles fatigués, tête rêveuse ou brumeuse… Voilà d’où naît la croyance ! En d’autres mots, il faut choisir où donner de sa fougue, la fougue ne peut pas être partout, sur le terrain et dans le lit. Autre « problème » : le taux de testostérone. A trop le consommer pendant l’amour, voilà que le taux baisserait et ne serait plus assez costaud pour accompagner les athlètes dans leurs épreuves sportives. Car voilà, grâce à l’hormone de la testostérone, les hommes seraient plus agressifs, plus forts, et leur capacité de performance péterait tous les scores. Pour un athlète, la testostérone serait donc un atout majeur, une sorte de carburant naturel qui alimente ses performances. Si un rapport sexuel entraîne une baisse de ce taux, on imagine facilement les conséquences : puissance amoindrie, détermination mollassonne... D'où la peur de certains sportifs de voir leur énergie s'évaporer après une nuit de sexualité. Des études qui nous laissent libres ! Alors, mythe ou pas ? Existe-t-il des études pour confirmer ou infirmer cela ? Dans un article mis en ligne l’année dernière à ce sujet, le magazine l'Equipe partage les résultats d’une première étude menée dans les années 90 aux Etats-Unis grâce à la curiosité d’une étudiante de l'Université de Southern Mississippi. La conclusion : sur les 11 hommes observés âgés en moyenne de 26 ans, aucune différence n'a pu être constatée entre ceux qui ont fait l'amour et ceux qui n'ont pas fait l'amour avant de courir sur un tapis. Une autre étude, cette fois plus récente (2016) et publiée dans le Science Daily, s'est penchée quant à elle sur toutes les études à ce propos… cherchant à déceler la vérité. Il ressort de cette analyse que l'abstinence et les performances n'ont pas grand-chose à voir… Selon les chercheurs, à moins de faire du sexe deux heures avant une compétition décisive, aucune raison de se planter. Plus exactement, on peut lire que « aucune importance particulière n’a été accordée aux effets psychologiques ou physiques de l’activité sexuelle sur les performances sportives, ou sur les différents types de sports. » De quoi démystifier l'idée que le sexe nuit aux résultats sportifs (mais ne pas oublier de se faire plaisir 120 minutes avant d’enfiler son short…). Et pour les femmes ? En effet, les performances sexuelles VS les performances sportives sont bien moins considérées chez les femmes… L’enquête du Science Daily prend d’ailleurs le temps de le souligner :  les hommes sont bien plus souvent étudiés que les femmes. Pour autant, du sexe qui fatigue, c’est du sexe qui fatigue ! De la même façon, un rapport sexuel qui booste est un rapport sexuel qui booste… Mais les hormones, dans tout ça ? Elles peuvent orienter l’impact des rapports sexuels sur l’effort ! Pour répondre à la question, faudrait plutôt regarder du côté de la santé menstruelle. En début de cycle, avec les menstruations, les femmes pourraient être plus fatiguées. Au milieu de cycle, période d’ovulation, c’est différent : généralement, les femmes ont plus d’énergie, le moment est idéal pour faire du sport. Et si c’était une bonne idée, le sexe avant la compétition ? Parmi toutes les études existantes à ce sujet, certaines nous enverraient un autre son de cloche… Tendez l’oreille, enfin ouvrez les yeux : le sexe pourrait favoriser la relaxation et améliorer le sommeil (gros dodo post-coït), si bien que les athlètes seraient en forme ! Aussi, les hormones que nous produisons pendant l’amour auraient leur rôle à jouer dans l’activité physique : anti-stress, joie… On se sentirait bien, dans le corps et dans la tête ! N’est-ce pas la preuve, finalement, qu’il est impossible de statuer et qu’il s’agit avant tout de décisions personnelles, d’élans ou de freins intimes ? Si on va plus loin, on peut aussi noter qu’une vie sexuelle épanouie (et non pas seulement un rapport one shot la veille d’une compétition) participerait à améliorer la confiance en soi. Si on se sent bien dans sa peau, heureux dans ses relations et à l’aise avec son corps, on décroche plus facilement des rideaux et des médailles ! Alors, on fait quoi ? On fait bien ce que l’on veut ! De là, chaque sportif verra midi à sa porte : envie de sexe ou non ? Ce rapport sexuel peut-il me faire du bien, m’apporter des forces ? Au contraire, va-t-t-il m’épuiser ? Suis-je plutôt pour nourrir mes performances sexuelles ou sportives, aujourd’hui ? Où ai-je besoin de placer ma libido, cette énergie vitale qui vibre en moi ? On se pose les bonnes questions ! On interroge aussi ses croyances : en effet, si on croit dur comme fer que les rapports sexuels avant un effort sportif ont un impact négatif sur nos performances, alors on s’abstient, peu importe que ce soit vrai ou pas. Car c’est aussi ce que l’on a dans la tête qui peut changer la donne… La seule chose à faire, c’est bien de s’écouter, sachant que tout dépend également de la pratique sportive qui nous attend. Une petite course le dimanche, ce ne sont pas les Jeux Olympiques… A vous de voir !   Nos recos pour du sexe doux (qui prend soin de vous avant le sport) Avant le sport, pourquoi ne pas s’offrir un moment doux pour la tête et le corps, qui n’épuise pas mais détend ? Chez Goliate, on a créé une crème de massage comestible bio et 2en1 : le couple gourmand pour un moment sensuel et plus si affinité. Vous pouvez aussi partir avec notre huile de massage aphrodisiaque bio pour vous détendre et éveiller vos sens. Que de produits pour des parties de slow sexe super agréables !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Qu'est-ce qu'un orgasme et comment le reconnaitre?

Il y a le plaisir sexuel… et puis il y a l’orgasme, cet étonnant climax aux sensations fortes. Mais pourquoi jouit-on, exactement ? Peut-on ne pas s’en apercevoir ? Comment reconnaître l’orgasme, tous nos orgasmes ? On fait le tour du sujet ! Demandez à quiconque de vous définir l’orgasme : chacun ira de sa définition et de son adjectif. Pour certains, l’orgasme est volcanique, surprenant, bouillant, tremblant. Pour d’autres, il est frissonnant, rare, comique, mou ou mignon. Pour d’autres encore, il est… un mystère. Car oui, si l’orgasme fait partie de nos vies sexuelles, est-on sûr de bien le connaître et le reconnaître ? De l’accepter comme il est pour davantage profiter de lui ? Il a beau être au centre de nos conversations, nous avons beaucoup à apprendre à son sujet pour mieux l’apprécier et mieux jouir ! Une définition… médicale L’orgasme est une expérience clé de la sexualité humaine et de la santé sexuelle. Autrement dit, il nous apporte satisfaction lors de nos rapports sexuels. Mais d’où sort-il, exactement ? Il survient généralement après les phases d’excitation et de plateau. Ces phases de ce que l’on appelle « la réponse sexuelle » ont été définies par Masters et Johnson, chercheurs pionniers en sexualité, au siècle dernier. Il s’agit des différentes étapes que l’on traverse lors d’un rapport sexuel. Après la phase d’excitation (le désir est assouvi, le plaisir monte), nous atteignons la phase de plateau, durant laquelle notre plaisir se maintient. Puis voilà que tout le plaisir contenu finit par exploser : c’est l’orgasme, ou la décharge orgasmique ! La plupart de temps, on ressent une perte de contrôle. Que se passe-t-il exactement dans notre corps, quand on perd le contrôle ? Le DSM-5 (Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux de l'American Psychiatric Association), ouvrage de référence en psychiatrie qui s’intéresse à de nombreux phénomènes psychologiques et physiologiques, propose une définition de l’orgasme. On peut lire qu’il est une « sensation de plaisir intense résultant de la stimulation sexuelle, accompagnée de contractions rythmiques involontaires des muscles du plancher pelvien. » Il faut ajouter à ça une dimension psy : on ressent aussi des choses dans la tête ! Du relâchement, des émotions, de l’amour, de la satisfaction… C’était un orgasme, ça ? Toutes les preuves à connaître ! Certaines personnes ne savent pas qu’elles ont joui, du moins elles doutent ! Cela s’explique par un orgasme discret ou rapide, ou encore par un manque de connexion à soi-même. Alors, pour reconnaître un orgasme, on peut aller au-delà de sa définition et découvrir tous les phénomènes susceptibles de l’accompagner. Les contractions involontaires du plancher pelvien, autrement dit de la zone intime : en effet, comme le suggère la définition officielle, l’orgasme se manifeste par des contractions dans la zone intime. C’est un peu comme si tout le plaisir concentré ici-même depuis le début du rapport sexuel jaillissait. Un rythme cardiaque qui accélère : pendant l’amour, le cœur bat vite. Pendant l’orgasme, il cogne ! Une respiration plus rapide : la respiration est également un marqueur de l’orgasme. On peut avoir besoin de reprendre son souffle, on peut chercher son air, on peut haleter de plaisir… La température corporelle augmente : difficile de le mesurer (on ne va pas sortir le thermomètre), mais on peut sentir que l’on a chaud ! Le diamètre de la pupille s’élargit : certes, ce n’est pas le moment de s’observer dans un miroir, mais vous pouvez regarder votre partenaire dans les yeux… et constater combien c’est magique ! Une envie de faire pipi, notamment chez les femmes (je vous invite aussi à lire notre article sur l'éjaculation féminine). La partie du périnée qui entoure le vagin peut, en se contractant de plus en plus fort, chatouiller l’urètre. Pour rappel, le périnée est un ensemble de muscles qui participent au plaisir sexuel. Chez la femme, toujours, la lubrification est plus intense : les femmes se sentent davantage mouillées. Aussi, les lèvres au niveau de la vulve gonflent et le gland du clitoris est plus visible et plus dur. Chez l’homme, l’érection peut être plus dure, plus rigide, preuve que l’orgasme est en cours. L’éjaculation, chez les hommes, est également une preuve de l’orgasme qui point. Toutefois, attention, il n’est pas impossible d’éjaculer sans jouir : on parle alors de réflexe. Le plaisir mécanique est présent mais il manque certainement une dimension psy pour déclencher un véritable orgasme masculin capable de surprendre le corps et l’esprit ! Et puis, selon les individus : une envie de rire ou de pleurer, un besoin de crier ou de parler, des rougeurs sur la poitrine, un fantasme de douleur, des spasmes... Après l’orgasme, de nouveaux indices pour savoir que l’on a joui Si, pendant l’orgasme, certaines femmes et certains hommes ont envie de rire ou de pleurer, il faut savoir que ces réactions émotionnelles peuvent arriver après l’orgasme et l’éjaculation. Ainsi, si vous êtes ému, dites-vous que vous venez certainement de jouir. Sinon, pourquoi votre état changerait-il comme ça ? En plus de cela, après un rapport sexuel et un orgasme, une sensation intense de détente peut vous envahir, jusqu’à vous donner envie dormir. Car oui, le cerveau est présent pendant le plaisir et l’orgasme : il lâche des neurotransmetteurs qui ont un super effet relaxant ! Par exemple, l’ocytocine détend et renforce le lien au partenaire, tandis que les endorphines, connues pour atténuer la sensation de douleur physique procurent un état de bien-être général. Donc si vous planez après avoir pris beaucoup de plaisir, c’est normal, et il y a de grandes chances que vous ayez touché l’orgasme ! Une autre façon de se rendre compte de l’orgasme qui vient de se produire : la sensibilité des parties intimes. Tout le monde ne la rencontre pas. Mais beaucoup d’hommes et de femmes ne souhaitent plus qu’on leur touche le pénis, la vulve ou le gland du clitoris : ces organes du plaisir ont bien travaillé et ont besoin de se remettre de leurs émotions. On parle de période réfractaire, ce laps de temps durant lequel le sexe prend sa pause après la jouissance. L’érection redescend, le clitoris aussi. Il faudra plusieurs minutes, voire plusieurs heures, pour relancer le plaisir depuis la phase d’excitation, la toute première ! Orgasme clitoridien ou vaginal ? La question existe toujours. Des femmes pensent parfois qu’elles n’ont pas joui car il n’y a eu pénétration vaginale, c’est faux ! L’orgasme féminin n’a pas de loi, pas de règles. Dans tous les cas, il provient du clitoris, ce fabuleux organe dédié au plaisir, qui gonfle à mesure des caresses. Distinguer l’orgasme vaginal de l’orgasme clitoridien n’a donc aucun sens, et c’est une bonne nouvelle. Le clitoris s’étend à l’intérieur du corps sur plusieurs centimètres. Dans sa « planque », il croise le périnée, qui, à force de contractions, le stimule. En somme, une femme peut jouir en pratiquant une pénétration vaginale, mais aussi en profitant de stimulations de la vulve et du gland du clitoris. D’ailleurs, on sait aujourd’hui que les femmes qui ont tendance à moins jouir mènent généralement une vie sexuelle très orientée sur la pénétration vaginale : or, c’est bien en caressant l’extérieur du sexe féminin (la vulve et la partie émergée du clitoris) que l’orgasme peut surprendre ! Eh oui, il s’agit d’un orgasme à part entière. On peut tout à fait avoir un orgasme sans avoir stimulé le vagin, de la même manière que faire du sexe sans pénétration, c’est faire du sexe quand même ! En sortant de ces stéréotypes, on s’ouvre à tous nos orgasmes et on les aime d’autant plus ! Changer sa vision de l’orgasme pour mieux jouir Et si on arrêtait d’imaginer que l’orgasme est forcément la conséquence d’une pénétration active et rythmée ? Et si on arrêtait d’imaginer que l’orgasme est forcément spectaculaire, accompagné de cris, de rideaux qu’on arrache, d’ongles qui griffent les épaules du partenaire ? En accordant davantage de liberté à nos orgasmes, en acceptant qu’ils soient petits, grands, timides, originaux ou encore flemmards, on apprend à les accueillir comme ils sont et donc à les apprécier. On apprend également à apprécier leurs particularités : certains nous feront suffoquer, d’autres nous offriront de petits tremblements seulement… On saura alors que toutes les manifestations physiques et physiologiques sont dans la nature, et que le plus important, c’est bien de se connecter à elles pour en tirer un maximum de plaisir ! Choisissons donc de regarder nos orgasmes avec plus d’indulgence. Si on sort de notre vision étroite, on reconnaîtra mieux l’orgasme, puisqu’on lui accordera le droit d’être qui il est ! Qui sait si nous ne sommes pas passés à côté de plusieurs orgasmes, tout ça parce qu’ils n’avaient pas l’air… d’orgasme ? Se laisser surprendre par l’orgasme Pourquoi certaines personnes accusent des difficultés à jouir ? Parce qu’elles espèrent, plus que tout, jouir. Nous voulons tous des orgasmes : il faut voir comme la jouissance est plaisante ! Mais si nous focalisons uniquement sur cet objectif, nous passons à côté du plaisir. Notre « phase de plateau » s’appauvrit. Or, c’est bien en vivant à fond les caresses, en prenant le temps de stimuler nos zones érogènes, que l’on cumule du plaisir. Voilà comment l’orgasme peut nous surprendre ensuite : parce qu’on ne s’attend pas à lui mais qu’on a mis toutes les chances de notre côté ! Une bonne résolution : ne plus chercher à « performer ». L’idée n’est pas d’atteindre d’incroyables orgasmes mais de se sentir bien dans son corps, de se connecter à ses sensations, de prendre soin de ses rapports sexuels, de le faire durer… C’est comme ça que l’orgasme peut débarquer et être agréable. Oser la masturbation pour mieux connaître ses orgasmes Pour d’autant mieux accepter ses orgasmes et surtout apprendre à les connaître et les reconnaître, la pratique de la masturbation chez les femmes comme chez les hommes est une bonne idée. Bien entendu, il ne s’agit pas d’une pratique obligatoire : chacun fait ce qu’il veut, comme il veut. Simplement, le fait de s’essayer à l’autoérotisme offre un temps d’observation très précieux. Disons qu’il n’est pas question de faire l’amour avec son cerveau (seulement) et d’être en mode « analyse », mais il est intéressant de voir la masturbation comme un terrain de jeu et de sensations nouvelles en quête d’une sexualité plus épanouie. On peut tester des choses : Est-ce que si je me caresse plus longtemps et contiens mon désir plus longtemps, l’orgasme est plus fort ensuite ? Est-ce que des caresses plus franches provoquent un plaisir plus grand ? Est-ce qu’une masturbation plus « physique » (changement de positions, rythme de caresses soutenu…) entraîne des orgasmes d’un nouveau type ? Dois-je stimuler des zones érogènes que j’ai tendance à oublier, ou qui sont peu sollicitées pendant les rapports sexuels à deux ? Elles méritent peut-être un meilleur traitement ! En solo, c’est l’occasion ! Est-ce que mes doigts me comblent de plaisir, ou puis-je utiliser un sextoy ? Pour stimuler le clitoris et le vagin chez la femme, la prostate et le pénis chez l’homme… A chaque jouet son rôle pour nous accompagner dans l’expérience de nos orgasmes. La masturbation permet ainsi de découvrir plusieurs types d’orgasmes et de comprendre que nos orgasmes ne sont jamais les mêmes. Tout dépend de nos caresses, de nos pratiques, des zones érogènes abordées, de notre état d’esprit à ce moment-là… L’important, c’est d’entendre que tous les orgasmes sont dans… notre nature ! Nos sextoys best-sellers pour une (re)découverte de vos orgasmes myPleasure, Le Vibromasseur Point G incurvé, un sextoy au féminin pour une stimulation vaginale en douceur. The Amazing! - Le 2 en 1 - Stimulateur clitoridien & vibromasseur, pour une stimulation clitoridienne inouïe grâce à des vibrations intenses. Adès - L'expérience ultime pour votre pénis, pour une pénétration parfaite et de nouvelles sensations à l’érection !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Which clitoral vibrator is right for you?

The clitoral vibrator, often considered a discreet pleasure accessory, is much more than just a gadget. In fact, it represents a revolution in the field of sexual health and female well-being. Understanding how it works, its benefits, and how to choose the right one can transform the intimate experience of many women, offering them not only pleasure but also a better understanding of their bodies. Clitoral vibrators are designed to meet the varied needs of women, whether they are new to sex toys or looking for new and intense sensations. Each model has its own characteristics and specificities, making the choice sometimes difficult, but also exciting. In this article, we will explore in detail what a clitoral vibrator is, the different types available on the market, and how to choose the one that will suit you best. We will also cover the practical aspects of their use and maintenance, without forgetting to share user testimonials and expert opinions to guide you in your process. A clit vibrator: how does it work? A clitoral vibrator is a device designed specifically to stimulate the clitoris using vibrations or pulsations. This device, often compact and discreet, uses internal motors to create rapid movements that translate into pleasurable sensations when applied to the clitoral area. Models can vary in terms of power, vibration modes, and materials, offering a range of options to suit different needs and preferences. The clitoris, with its thousands of nerve endings, is extremely sensitive, making it an ideal area for using vibrations. A good clitoral vibrator can target this area precisely, providing direct and controlled stimulation that can be adjusted in intensity according to the user's desires. Some models even offer pulsation or hot/cold effect options to diversify the sensations. A bit of history about the vibrator Vibrators have a fascinating history that dates back to the late 19th century. They were originally used by doctors to treat what was then called “female hysteria.” These early models were bulky and crude, but over the decades, technology evolved, making these devices more compact, effective, and suitable for personal use. The 1960s and 1970s marked a turning point with the sexual revolution, when vibrators began to be marketed directly to women. This period saw the emergence of more ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing models , designed to be used in the privacy of the home. Today, clitoral vibrators are at the cutting edge of technology, incorporating high-quality materials such as medical silicone, and advanced features such as Bluetooth connectivity, allowing the device to be controlled via mobile applications. Today's Vibrators: More and More Innovation Technological evolution has significantly improved the user experience. Motors have become quieter and more powerful, allowing for more intense stimulation without compromising discretion. The materials used, such as medical silicone, are hypoallergenic and easy to clean, ensuring safe and hygienic use. Why use a clitoral vibrator? Clitoral vibrators offer more than just moments of pleasure, they are real tools of well-being, helping to improve sexual and general health. Using a clitoral vibrator allows you to better understand your body, explore your preferences and discover what gives you the most pleasure. Self-exploration through the clitoral vibrator can lead to better self-knowledge. This often results in an increase in self-confidence and improved communication with your partner. By better understanding your own body and its reactions, it becomes easier to share your desires and needs, thus enriching your sex life in a significant way. Clitoral vibrators can also help relieve some physical tension. For example, the vibrations can stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area, helping to relax muscles and reduce pain related to tension or stress. This physical relaxation is often accompanied by mental relaxation, contributing to an overall state of well-being. Clitoral vibrators: allies for mental well-being Using a clitoral vibrator is also beneficial for mental health. Orgasms release endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can help reduce stress and improve mood. After a stimulation session, many women feel a sense of relaxation and contentment, which can be especially beneficial after a stressful day. Rhythmic and controlled vibrations can also act as a form of meditation. By focusing on pleasant sensations and being present in the moment, users can find a moment of calm and mental respite. This can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of inner peace. Achieve orgasms faster The main advantage of clitoral vibrators, however, remains the pleasure they provide. They allow you to reach orgasms faster and more intensely, especially for those who may have difficulty reaching orgasm through manual stimulation alone. The different types of clitoral stimulators External vibrators are among the most popular models for clitoral stimulation. Designed to be used directly on the clitoris and surrounding erogenous zones , these sex toys are often compact and easy to handle. Their design allows for targeted stimulation, providing intense and precise sensations. At Goliate, we offer several vibrators dedicated to clitoral pleasure : Liky the pebble-shaped sex toy : for discreet and gentle pleasure, Our Dalia Ultimate Geisha Balls : for internal and external use, Our Amazing clitoral stimulator : for intense pleasure that will take you to seventh heaven for sure, Our Rabbit My Pleasure Plus : for intense pleasure that stimulates your entire vulva with a heating effect that can be activated if you are curious! How do you know which clitoral vibrator is right for you? Every person is different, using a clitoral stimulator depends on your preferences and habits: If you are a fan of clitoral pleasure: it goes without saying that trying it is an excellent idea, For beginners, our Liki in the form of a vibrating pebble is an excellent choice: it will allow you to gently discover clitoral pleasure and you can even use it for gentler foreplay or for practicing vanilla sex, For the experienced : we obviously recommend the My Pleasure Plus which will allow you to discover new sensations at all levels, If you like different intensities : our The Amazing vibrator will make you happy. In any case, the best thing is to start with something that appeals to you and seems accessible, then you can always move on to the next level if you feel like it! How to maintain your vibrator? Properly using and maintaining a clitoral vibrator is essential for an optimal and long-lasting experience. Before each use, clean it with warm water and a mild soap or our sex toy cleaner , then apply our natural water-based lubricant for an optimal experience. Start with the lowest vibration settings and gradually increase to find the position that works best for you. After use, clean the vibrator again and store it in a clean, dry place. Inspect the device regularly for signs of wear and recharge the battery to maintain its performance. Following these recommendations will ensure the longevity of your vibrator and ensure safe and hygienic use.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Blood penises will no longer hold any secrets for you

The blood penis is characterized by significant erections in terms of size and firmness, due to a substantial increase in blood flow . This natural phenomenon is an essential aspect of male sexual health and well-being. Although it is less known than its counterpart, the flesh penis, it is no less important for understanding the diversity of male physiology. This article aims to shed light on this little-discussed topic. We will explore in detail what a blood penis is, how it works, and what its implications are for sex life. You will also be explained how it differs from chaitr penises. You will also discover how this type of penis can influence partner pleasure and satisfaction. What is a blood penis? The blood penis is a type of penis that changes size significantly between the flaccid and erect states. Unlike the flesh penis, which maintains a relatively constant size, the blood penis experiences a significant increase in volume when blood flow increases during erection. This difference is due to the composition of the tissues and the way blood circulates and is stored in the corpora cavernosa of the penis. How does the blood penis work physiologically? When a man is aroused, the brain sends nerve signals that cause the blood vessels in the penis to dilate. For men with a blood penis, this dilation allows a massive influx of blood into the corpora cavernosa, causing the penis to go from a small size to a much larger and firmer size . This process is completely natural and is part of the normal mechanism of erection. The blood penis may seem small or average when flaccid, but it can double or even triple in size when erect. This may surprise some sexual partners, but it is a physiological, normal and healthy reaction. What makes up the penis blood? To better understand the blood penis, it is helpful to examine its anatomy. The penis is composed of two corpora cavernosa and a corpus spongiosum. The corpora cavernosa, located on the sides of the penis, are the main receptacles for blood during erection . In men with a blood penis, these corpora cavernosa are particularly extensible, which allows for greater accumulation of blood. The erection process begins with sexual stimulation, which can be physical or mental. This stimulation causes the release of nitric oxide into the erectile tissue, which causes smooth muscles to relax and blood vessels to dilate. Blood then flows into the corpora cavernosa, causing them to expand and the penis to become rigid. Differences Between Blood Penises and Flesh Penises The main difference between a blood penis and a flesh penis is the variation in size between the flaccid and erect states. A flesh penis remains relatively constant in size, whether flaccid or erect , due to less extensibility of the corpora cavernosa. This distinction does not relate to sexual functionality or the ability to give pleasure. Both types of penises are completely normal and can function effectively during sexual intercourse. However, understanding this difference can help to alleviate some concerns and promote greater acceptance of one's own body. Why do we have a blood or flesh penis? The prevalence of blood penis versus flesh penis may vary depending on genetic factors. Genetics plays a key role in determining the structure of body tissues, including those of the penis. Thus, penis type is often inherited genetically. Physical activity level, cardiovascular health, and lifestyle can also influence erectile function and overall penile health . A balanced diet rich in nutrients that benefit blood flow and a regular exercise routine can help maintain penile health, regardless of classification. Although precise studies on the distribution of penis types are limited, it is generally accepted that both types are widely present in the male population. There is no universal "norm", and each individual is unique in his or her physical constitution. Sexuality according to penis type The distinction between a blood penis and a flesh penis can influence perceptions and expectations of sexual performance. However, it is essential to remember that each type of penis is capable of providing pleasure and satisfaction, and anatomical differences do not determine the quality of sexual intercourse. Impact of penis type on sexual performance Men with a blood penis may find that the significant increase in size when erect can provide a different experience for their partners. Men with a flesh penis, on the other hand, who maintain a more consistent size, may notice a less noticeable change between flaccid and erect. This can reduce the need for extensive lubrication or prolonged warm-up. It is important to adapt to the particularities of your body and those of your partner to maximize pleasure. For men with a blood penis, the use of lubricants can be particularly beneficial to ensure optimal comfort, at Goliate, you can obviously test our natural lubricant will allow you better comfort in all your sexual relations. Improve your sex life alone or as a couple The different sex toys are a real discovery in improving sexual life, offering new sensations and meeting the specific needs of men. Using suitable toys can increase your pleasure alone, but also allow you to discover new sensations in your relationships as a couple! Of course, vibrators aren't just for women. There are also toys that can enhance the pleasure for the penis ! Couples vibrators, for example, can be used to stimulate both the penis and the partner's erogenous zones, adding an exciting dimension to the sexual experience. Prostate stimulators, also called prostate massagers, can provide intense internal stimulation, increasing the feeling of pleasure during sexual intercourse and allowing you to discover the intense pleasure of the prostate and masturbation. At Goliate, you can test our ideal prostate massager if you are a beginner . It will allow you to simply discover the joyful pleasures of the prostate. To increase your pleasure and the duration of your erections, you can also try penis rings . By exerting light pressure at the base of the penis, they help keep blood in the corpora cavernosa for longer, which can be particularly beneficial for men with a blood penis. At Goliate, we have created a dual penile and prostate stimulator to allow you to multiply your pleasure. It is already worth testing for people who are not beginners with sex toys. In both cases, using natural lubricant is ideal for a comfortable and enjoyable sexual experience. Lubricants reduce friction, preventing irritation and improving the fluidity of movements. Blood penis pleasure is within your reach! By reading this article, you have discovered what a blood penis is, how it works and how it differs from a flesh penis. It is important to understand and accept the diversity of bodies and their functioning. Each type of penis, whether blood or flesh, has its own particularities that can enrich the intimate experience. By knowing your body better and adopting suitable practices and products, you can improve your well-being and that of your partner, so be creative and open, it will only bring you more well-being!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

All your questions about the G-spot

Welcome to a space where curiosity meets knowledge and where every discovery opens the door to unsuspected pleasures. Today, we invite you to explore with us one of the best-kept secrets of female pleasure: the G-spot. Long shrouded in mystery and the subject of much debate, this place of intense pleasure remains unknown to many. But do you really know the potential of this unique erogenous zone? In this article, we will decipher together the mysteries of the G-spot. You will discover not only where it is and how to stimulate it, but also why and how this small area can play an important role in your sexual fulfillment. Whether you are a novice in the field or looking for advanced techniques to increase your pleasure, this guide is designed to accompany you in each step of your exploration. Let’s lay the foundations: what is the G-spot? The G-spot, or Gräfenberg point, is an erogenous zone located inside the vagina, whose stimulation can lead to great intensity of pleasure and sometimes to orgasm. This small area, sensitive to pressure, is located a few centimeters inside the anterior wall of the vagina, just behind the pubic bone. The Quest for the G-Spot: Accessing More Pleasure Discovering the G-spot is not just an exploration of your anatomy; it is an invitation to get to know your body better through masturbation for example, and to explore your sexuality in a deep and satisfying way. Each experience is unique, and finding the G-spot can be a rewarding personal adventure. How to stimulate the G-spot perfectly? Step 1: Let’s start with our hands! Before we introduce tools like a vibrator, let's start small: Finding the G-spot with your fingers is a great moment to share, even if it's not as easy as it seems. Using your fingers to apply gentle but firm pressure can help identify this sensitive area. Finger movements up the pubic bone or in and out are often recommended for effective G-spot stimulation. STEP 2: Find G-Spot Vibrators Choosing a vibrator that is specifically designed for G-spot stimulation can transform your experience. These vibrators typically have a curve that makes it easier to reach and stimulate the G-spot. For optimal stimulation, it is advisable to start slowly to get used to the sensation and gradually increase the intensity. The angle of insertion and the pressure applied can greatly affect the level of pleasure felt. Of course, every body reacts differently! What works for one person may not work for another, so exploration and patience are crucial. How to make exploring the G-spot unforgettable? If you are exploring with a partner, communication is key. Express how you feel and adjust techniques accordingly. Relax: Being relaxed is fundamental to a pleasurable sexual experience. Take the time to get comfortable and relax to improve the sensitivity of your G-spot. Choosing the right time: The timing of G-spot stimulation can also influence the experience. During arousal, this area becomes more engorged and therefore more sensitive, making it the ideal time to begin stimulation. Create an unforgettable atmosphere: sex is also a matter of energy that we put into it! Put your partner at ease, create a soft and sensual atmosphere with slow sex as if you wanted to give him a sexy massage for hours and take care of the foreplay. There is more to life than penetration! Listen to your partner: Listening is of capital importance in a sexual relationship. Realizing the reactions of the other, what he likes or not, how he reacts… This is key to knowing how to give him more pleasure. How to choose the ideal vibrator for G-spot stimulation? The ideal vibrator for G-spot stimulation is distinguished by its curved shape, designed specifically to reach and stimulate this internal erogenous zone. This curvature allows the vibrator to press against the G-spot with the ideal amount of pressure, without excessive effort or discomfort. Choosing the right materials for your vibrators Choose a vibrator made from body-safe materials, such as medical-grade silicone, which is not only soft and pleasant to the touch but also hypoallergenic and easy to clean. Avoid cheap plastics that may contain phthalates or other harmful chemicals. Choosing between the different models Size matters when it comes to comfort and pleasure. A vibrator that is too big can be intimidating or uncomfortable for some, while one that is too small may not be effective. Choose a vibrator that is the right size and shape for your personal experience and preferences. At Goliate, we offer you 2 vibrators perfect for G-spot stimulation: My Pleasure: our sex toy specially designed for G-spot stimulation. Its curvature designed specifically for this and its ideal softness will delight you in stimulating your G-spot. My Pleasure Plus : having all the qualities of My Pleasure, it also allows you to stimulate the clitoris to make your partner explode with pleasure. How to stimulate the G-spot with a sex toy? To stimulate the G-spot with a vibrator, start by applying a little water-based lubricant to ensure comfort and fluidity. Insert the vibrator slowly, with the curve facing upward, towards the front wall of the vagina. Experiment with different pressure levels, speeds, and angles to find what feels best for you. Frequently Asked Questions About the G-Spot What exactly is the G-spot? The G-spot is an erogenous zone located inside the vagina, on its anterior wall. Although its size and sensitivity vary from person to person, it is generally located about 2 to 3 cm inside the vagina, just beyond the entrance. How do I know if I've found the G-spot? You will know you have found the G-spot when you feel an area that is slightly rougher than the rest of the vaginal tissue. Stimulating this area can cause an intense sensation, which can be very pleasant for some women, while for others it may be simply comfortable or even indifferent. Is it normal to not feel pleasure when stimulating the G-spot? Yes, this is completely normal. G-spot sensitivity varies greatly from person to person. Some people may find great pleasure in stimulating this area, while others may not feel any particular sensation. The important thing is to discover what works for you and what gives you pleasure. One thing is for sure, you have to try it to know if you will like it. Every person is unique, and the quest for the G-spot is a personal journey that may require patience and experimentation. Feel free to try out different techniques and toys that we have recommended, listening to yourself and always respecting your personal limits and those of your partner. If you don't like it, there are still many other things to try!

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How to improve libido naturally?

Libido, or sexual desire, plays a crucial role in our emotional well-being and intimate relationships. However, many factors can affect libido, such as stress, fatigue, or health issues. Fortunately, there are natural methods to boost libido without resorting to medication . This article explores practical solutions to naturally improve your sex life. Understanding Libido Libido is influenced by a complex set of psychological, biological, and relationship factors . Research shows that conditions such as depression or anxiety can severely decrease interest in sexual activity. From a biological perspective, hormones such as testosterone and estrogen play a critical role in regulating sexual desire. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that balanced levels of these hormones are essential for normal libido in both women and men. Natural factors affecting libido Sleep Quality sleep is crucial for a healthy libido. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to a decrease in testosterone production in men, reducing their sex drive. Research from the University of Chicago found that men who slept less than five hours a night for a week had significantly lower testosterone levels than those who got a full night's sleep. Food As you might expect, what we eat has a direct impact on our libido. Certain foods are particularly beneficial for increasing libido, such as: Oysters: Rich in zinc, they stimulate testosterone production. Dark Chocolate: Stimulates the release of serotonin and phenylethylamine, improving mood and desire. Avocados: Source of vitamin B6 and potassium, which improve blood circulation and energy levels. Of course, it is essential to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle. So there is no point in throwing yourself on the 3 bars of chocolate that are patiently waiting in your cupboard... Physical exercise Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and increases the production of endorphins, the " happy hormone ," which can boost libido. Specific exercises like yoga or Pilates also improve flexibility and body awareness, which are key to a fulfilling sex life. Regular exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise , can increase libido by improving blood flow and reducing stress. According to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, men who exercise regularly have better sexual performance and a higher libido than those who remain sedentary. Natural strategies to improve your libido Stress management Stress management is vital to maintaining a healthy libido. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can significantly reduce stress and improve sexual function. A study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco showed that regular meditation practice can significantly improve sexual function in women. Take time for yourself Taking time for yourself is essential to cultivating a healthy relationship with your sexuality and, by extension, improving your libido. In a world where daily stress and obligations can erode our energy and sexual desire, taking time out to reconnect with your own needs and desires becomes essential . Self-reflection helps us understand the underlying causes of low libido, whether they are physical, emotional or psychological. To practice this listening to yourself, it can be beneficial to regularly engage in activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness (such as meditation, the yoga mentioned above), or even walks in nature . These quiet moments help reduce stress and clear the mind, which can reveal buried or neglected desires. By becoming aware of your inner state and actively addressing stressors, you can often rediscover an interest in intimate interactions and see a noticeable improvement in your libido. The massage Sensual or sexy massage is a beautiful and effective method to enhance intimacy and boost libido between partners. With an emphasis on gentle, intentional touch, this type of massage can not only relax the body but also awaken the senses, setting the stage for deeper and more satisfying sexual interactions. The key is open communication and mutual consent , allowing each partner to express their preferences and boundaries. To incorporate sensual massage into your intimate life, start by creating a relaxing and seductive atmosphere: turn off the lights, light scented candles, and choose soft music. Use an organic massage oil that is pleasant to the touch and has the right scent to create an atmosphere conducive to letting go and sexual exploration. The massage should be gentle and exploratory, without focusing solely on erogenous zones. Encourage communication during the massage, asking for and giving feedback on preferred pressure and movements. This practice can not only increase physical connection, but also emotional connection, making partners more open and receptive to each other. By exploring new ways of giving and receiving pleasure, sensual massage can reignite passion and significantly improve the dynamics of your relationship. Herbs and food supplements Herbs like ginseng and maca have been used for centuries to boost libido. Ginseng promotes endurance and performance, while maca (a Peruvian root) regulates hormonal imbalances that affect sexual desire. A review published in "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine" confirmed that maca improved sexual desire in both men and women after six weeks of use. Here is a small list of plants that can help support libido: Maca : Native to the Peruvian Andes, maca is a tuber known for its properties that boost energy, stamina, and libido. Studies have shown that maca can improve sexual desire without directly affecting hormonal levels. Ginseng : Ginseng, especially Korean red ginseng, is famous for its beneficial effects on libido and sexual performance. It is often used to improve energy and reduce fatigue, which can indirectly increase sexual desire. Tribulus terrestris : This supplement has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including low libido in both men and women. Some studies suggest it may help increase levels of certain sex hormones, including testosterone. Ginkgo biloba : Known for its effects on blood circulation and neurological health, Ginkgo biloba may also help improve sexual function by increasing blood flow to the genitals, which is essential for sexual arousal and performance. Fenugreek : Fenugreek is an herb that has been shown to help increase libido and sexual performance by increasing testosterone production and improving symptoms of menopause. L-Arginine : This amino acid helps improve blood circulation, which can benefit sexual health. Arginine is converted in the body into nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow to the genitals. It is important to note that while these supplements may help improve libido, they should be used with caution and preferably under the supervision of a healthcare professional . Effects may vary from person to person, and they may interact with other medications or medical conditions. Integration of sex toys and masturbation Using sex toys and practicing masturbation are effective ways to explore your sexual preferences and improve your libido. Sex toys can help individuals and couples discover what turns them on, which can increase their desire and improve their sexual experiences. So don't hesitate to take the plunge and choose your first sex toy , your libido could be greatly improved. Masturbation, on the other hand, is not only a practice to satisfy immediate needs; it is also essential to understanding what gives pleasure. Studies indicate that regular masturbation can have several health benefits, including improved sleep quality, reduced stress, and improved focus. An article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who masturbate regularly report better sexual function and greater sexual satisfaction. The same is true for men, so feel free to brush up on the basics of masturbation. The Harms of Porn on Libido and How to Get Rid of It  Pornography consumption has become commonplace in modern society, but its impact on libido and sexual health can be complex. While for some, porn can add a spicy dimension to their sex life, especially partnered porn , for others, it can lead to addiction issues, distorted sexual expectations, and a decreased desire for real-life sexual interactions. Negative effects of porn on libido: Distortion of expectations : Pornography can create unrealistic expectations about performance, body, and sexual practices, which can lead to dissatisfaction in real-life sexual relationships. Desensitization : Frequent exposure to extreme sexual stimuli can make normal sexual stimuli less arousing, which can decrease libido and arousal in real-life situations. Porn Addiction : Like any addiction, porn addiction can lead to a compulsive need to consume more and more content, often to the detriment of other activities and relationships. Strategies to Reduce Porn Addiction Awareness and education : Understanding the potentially harmful effects of porn can help motivate behavior change. Seeking therapy : Professionals, such as sex therapists or therapists, can offer advice and strategies for overcoming addiction. Developing Other Hobbies : Replacing time spent watching porn with other activities can reduce addiction and improve overall quality of life. Sexual education to better understand your body Open communication with your partner is essential for a healthy sex life. Discussing your needs and desires can not only improve your relationship, but also increase your desire for each other. Beyond communication, comprehensive sex education is essential and should include information about anatomy, sexual physiology, and sexual and reproductive health. Knowing your body and understanding how it works can greatly improve self-confidence and sexual satisfaction. For example, understanding the different phases of sexual response (desire, arousal, orgasm) can help individuals better manage their expectations and enhance their sexual experience. Sex education can also help debunk many myths surrounding sexuality, which can reduce performance anxiety and increase pleasure. Well-designed sex education programs can also teach the importance of consent and communication, which are essential for healthy and fulfilling relationships. Follow the Goliate pleasure guide to better understand female anatomy and know how to give yourself pleasure. In a more fun and educational way, you can also participate in our "hottest" Quiz in France each month, which will allow you to learn more about sexuality while having fun , and who knows, maybe even win gifts . You will have understood... Improving your libido naturally is possible through a combination of good nutrition, regular exercise, effective stress management, and open communication with your partner. There's no secret that by adopting these habits, you can not only improve your sexual health but also your overall well-being. Up to you !

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Increasing female orgasm tenfold, it's possible

Welcome to an intimate journey to the discovery of female pleasure, where we will explore together how to achieve vaginal orgasm. This subject, often shrouded in mystery and sometimes misunderstanding, deserves particular attention not only for its importance in sexual fulfillment, but also for the general well-being that it can generate. In this article, we demystify vaginal orgasm, providing you with clear information and practical advice to help you navigate this peak of pleasure. Whether you already have experience in this area or are curious to learn more about your own ability to experience a vaginal orgasm, you will find valuable resources here to enrich your journey. We'll discuss the differences between clitoral and vaginal orgasm , explore the factors that influence the ability to have a vaginal orgasm, and share specific techniques and tips for maximizing your pleasure potential. Ready to explore the depths of your pleasure? Let us guide you towards a better understanding of your body and its vast possibilities for experiencing pleasure. Join us to transform your approach to intimacy and strengthen your personal connection with your sexuality. How to promote female orgasm? Communication and connection with partner In the context of a shared experience, open communication with the partner is essential to achieving a vaginal orgasm. Expressing your desires, needs, and boundaries can help your partner understand how to effectively stimulate you. Additionally, a deep emotional connection can intensify the experience and make vaginal orgasm more accessible. Physical health influences orgasms General physical health can also affect the ability to experience a vaginal orgasm. For example, medical conditions such as vaginal dryness or pelvic pain can make penetration uncomfortable and therefore less conducive to orgasm. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if physical barriers persist. The importance of Kegel exercises Kegel exercises are a proven method for strengthening the pelvic floor, which can play a crucial role in the ability to achieve and intensify vaginal orgasms. A strong pelvic floor better supports the pelvic organs, improving sexual response and sensation during penetration. To perform Kegel exercises correctly, you must contract the muscles in the perineum that you would use to stop the flow of urine, hold them contracted for a few seconds, and then release them. It is recommended to repeat this process several times a day. Improve the body and mind connection Breathing plays a key role in relaxation and the ability to achieve orgasm. Deep breathing techniques can help relax the body and increase blood oxygenation, which improves arousal and sexual responsiveness. Breathing synchronized with movements during sex can also increase intimacy and shared pleasure with the partner. Meditation and visualization of pleasure Meditation and visualization are powerful tools for improving body awareness and emotional connection to the sexual act. Practicing meditation focused on bodily sensations can help dispel mental distractions and focus more on feelings of pleasure. Visualizing orgasm can also mentally prepare the body for the experience, increasing the chances of achieving it. Tips for promoting orgasm during intercourse Foreplay you will do Foreplay plays an essential role in sexual arousal, especially for vaginal orgasm. Intimate caresses , kisses, and other forms of erotic stimulation can increase blood flow to the genitals, improving sensitivity and the possibility of reaching orgasm. Taking the time necessary to build excitement is key. Ideal positions you will adopt Certain sexual positions are better suited to stimulating internal erogenous zones like the G-spot. For example, revisiting the missionary position , where the woman's legs are on her partner's shoulders, can allow for better vaginal stimulation. Using cushions under the hips to adjust the angle of penetration may also be beneficial. Sex toys you will use In addition to manual techniques, sex toys can be used during exercises to discover what stimulates vaginal pleasure the most. For example, dilators or vibrators specifically designed for G-spot stimulation can be valuable tools for women exploring their ability to have a vaginal orgasm. Clitoral Stimulators : Ideal for precise external stimulation, these devices are designed to be both compact and efficient, delivering impressive power to maximize pleasure. Rabbit Vibrators : Designed for both clitoral and vaginal stimulation, these Rabbit vibrators often feature customizable speed settings and vibration modes for a tailored experience. Geisha Balls : used to tone the pelvic muscles, these balls improve muscle control and the intensity of orgasms, while contributing to general pelvic health, especially after childbirth. You too can reach orgasm Every woman is unique in her ability to experience pleasure. Understanding and exploring your body is a deeply personal process, which requires patience and perseverance. There is no magic formula to guarantee a vaginal orgasm, but the techniques, tips and exercises we have shared here are valuable tools to increase your chances of having this rewarding experience. It is also important to emphasize that female sexuality should not be surrounded by pressure or stereotypes. Seeking to understand and improve your sexual experience should always be a process done with respect and self-love. We encourage you to experiment confidently, communicate openly with your partner, and rejoice in small discoveries along the way. We hope this article has inspired you to explore new dimensions of your sexuality. To continue learning and exploring, feel free to check out our other resources and guides available on our site. At Goliate, we are dedicated to providing you with reliable information and quality products to accompany you on your intimate journey.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to masturbate properly as a woman?

Welcome to a world where personal well-being and self-discovery take central place. Female masturbation, far from taboos and prejudices, is an essential facet of sexual health and personal fulfillment. How to go about it ? Whether you are new to this practice or looking to deepen your knowledge, this guide is for you. In this article, we will cover in a clear and detailed manner the basic techniques, the psychological and physical benefits, and advise you on the best ways to fully enjoy these moments of intimacy with yourself. Our objective ? Providing you with the keys to a serene and informed exploration, always respecting your pace and preferences. Because knowing your body is the first step towards a fulfilling sex life, we will guide you through the different approaches to masturbation, offering you practical advice and tailored recommendations. Let yourself be guided by our expertise and begin a journey towards greater confidence and pleasure. Discover with us how masturbation can not only improve your health, but also enrich your sex life. Why is masturbation important for women? Introduction to female sexual health Female masturbation is often shrouded in silence and mystery, but it is actually a healthy and natural practice that deserves to be explored with respect and openness. Understanding your own needs and desires is fundamental to a balanced and satisfying sex life. The psychological benefits of masturbation Masturbation isn't just about pleasure; it also plays a crucial role in the psychological well-being of women. It allows you to know yourself better, increase self-confidence and reduce stress and anxiety. By taking the time to discover what gives you pleasure, you develop a more positive relationship with your body. It is a form of self-affirmation and self-love that strengthens mental and emotional health. Why masturbate regularly? On a physical level, masturbation has several benefits. It can improve genital health by increasing blood circulation to the pelvic organs, which contributes to better tissue elasticity and optimal sexual function. In addition, it helps relieve certain menstrual pain thanks to the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones. For women, exploring their bodies can also serve as a preventative exercise against sexual dysfunction, increasing the ability to achieve orgasm. It is essential to deconstruct the myths surrounding female masturbation . Contrary to popular belief, this practice is neither harmful nor selfish; rather, it is an important aspect of personal autonomy. Recognizing and accepting your own desire is a liberating act that opens the way to a richer and more satisfying sexuality. How to get started: first steps towards female masturbation? Make yourself confortable To begin practicing masturbation, it is crucial to create an environment that promotes relaxation and comfort. Choose a private place where you will not be disturbed, and where you feel safe and comfortable. This could be your bedroom, with clean sheets and dim lighting, or any other room that inspires tranquility. The ambiance can be enhanced with soft music or scented candles, depending on your preferences. Want to (re)discover yourself Before you even think about using toys or masturbation aids, it's important to start by exploring your body with your hands. Find out what caresses you like, what movements give you pleasure, and what rhythm suits you best. This personal exploration is fundamental to establishing an intimate connection with yourself, understanding your own sexual desires, and understanding your private parts to learn how to stimulate your clitoris and vulva. Have the right mindset Masturbation is not just a physical affair, it also involves your mental state. For many women, detaching themselves from everyday concerns and getting into a mindset conducive to pleasure can be a challenge. A few techniques can help, such as practicing meditation or deep breathing before you begin. It can also be helpful to consume erotic media, such as literature or films that stimulate the imagination and sexual arousal. Dare to get started Once the environment and state of mind are prepared, start with light intimate caresses around the erogenous zones without going directly to the genitals. This may include the neck, breasts, inner thighs. Gradually work your way to the clitoris and labia, using movements that increase in intensity according to your level of comfort and arousal. It's important to remember that every woman reacts differently, so what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Best practices for masturbation Explore with gentleness and patience When approaching masturbation, particularly for beginners, it is essential to explore your body gently and patiently. Every woman has different preferences and sensitivities, which makes each experience unique. Clitoral stimulation : the starting point The clitoris, an organ dedicated to pleasure with more than 8,000 nerve endings, is often the focal point of female masturbation. Stimulation can begin with gentle circular movements or small pressures with the fingertips. It is important to vary the rhythms and pressures to discover what resonates most with you. Some prefer the use of a water-based lubricant to make this experience more pleasant and less irritating to the delicate skin in this area. Penetrate the vagina gently In addition to clitoral stimulation, vaginal penetration can also provide pleasure. The fingers, after being thoroughly washed, can be used to caress the inside of the vagina. Movements can vary: some prefer gentle, rhythmic movements, while others may explore different angles and depths. It is also an opportunity to explore the G-spot, located on the front wall of the vagina, which can be a source of intense pleasure for some women. Use of lubricants The use of natural lubricants is recommended to make the practice more comfortable and pleasant, especially if you are exploring penetration techniques. Water-based lubricants are recommended because they are safe to use with all types of sex toys and do not damage the materials. They are also easier to clean and less likely to cause irritation. An often overlooked but essential aspect of masturbation is hygiene. Before and after each session, it is crucial to wash your hands and ensure that any toys or objects used are clean. This helps prevent infections and ensures a healthy and safe experience. Masturbation with sex toys for more pleasure Choosing your first sex toy Introducing sex toys into the practice of masturbation can transform the experience significantly. For women wondering how to masturbate in more varied and rewarding ways, sex toys offer a multitude of options. The key is to choose a first sex toy that fits your personal preferences and comfort level. Whether you prefer clitoral stimulators, vibrators, or dildos, each option has its particularities. It's important to start with something simple and intuitive to familiarize yourself with using toys. Clitoral Stimulators : Perfect for those who enjoy direct external stimulation, these toys are typically small and discreet, but powerful in sensation. Rabbit: They can be used for external and internal stimulation. Some models offer options for adjusting speed and vibration modes to personalize the experience. Geisha Balls : Geisha balls , also known as Kegel balls, are valuable instruments for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Not only can they improve the control and intensity of orgasms, but they also play a vital role in pelvic health by preventing organ descent and aiding postpartum recovery. Female masturbation: get started! To conclude this article on female masturbation, let us recall the fundamental importance of this practice in self-discovery and acceptance. Masturbation is not just an act of personal pleasure; it is also a door to a better understanding of our body and its needs, thus allowing a more fulfilling and harmonious sex life. We encourage you to explore the different techniques and products we have discussed without fear or guilt, to find what works best for you. Remember that every woman is unique, and therefore, so is every path to pleasure. Take the time to listen to each other and respond with kindness and curiosity. To go further in this personal adventure, we invite you to consult our selection of sex toys adapted to all levels of discovery. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced, you will find carefully chosen products on our site to support each stage of your personal exploration.

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Managing libido differences in couples: practical guide

In any relationship, sexual harmony plays a crucial role for the general well-being of the partners. However, it is not uncommon for sexual desires to diverge at times, which can create tension and misunderstanding. How, then, can we effectively manage differences in libido to maintain a fulfilling relationship ? This article explores practical and respectful strategies for addressing these differences without stigma or frustration. Understanding Sex Drive Differences Origins of differences The origins of differences in libido between partners can be extremely varied , reflecting the complexity of human sexuality. Biologically , factors such as hormonal levels, general health, and medications can play a significant role. For example, hormones such as testosterone have a direct impact on sexual desire, and variations in these levels can lead to changes in libido. On a psychological level , elements such as the state of mental health, stress, and the personal history of each individual also influence sexual desire. Depression, anxiety, and even fatigue from a busy lifestyle can significantly reduce libido. Additionally, past experiences such as trauma or sex education received can shape the way individuals experience and express their sexuality. Contextually, the dynamics of the relationship itself are determining. Unresolved conflicts, a lack of communication, or even the monotony of daily routine can decrease sexual attraction between partners. On the other hand, periods of major change, such as parenthood or career transitions , can also influence sexual desires significantly. Understanding these origins not only helps demystify the causes of libido differences but also encourages a more empathetic and personalized approach to managing these differences within couples. By recognizing and addressing these underlying factors, partners can work together to find a balance that respects everyone's needs. Myths and realities Understanding libido differences in relationships is often clouded by myths and misunderstandings that can create unrealistic expectations and unnecessary pressure on partners. A common myth is the idea that compatible partners should naturally have synchronized libidos. In reality, it is normal for desires to fluctuate and not always align . This does not necessarily mean incompatibility or a relationship problem. Another persistent myth is that high libido is synonymous with virility or feminine health, while low libido is often seen as a flaw or deficiency. This type of stereotyping can lead to unnecessary shame and prevent people from speaking openly about their true feelings and needs. The reality is that libido is influenced by a multitude of factors and varies greatly from person to person. It is also frequently assumed that libido should always be spontaneous and irrepressible. In truth, many individuals experience what is called a reactive libido , where sexual desire only arises in response to an erotic stimulus rather than before it. Recognizing these diverse ways of experiencing sexuality can help partners better understand and respond to each other's needs without judgment. Effective communication Express your needs and desires Communication is the cornerstone of resolving any differences in a relationship, including libido imbalances. It is crucial to create a space where everyone feels safe to express their needs , concerns and expectations without judgment. Partners should practice empathetic listening to understand the other's perspective and needs without feeling threatened or rejected. Planning vs spontaneity Discussing the frequency of sex can help balance each other's needs. For some, planning intimate moments can help build positive anticipation and manage expectations, with a tender and gentle approach a la vanilla sex , while for others, maintaining an element of spontaneity is crucial. Finding the right balance is key. Pragmatic solutions Innovation and exploration Innovating the way you experience your sexuality can help meet the needs of partners with different libidos. Exploring new forms of intimacy, whether massages, lingering kisses, or even erotic play, can enrich the sexual experience without requiring high desire on either side. Why not try couple porn or audio porn? A gentler way to treat yourself, together. Professional support When differences in libido are causing significant tension, seeing a therapist who specializes in sexology may be an option. This professional can offer personalized strategies and help explore the psychological or relational roots of these differences. Do not hesitate to take part in our “pleasure guide” in which you will have access to a free first appointment with a sex therapist. Take care of the relationship Nurture the relationship outside the bedroom The sexual health of a relationship is often a reflection of its overall health. It is therefore important to nourish the relationship in its other dimensions: spending quality time together , sharing pleasant activities, and supporting each other in daily challenges. Importance of autonomy Recognizing and respecting each person's autonomy when it comes to desires can also alleviate a lot of pressure. Understanding that each partner is an individual with their own rhythms and needs can transform the way we approach the issue of libido. Differences in libido are not insurmountable. With communication, understanding, and a commitment to working together, it is possible to manage these differences in a way that strengthens the relationship rather than weakens it. It takes patience, openness, and sometimes a little creativity, but the rewards—a stronger, more intimate relationship—are worth it. The importance of individual masturbation in a couple relationship Give yourself personal space Individual masturbation , even when in a relationship, plays a crucial role in personal sexual health. It allows each partner to stay in touch with their own desires and to better understand their body and its reactions . This can, therefore, enrich the shared sexual experience, providing knowledge and practices that can be shared and discussed with the partner. Softer, intimate caresses can also be a good approach. Reduce sexual pressure Practicing masturbation can also be used to balance differences in libido within a couple. For the partner with a higher libido, it provides an outlet for their sexual needs without putting pressure on the other. This helps maintain harmony in the relationship, reducing any frustrations or feelings of rejection that might arise. Building confidence and independence Masturbating while in a relationship can also build self-confidence and autonomy. This shows an open-mindedness and maturity in the relationship , where both partners recognize that their sexual satisfaction can also be personal and not exclusively shared. This act can help build a climate of trust where everyone feels free to explore their sexuality without judgment. Promote dialogue around pleasure Finally, accepting and encouraging masturbation in a relationship can promote an open dialogue about pleasure and sexual preferences. This can open up discussions about what each partner likes or discovers about themselves, enriching their shared sex life with new ideas and experiences. Encouraging masturbation as a healthy component of individual sexual identity and well-being in a relationship can transform the way partners perceive intimacy and desire, cultivating a more fulfilling and inclusive approach to sexuality. Integration of sexual accessories and intimate gels Diversify the intimate experience The introduction of sexual accessories or intimate cosmetics can play a significant role in managing differences in libido. Sex toys, for example, can offer new sensations and experiences that reignite sexual interest and break up routine. They allow us to discover new facets of pleasure together, thus facilitating more frequent and satisfying moments of intimacy. With a wide and complete offer, it will be easy for you to find the sex toy that best meets your expectations. Stimulating gels , massage oils and other natural and organic lubricants add an enriching sensory dimension that can make sex more exciting and less predictable, allowing the couple to re-discover themselves in new ways. Explore without pressure These tools can also help maintain physical intimacy at times when one partner feels less sexual desire. For example, using a sex toy can satisfy the need for closeness of the partner with a higher libido without putting pressure on the other for full sexual interaction. Massage oils and gels can be used for moments of relaxation and tenderness, increasing emotional and physical intimacy without focusing solely on the sexual act. Another possibility, why not try a remotely controlled sex toy to spice up your outings ? This will take you out of your routine and can lead to a new discovery of others, around a newfound complicity. Additional Tips for Managing Libido Differences Mutual sex education Sometimes a limited understanding of sexuality can restrict the expression of desires. Taking the time to educate each other about the different dimensions of sexuality can open up new avenues of communication and pleasure. Reading books together on sexuality, watching educational videos such as our complete training of 18 video modules entitled “Guide to Pleasure” , or even attending workshops can enrich your mutual experience. Maintain a positive atmosphere It is crucial to maintain a positive and encouraging attitude towards sexuality in the relationship. Avoiding negative criticism and instead encouraging small steps forward can create a healthier dynamic. Celebrate moments of connection, even if they are small or different than what you had in mind. Define common goals Discuss what each person wants to achieve in the sexual relationship. Whether it is increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse, sharing new forms of pleasure, or simply improving the quality of your intimacies, having clear objectives can guide your joint efforts. Consider satisfaction alternatives It's important to recognize that satisfaction in a relationship doesn't come from sex alone. Finding other sources of pleasure and satisfaction in the relationship can help relieve pressure around sexuality and strengthen other aspects of your partnership. Navigating the sometimes murky waters of libido differences requires empathy, respect, and a willingness to adapt and experiment . By using tools like sex toys and intimate cosmetics, educating themselves about sexuality, and maintaining open and positive communication, couples can overcome these challenges. This can not only improve their sex life, but also strengthen their relationship as a whole, building a deeper understanding and mutual respect between partners. With the right mix of patience, innovation, and commitment, the difference in libido can become an opportunity for growth and renewal for the couple.

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How to use sex toys for maximum pleasure?

Welcome to the fascinating world of sex toys, where your discoveries give you access to more pleasure! Whether you're new to exploring erotic toys or looking to perfect your experience, this guide is designed to take you step by step through the use of sex toys . In this article, we will not only help you choose the sex toy that suits you, but also provide you with practical advice for using it optimally and safely . We'll cover the different types of sex toys, the importance of choosing materials, best hygiene practices and, of course, usage techniques that maximize pleasure. The objective? Make you autonomous in your quest for pleasure, allow you to explore your sexuality with confidence and serenity, and enrich your intimate moments, alone or accompanied. So, are you ready to start this exhilarating adventure? Follow the guide and prepare to rediscover pleasure in all its forms. How to choose the perfect sex toy for you? Initiation to the use of sex toys begins with choosing the toy that will best suit your individual desires and needs. This first step is crucial, because it determines not only your comfort, but also the effectiveness of the sex toy in terms of pleasure provided. Each sex toy has been designed with a specific goal in mind, whether that's to stimulate certain erogenous zones or provide a particular type of sensation. What are the different types of sex toys? Cock rings : These devices are designed to be placed at the base of the penis, helping to maintain erection while prolonging stamina. Some models are equipped with small vibrators to stimulate your partner's clitoris during intercourse, thus adding a dimension of mutual pleasure. Rabbit Vibrators : These vibrators have an insertable part as well as a “rabbit” shaped extension to stimulate the clitoris. They are famous for their ability to deliver simultaneous dual stimulation, making them extremely popular among those seeking an intensely gratifying experience. Clitoral Vacuums : Using pressure wave technology, these sex toys provide a light suction sensation on the clitoris, mimicking the sensation of oral sex. They are ideal for people who prefer non-direct, highly focused stimulation. Geisha balls : Traditionally used to strengthen the pelvic muscles, these small balls are inserted into the vagina and cause discreet and often stimulating muscle contractions as they move. They are perfect for improving muscle control and increasing sensation during intercourse. Vibrating Eggs : Discreet and controllable remotely, vibrating eggs are a great choice for intimate solo or partner play. They can be inserted into the vagina or held against erogenous zones, providing gentle to intense vibrations depending on your preference. Masturbators : Designed primarily for men, these toys simulate various sexual experiences through textured channels and soft materials that mimic the sensation of real penetration. They vary greatly in complexity, ranging from simple handles to more advanced devices with electronic functionality. Quick advice for choosing your first sex toy When choosing your first sex toy, consider your personal stimulation preferences and the body part you want to explore. Identify your preferences : Before making your purchase, think about what you are looking for in a sex toy. Do you want something for internal stimulation, external stimulation, or both? Are you interested in discovering new sensations or do you prefer more familiar stimulations? Consider the type of stimulation : Sex toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each offering a different type of stimulation. Clitoral vacuums are excellent for internal and external stimulation, while Rabbits provide a more realistic feeling of fullness and penetration. Choose the right material : The material of your sex toy is crucial not only for your pleasure but also for your health. We recommend safe and easy-to-clean materials such as medical silicone, glass or metal. Start simple : If you are a beginner, start with something simple and intuitive. A small vibrator or vibrating egg can be a great starting point for exploring new sensations without feeling overwhelmed. We are here to help you make a choice that will bring you satisfaction and confidence in your sexual exploration. Good practices for using sex toys Adopting good habits to pleasure yourself with sex toys guarantees a more pleasant experience but also and above all safe use of your toys. We quickly explain to you why it is key to clean your toys, how to choose the appropriate lubricant, and what are the basic precautions that will transform your experience with sex toys. How to properly maintain your sex toys? Hygiene is the pillar of safe use of sex toys. A good cleaning routine before and after each use is crucial to preventing infections and maintaining the durability of your sex toys. We wrote a dedicated article on cleaning sex toys but here are some quick tips: Always clean your sex toy before first use, Always clean your sex toy after use to remove residue from bodily fluids, Favor mild soaps or sex toy cleaners, Pay attention to motors if there are any in your toys. Why use lubricant with your sex toys? Choosing the right lubricant can make all the difference in your experience with sex toys. Lubricant reduces friction, making use more comfortable and enjoyable, while preserving the material of your toys. Natural lubricants : For those who prefer products closer to nature, natural lubricants are an excellent option. They are often formulated with less irritating ingredients, making them particularly suitable for sensitive skin while being gentle on the environment. Water-based lubricants : These lubricants are the most versatile and suitable for almost all types of sex toys, including silicone ones. They are valued for their ease of cleaning and gentleness on the skin, making them ideal for frequent and safe use. Silicone-based lubricants : Ideal for times spent in the water, such as in the shower or bath, these lubricants provide exceptional durability and glide that is unaffected by water. However, it is important to avoid them with silicone sex toys because they can cause the surface of the latter to deteriorate. Goliate lubricant is natural, organic and water-based , which makes it 100% compatible with sex toys. How to maximize your pleasure by using sex toys? Using a sex toy is as much a mental and emotional adventure as it is a physical exploration. Preparing your body and mind is a crucial step to fully enjoying the sex toy experience. Put yourself in good conditions Relaxation : Before you begin, it is essential to create an environment that promotes relaxation. Consider dimming the lights, playing soft music or lighting a few scented candles to transform your space into a haven of peace. A nice warm bath or a short meditation can also help you deeply relax before you begin exploring. Pressure-Free Exploration : For beginners, it's especially important to take the time to discover what you like without rushing . Let your curiosity guide your experiments with different types of stimulation and sex toys. It is crucial to listen to yourself and respect your own limits so that the experience always remains comfortable and pleasant. The adventure of choosing and preparing a sex toy for safe use has only just begun. Once equipped, it is crucial to discover and master the best usage techniques to maximize your pleasure, whether you are a novice user or looking to enrich your usual routine. Why try sex toys solo? Exploring alone with a sex toy can be an incredibly rewarding experience, allowing you to better understand your body and discover what gives you the most pleasure. Always start your exploration gently, especially if you are a beginner and take the time to discover all the masturbation techniques to enjoy solo . Using lower settings or gentle handling can help you gradually get used to the new sensations. Don't limit yourself to just one method of use; vary the modes, positions, places, fantasies : you will discover lots of ways to learn how to do yourself good. Most sex toys offer various modes of vibration or movement, and it's rewarding to explore them to find what works best for you. Don't forget to explore different erogenous zones with your sex toy , even a toy designed specifically for one area can pleasantly surprise when used in other contexts. This exploration will definitely help you discover new areas of pleasure! Why try sex toys for two? Incorporating a sex toy into your lovemaking can transform a couple's intimacy, offering new avenues of pleasure. Open communication with your partner about your desire to introduce a sex toy is essential. Be sure to listen to their feelings and desires as well to ensure the experience is enjoyable for both of you. Start by integrating the sex toy slowly, perhaps during foreplay, to get used to its presence gently : this gradual approach helps build a relaxed and open atmosphere. It is also crucial that each partner feels comfortable and safe, so you learn to respect each other's boundaries and signals, and adjust your use of the sex toy accordingly. Knowing how to respect each other's limits is the key to a fulfilling sexual exchange and above all, it is guaranteeing respect for consent which is crucial in our sexual lovemaking. So, are you getting started? By exploring the different facets of using sex toys, we discovered not only how to maximize personal and couple pleasure, but also the importance of choosing quality products, maintaining them correctly and using appropriate techniques to an enriching and secure experience. The use of sex toys, far from being a taboo, is a wonderful exploration of sexuality that can significantly improve your well-being and intimacy. We encourage you to continue to educate yourself and discover the many other aspects of pleasure that we were unable to cover in this article. On our site, you will find a multitude of resources, guides and advice to deepen your knowledge and experience in matters of sexuality. Do not hesitate to explore our catalog of sex toys, specially chosen to offer you safety, pleasure and satisfaction. We hope you found this guide useful and inspiring. For any questions or need for additional information, our team remains at your disposal. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed of the latest news and trends, and benefit from exclusive offers.

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How to overcome porn addiction?

Porn addiction isn't just about numbers or statistics; it touches the very heart of our intimacy, our relationships and our well-being. In this introduction, we lay the foundations for a caring and enlightened exploration, intended for all those who feel concerned, directly or indirectly, by this issue. Our objective ? Support you in understanding this addiction, by untangling the complex threads that link our behaviors to our deep needs, our fears and our aspirations. Beyond the challenges, it is really about freedom and fulfillment. The freedom to choose, to understand, and ultimately, to love oneself in a sexuality lived without constraints or guilt. Ready to start this journey? Leave your prejudices in the locker room and open the door to a new perspective on porn addiction, armed with curiosity, compassion and the sincere desire to understand. Together, let's explore the paths to a balanced and fulfilling sexuality, guided by the conviction that each step forward is a step towards oneself. What is porn addiction? Porn addiction, a subject often whispered about but rarely addressed with the depth and sensitivity it deserves, is at the heart of many personal and societal questions. Porn addiction occurs when the consumption of pornographic content takes over from daily activities, negatively affecting relationships, work, and emotional well-being . It is not so much the frequency of consumption that defines addiction, but rather the impact and emotional or physical dependence it causes. Where does this addiction come from? To understand the essence of this addiction, it is crucial to recognize the multiple facets that make it up. Often, it is rooted in a complex mixture of seeking pleasure, escaping reality, managing anxiety or loneliness, and sometimes, unsatisfied curiosity. The ease of access to this content online and the anonymity offered by the internet play a significant role in the equation, making pornography both ubiquitous and discreetly consumable. The impact of pornography on the brain Neurologically, porn consumption stimulates the reward centers of the brain, releasing neurotransmitters associated with pleasure, such as dopamine. This chemical reaction can create an addictive cycle, where the brain constantly seeks this stimulation to experience pleasure or temporary relief from emotional or psychological tension. How do I know if I'm addicted to porn? Identifying the signs of addiction is an essential step towards understanding and healing. These signs include increasing consumption of porn, to the detriment of other activities or interests, repeated and unsuccessful attempts to reduce this consumption, and negative repercussions on personal or professional relationships or on mental health. Show kindness to yourself and your partner Approaching porn addiction with kindness means recognizing the complexity of the human experience and the diversity of journeys. At Goliate, we invite you to explore this topic with openness and curiosity, remembering that every step toward understanding is a step toward yourself. Together, in a spirit of non-judgment and acceptance, we can begin the journey toward a healthier relationship with our sexuality. In this quest for understanding, let us remember that porn addiction, like any addiction, is a signal, not of weakness, but of a deep need seeking to be heard and addressed. By lifting the veil on this subject, we give ourselves the means to build bridges towards a balanced life, where sexuality occupies a healthy and fulfilling place. How to control this addiction? The first step toward controlling porn addiction is recognizing that it exists. This step, although seemingly simple, requires courage and honesty. Accepting that one can be dependent is not an admission of weakness, but an act of strength, the beginning of a constructive inner dialogue. Identify triggers Understanding what drives compulsive porn consumption is essential. Stress, boredom, loneliness, or even lack of self-esteem, the triggers can be multiple and deeply personal. Identifying them allows us to develop tailor-made strategies to confront and overcome them. Create new habits Replacing one habit with another, healthier and more rewarding one, is a proven technique in managing addictions. Whether through sport, art, meditation, or any other activity providing satisfaction and well-being, the idea is to redirect energy towards practices beneficial to the body and mind. You can also limit the consumption of films and try other approaches such as erotic audios which are all the rage with women. You can also read erotic books. In both cases, these practices use creativity much more and will allow you to create new habits. Discover your body differently You also have the possibility of learning to discover other erogenous zones of your body : caress yourself, your chest, your face, your buttocks... Discover other ways to gently take pleasure. There's even a word for it and it's slow sex . To start this practice, you can also use relaxing massage oil to allow you to discover your body and do the same with your partner. Consult a professional if necessary Sometimes professional help is needed to unravel the complex threads of addiction. Psychologists, therapists, or specialized counselors can offer personalized support, in a caring and non-judgmental environment. You can find sexologists accessible by video anywhere in France very easily. be patient The path to addiction control is often non-linear, strewn with successes and relapses. Arming yourself with patience and compassion towards yourself is crucial. Every day is a new opportunity for progress, every effort a step closer to freedom. Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) CBT is an effective treatment approach that helps identify and change problematic thoughts and behaviors related to addiction. By focusing on current thought patterns, CBT encourages the development of strategies to manage temptations and build self-control. Obviously, it is the professionals in the sector mentioned above who are able to carry out these therapies. If you want to change, you can make it happen! As we navigated the twists and turns of porn addiction together, we explored various strategies and approaches to regaining control of our sexual and emotional lives. The importance of understanding the roots of this addiction, adopting healthy habits, and surrounding yourself with strong, caring support cannot be underestimated. At Goliate, we firmly believe in personal development through healthy and enlightened sexuality. Porn addiction, like any other form of addiction, is a complex challenge that requires compassion, patience, and perseverance. Breaking free from your chains is a personal journey, unique to each person, but it is important to remember that you are not alone in this quest. The Goliate community is here to offer you a secure space, valuable resources, and unconditional support, do not hesitate to ask us your questions on our Instagram account , we will be happy to answer them (in complete anonymity of course ).

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How to masturbate well when you are a man?

Welcome to a space where self-discovery takes on its full meaning, where the quest for personal pleasure becomes an enriching and respectful journey. Male masturbation, often surrounded by mysteries and taboos, deserves to be approached with openness, kindness and precision . It is in this spirit that we have designed this guide: to support you in exploring this intimate facet of your sexuality, by offering you keys to a fulfilled and conscious practice. In our society, where sexuality is both omnipresent and sometimes poorly understood, it is essential to reclaim your own body and your desires. Masturbation is not just an act of pleasure; it is a door to better self-knowledge, a way to discover what really makes us tick, far from clichés and external expectations. This guide is designed for you, men from all walks of life, eager to navigate the waves of your pleasure with confidence and curiosity. Far from preconceived ideas, together we will approach the art of male masturbation in all its forms, highlighting its benefits both physically and psychologically. Our objective ? Offer you the tools to make this practice a moment of complete well-being, a joyful and non-judgmental exploration of your body and your sensations. Why is masturbation important? Masturbation, far from being a taboo subject or a simple quest for ephemeral pleasure, represents a fundamental dimension of sexual health and personal well-being. For men, understanding and practicing masturbation in an informed and self-respecting manner is essential for several reasons, which go well beyond the simple physical act. Self-discovery and personal development Masturbation offers a unique opportunity to discover your body in an intimate and detailed way. It is through this practice that many men learn what gives them pleasure , how they like to be touched, and what caresses awaken their senses. This self-knowledge is crucial, not only for personal sexual fulfillment but also for enriching shared experiences with a partner. Benefits on sexual health In terms of sexual health, regular masturbation has several benefits. It allows, among other things, to maintain good erectile function, regulate sexual desire and even prevent certain prostate problems . Additionally, it provides a safe space to experiment with your body without the risks associated with partnered sex, such as sexually transmitted infections. Positive psychological impact Masturbation can also have a profoundly positive impact on mental health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, promotes better quality sleep and can increase self-esteem by strengthening the connection with your own body. In a world where pressure and stress are omnipresent, setting aside moments of personal pleasure is a form of self-care, an act of well-being that deserves to be valued. The basics of practicing male masturbation Masturbation, a personal exploration of pleasure, varies from man to man. However, some basic techniques stand out for their popularity and effectiveness. These methods offer a starting point for those looking to enrich their masturbation experience or discover new ways to thrive. Technique 1: The classic grip The most common method involves using the index and middle fingers to form a circle around the penis, simulating sexual intercourse. This technique, simple but effective, allows a wide variety of sensations by adjusting pressure, speed, and movement. It adapts to your desires of the moment, whether you are looking for gentle or more intense stimulation. Technique 2: Using masturbators For those looking to diversify their experience, using masturbators can offer new and intensely pleasurable sensations. These sex toys are designed to simulate various sexual experiences, offering varied textures and sensations like this masturbator that simulates fellatio . Technique 3: Both hands Using both hands can transform the act of masturbation into a more enveloping experience. By using one hand to stimulate the penis and the other to caress the testicles, perineum, or other erogenous zones, you can explore a wider range of pleasures and discover what fully satisfies you. This technique is even the basis of a practice that is slow to be discovered: circumclusion . Technique 4: In the shower Masturbating in the shower not only offers ease of cleaning but also the opportunity to experiment with water as an element of pleasure . The feeling of warm water running over the body can be extremely pleasurable and add a sensual dimension to your masturbation routine. Technique 5: anal pleasure For those who are curious and open to exploration, anal pleasure as a man can open the door to deep and intense pleasures. Whether with fingers or toys specifically designed for this practice, prostate stimulation offers unique sensations and can lead to orgasms of remarkable intensity. How to improve the masturbation experience? The quest for personal pleasure is a never-ending journey, where each discovery opens the door to new sensations and experiences. For those looking to enrich their masturbation practice, here are some advanced tips and techniques to turn every moment into a deep and satisfying exploration of your sexuality. Choosing the Right Lubricant Using lube can drastically change your masturbation experience. Water-based lubricants are ideal for use with sex toys and are easy to clean, while silicone-based ones offer a silkier, longer-lasting feel, perfect for an extended session. Experimenting with different types can help you discover what increases your pleasure the most. Change techniques and locations Varying your practice can revitalize your masturbation experience. Don't limit yourself to just one method or position; explore different ways of touching yourself and different environments to do so. Variety is the spice of life, and that applies to masturbation too. Exploring the use of sex toys Using sex toys isn't just for couples; there are a multitude of toys designed to enhance solo male pleasure. From vibrating cock rings to the latest generation of masturbators, adding toys can introduce new sensations and intensify your pleasure. Stimulate your imagination Porn is obviously an easy solution to stimulate your desire, but new practices exist that allow you to be even more creative. This is particularly the case with erotic audios , which take you into very hot stories, while letting your imagination do the work. Masturbation is good for sleep! The physical and mental relaxation that follows orgasm can make it easier to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep. By approaching masturbation with curiosity, openness and self-respect, every man can discover a world of pleasure that contributes to his personal development and overall health. Remember that the journey to fulfilled sexuality is unique to each person; explore at your own pace and according to your desires, keeping in mind that personal pleasure is a fundamental right and a source of joy and well-being. Frequency of masturbation: finding your balance The question of the frequency of masturbation is often a source of curiosity, even worry, among many men. It is essential to understand that masturbation is a personal practice and that the "norm" for frequency varies greatly from person to person. The important thing is to find a balance that suits you, listening to your body's needs and respecting your psychological well-being. Listen to your body Your body is the best guide to determining the ideal masturbation frequency. Some may feel the need to masturbate daily, while others will find satisfaction with less frequency. The important thing is to never force or restrict yourself too much, as long as it remains a healthy and balanced practice in your life. Enjoy your moment, it will only do you more good In conclusion, exploring the many facets of male masturbation is not just an act of personal pleasure; it is a deeply enriching process that opens the door to better self-understanding and fulfilled sexuality. Through this guide, we have gone through various techniques, practical advice and caring perspectives together to support you in your quest for authentic and satisfying solo pleasure. At Goliate, our mission is to guide you in this exploration with respect, openness and expertise. We firmly believe that every man deserves access to a full and rich sexuality, where pleasure is discovered without taboos or judgments.

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Humping: this crazy practice to get off

Most of you have probably tried humping without knowing it. Its name comes from the English term "hump", which is the French meaning "to climb". What exactly is it? Humping is nothing more than a stimulation technique without penetration . The principle is to rub or press the genitals with an object. The friction is accompanied by pelvic movements. If you have never tried it, it is time to discover humping . This guide was created to help you discover it. Humping: A New Way to Have Sex In reality, humping has a role to play in the discovery of sexuality . This is why it is the masturbation technique regularly practiced by teenagers, especially those who have never had sexual intercourse: it allows them to discover new erogenous zones . The genitals are, in both women and men, parts of the body with many nerve receptors that provide a lot of pleasure. In women, the clitoris is the most sensitive with more than 8000 nerve endings: considered the source of female pleasure, it is very much in demand during a humping session . Stimulating it can create extraordinary orgasms and much more intense than orgasms created by penetration. How to practice humping? Here is some information that will help you understand the different ways to practice humping . Practicing Humping Alone Humping is generally practiced alone, since it is a masturbation technique. Regardless of age, humping allows you to discover new sensations and better learn to tame your body. But then, how to practice it properly? To practice humping properly, it is recommended to use objects such as: an object with a soft surface such as a bolster, a pillow, a comforter rolled into a ball, the armrest of your sofa, still sex toys , The principle is to position yourself above the object in question and then rub your private parts against it. The aim is therefore to stimulate your sex, the clitoris in particular, through friction and without penetration. Practicing Humping as a Couple Who says that sexual relations in a couple have to be about penetration? There are various ways to give each other pleasure and humping as well as slow sex are excellent options. How to do it? For example, you can rub your private parts against your partner's skin. Here are some ideas: use your partner's leg to rub your penis against, you rub against your partner's hands, you rub against your partner's face, without him or her performing cunnilingus. As always, this practice should be carried out in an environment agreed to by both parties. Classic humping or dry humping? In general, you can get naked during this erotic practice . Sometimes, total nudity stimulates the libido and provides an even more pleasant sensation. If you are completely naked, this is the technique, then we speak of classic Humping. It is if you decide to do this fully clothed (which is a possibility), that we will talk about dry humping. The English word "dry" translates to "dry" in French. What is the reason for this name? Keeping clothes on while humping completely prevents any exchange of bodily fluids. This version of humping is very popular because clothes can be an additional source of excitement. To enhance the pleasure, you can wear clothes with a tight texture like jeans. But then, what are the advantages of sex without penetration? Practicing humping allows you to enjoy optimal sexual pleasure, without penetration. What are its benefits? A solution to certain sexual disorders For women who suffer from vaginismus , the practice of humping is highly recommended. The fact that they cannot stand the pain of penetration allows them to discover new things that do not prevent them from having a fulfilling sex life . Practicing this erotic activity is also very beneficial before sexual intercourse for women prone to vaginal dryness. It is an excellent way to get excited and promote lubrication of the sex . A way to explore your body Humping allows you to discover your body and explore your erogenous zones. This is very important if you want to have a satisfying sex life. Remember that this sexual stimulation technique can be practiced anywhere within the limits of legality of course. A way to avoid STIs and unwanted pregnancies If you bet on dry humping, you will also be protected from the risks of STIs or sexually transmitted infections. At the same time, you will avoid unwanted pregnancies: what a good idea when you don't want to take any risks. A way to discover new sensations Finally, the practice of humping allows you to discover new sensations if you are a sex amateur . It is a form of excitement that will not disappoint you. In addition, you can use different accessories, which will vary the sensations. Test humping gently and with pleasure Do you want to try humping but don't know where to start? The first thing to do is to choose the accessory that will do you good: the trick is to choose it clean and without risk for your body. So, are you going to try it too? This masturbation technique can give you intense pleasure and is ideal for foreplay. You can choose between humping and dry humping. All you have to do is get started, solo or with someone else. With humping , you will discover a new way to give yourself pleasure .

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Audio porn: this new way to fantasize

Have you ever explored the fascinating world of audio porn ? It is a remarkable innovation in the world of digital eroticism, a revolution that has taken hold on the web. Like adult videos, erotic audio is designed with a specific goal: to awaken your senses and immerse you in a world of intense pleasure. Whether you are a couple, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, this sound world offers a range of delights for everyone. However, it is important to note the fundamental difference between a traditional pornographic video and an erotic podcast . Audio porn invites a more introspective experience, stimulating your imagination in the absence of visual images. You will be transported by carefully narrated erotic stories , capable of making your desire climb to unexpected heights, and who knows, maybe even trigger an orgasm . Why is listening to erotic audio great? Erotic audio, or the art of seduction through hearing, is not exactly new; the concept of spoken sex has been around for many years. Many of you have already experimented with the pink phone, the daring conversations on a dating site , or even the erotic exchanges via sexting . But what today's erotic podcast offers is more refined, subtle and sensual content. So what are the attractions of diving into the world of audio porn ? To stimulate your imagination Erotic audio frees you from the omnipresent images in pornographic videos . The captivating sounds of the podcast will stimulate your imagination in a new way. They guide you towards the exploration of your most intimate fantasies, encouraging you to visualize those naughty scenes that you ardently desire. You are given the freedom to choose the setting, the atmosphere, and even the scenario: Are you attracted to the libertine style ? Are you a fervent follower of sex with mature women or cougars? Do you dream of a torrid adventure with a man who speaks to you crudely ? Or do you prefer solitary pleasures or more classic sexual relations ? Erotic audio offers you the freedom to create your own erotic movie in your mind, letting you master your deepest desires. To live a personalized experience Audio porn guarantees you a personalized and inclusive experience since you will be the heart of your own story: it is your imagination that will do the work. All this will awaken all your senses and will make your libido soar . In addition, erotic audios, just like erotic reading, are based on consent, respect for your privacy and diversity. Where to listen to erotic audio? There are many ethical sites that offer audio porn . We have prepared a small list of the most famous ones that we particularly like. Prude The podcast "PRUDE" on Spotify explores the multiple facets of sexuality through unusual and uninhibited testimonies, while remaining respectful and never vulgar. Each episode offers an open and liberating perspective on sex, considered a free source of happiness, more powerful than culture, food or even drugs. Prude invites you on a journey of discovery and liberation of speech on often taboo subjects , with varied stories ranging from the rediscovery of oneself after a tubal ligation to the exploration of new facets of sexuality like pegging. This podcast is an original creation of Daphné Desjeux, who produces, records and edits each episode, accompanied by original music by @wearelaplage. Voxxx The VOXXX podcast offers erotic and immersive listening experiences , primarily aimed at a female audience. With a variety of free episodes and others accessible via a VOXXX+ subscription, this podcast offers a bold and intimate exploration of sexuality. Listeners can expect varied scenarios, ranging from light domination to more sensual and meditative experiences to discover new erogenous zones , including stories of seduction and desire. Each episode is designed to stimulate the imagination and encourage a personal exploration of pleasure, with narrations and scenarios that speak directly to the listener, creating an experience that is both intimate and liberating. VOXXX is above all one of the very first erotic podcasts, launched a few years ago now. Colette confesses "Colette se Confesse" is a website dedicated to exploring sexuality through erotic audio stories. These stories are designed to stimulate the senses and fantasies of the listeners, offering more than three hours of exciting experiences. The site aims to help listeners regain confidence in their seductive abilities and free themselves from the worries of everyday life, by providing a space for relaxation and personal relaxation. In addition to erotic stories, "Colette se Confesse" also offers advice to enrich intimate life, practical guides to spice up encounters, and a private community to exchange and share experiences. The site is aimed at those who seek to escape into a world of excitement and who like to exchange since the community part is really important in the universe of Colette se confesse. Blindher Blindher is a French audio streaming app dedicated to erotic stories. It offers a unique sensory experience, allowing users to immerse themselves in a universe of erotic narrative fiction. The stories, written by talented authors and performed by actors and actresses, are designed to entertain and stimulate the imagination of listeners. Blindher offers a variety of stories, from mysterious evenings in the dark to sensual adventures in iconic locations like Berghain. The app is accessible on smartphones, tablets and computers, allowing unlimited listening to these stories anywhere and anytime, even offline. With flexible subscription options, Blindher is for anyone looking for an immersive, auditory form of erotic entertainment. Femtasy Femtasy is a platform that offers erotic stories and sounds mainly aimed at women, with the aim of freeing pleasure and exploring sexuality in an ethical and positive way. The platform stands out for its feminist and ethical approach, emphasizing consent, diversity of desires, and body neutrality. Femtasy offers a variety of audio content, from immersive erotic stories to authentic recordings and guided, taboo-free masturbation sessions , allowing users to discover and explore their desires in a safe and respectful way. The platform is run by a diverse and passionate team, committed to creating a space where female pleasure is celebrated and encouraged. With Femtasy, users can escape into a world of excitement and discovery, while staying true to their values ​​and individuality. Note that this is a non-exhaustive list. Other naughty platforms like Exhibition Audio, Le son du désir and Les Chemins du désir are available. How to discover your body and your fantasies thanks to hot audios? Erotic audios offer a sensory experience comparable to that of free sex videos , but with a much richer and more evocative subtlety. Imagine a world where the rustling of fabric, intimate whispers, breathless sighs and sweet voices create a captivating sound ballet. These acoustic stimuli are designed to awaken your senses, thus promoting letting go and stimulating the production of pleasure hormones. Each carnal story narrated in these erotic audios guides you on a journey of personal exploration. The anonymity of the voice, without face or form, offers each listener, whether a sex amateur or a connoisseur, a tailor-made experience, conducive to the discovery of new facets of his desire and his body How to integrate erotic audio into your relationship? Many couples have already explored watching pornographic films together. But what happens when you introduce listening to audio porn together? If, at first glance, erotic podcasts seem intended for solitary pleasure, they actually contain valuable assets to enrich a couple's sex life . Porn audio can be a powerful communication tool, opening doors to sharing unspoken fantasies and desires with your partner. Erotic podcasts can also be the catalyst for a new shared intimate experience , such as: Mutual masturbation , enhanced with accessories such as lubricating massage oil or aphrodisiac oil, for a joint exploration of the pleasures of the body, Let yourself be transported by the steamy scenes narrated in the podcasts during sex, bringing a new dimension to your intimacy, The invention of your own erotic stories and the creation of your own audio porn as a duo, a creative and intimate approach that strengthens bonds and stimulates the erotic imagination of the couple. Bonus: Erotic audios are often ethical When we talk about the world of pornography , the concept of ethics often seems distant, even contradictory. How could we associate ethics with an industry that, for a long time, flirted with the normalization of sometimes violent and controversial sexual content? However, in recent years, a significant evolution has emerged within the video porn industry. Creators and actors in this sector have begun to open crucial discussions on ethics, with a clear objective: to promote the production and consumption of sexual content in a responsible and respectful manner. Some influential players in the porn industry believe that the key lies in establishing clear boundaries and creating safe spaces for creators to post their content with confidence. Implementing a rigorous filtering system is also essential, ensuring that all participants in videos have given their informed consent to be filmed and distributed. It is in this context that audio porn stands out as a form of ethical porn . Based on the principles of consent and diversity, it offers every listener, whether they are a fan of amateur porn or more elaborate narratives, a wide range of podcasts with varied themes. It is vital to recognize and support the platforms and creators who are resolutely committed to this ethical and responsible path. So, are you also adopting audio porn? Audio porn presents itself as a revolutionary tool, designed to offer you an exploration of your sexuality from a more ethical and innovative angle. It invites you to: Stimulate your imagination in a unique way, Awaken your senses with a wealth of sound stimuli, Live a personalized sensual experience, adapted to your desires and fantasies, Add a new and exciting dimension to your sexual relations. If you aspire to experience a surprising and enriching form of sexual pleasure, testing audio porn could prove to be a captivating adventure. Don't hesitate to immerse yourself in this sound universe to discover a new facet of eroticism.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

What to masturbate with? The complete guide to unforgettable intimate moments

Hello to you eager for pleasure! If you're here, it's probably because you're curious, or maybe even looking for a new way to please yourself. And you know what ? You are in the right place! Masturbation, this sweet art of self-pleasure, is as old as humanity itself . And if in the past it was surrounded by mysteries and taboos , today we celebrate it as a form of expression, exploration and, dare we say it, art! In this guide, we'll dive into some basic masturbation tips, explore the simplest and most natural techniques, and even discover a few everyday objects that can turn into unexpected allies. And of course, for those who are ready to take it to the next level, we'll talk about the toys that revolutionized the world of pleasure. So, are you ready for a journey through the ages, cultures and sensations? Fasten your seat belt (or rather, unbuckle it 😉), because we are embarking on an unforgettable intimate adventure! The basics of masturbation Ah, masturbation! This sweet moment of intimacy that we allow ourselves, this little bubble of pleasure where we find ourselves with ourselves. But where does this practice, so universal and so intimate at the same time, come from? Masturbation is ultimately one of the first forms of pleasure that we discover, often well before the first sexual experiences as a couple. And for good reason, it’s completely normal to masturbate! Masturbation is natural, beneficial for health, and allows you to better understand your body and your desires. So, if someone one day tells you that it's bad, remember that our ancestors already indulged in it with relish! The importance of hygiene in masturbation Masturbating is good. Doing it in good conditions is even better! Hygiene is essential, whether for a solo or two-person session. So, before diving into the heart of the matter, a few precautions should be taken: Wash your hands: First of all, make sure your hands are clean. Wash them thoroughly with soap for at least 20 seconds. Cleaning sex toys: if you use toys, it is crucial to clean them before and after each use with a suitable cleaner like the one available in our store or lukewarm water and mild soap. Using appropriate lubricants: If you use lubricant, make sure it is compatible with your sex toy (for example, avoid silicone-based lubricants with silicone toys). Storage of sex toys: Store your toys in a clean, dry and dust-free place. Use dedicated pouches or cases if possible. Avoid sharing sex toys: If you do, use a condom to cover the toy and change it before another person uses it. Be careful with everyday objects: it can be really nice to use everyday objects to do yourself some good, however, you absolutely must ensure that they are clean and washed before use. What to simply masturbate with? The magic of manual masturbation Sometimes simplicity is good, right? And when it comes to having fun, our hands are often our best allies. They know every corner of our body, every curve, every thrill. So, how can we optimize this knowledge for increased pleasure? First of all, it is essential to explore the different techniques and movements possible with the fingers. From gentle caresses to more intense pressure, each person has their preferences. Don't hesitate to vary the rhythms, to play with the sensations. And above all, take your time. Masturbation is a journey, not a race. But beyond the techniques, it is crucial to know and stimulate the erogenous zones . The clitoris is of course the big favorite, but don't forget the lips, the mound of Venus, and even the breasts. Each area can offer unique sensations, so why deprive yourself? Everyday objects for masturbation Who said you necessarily need a sex toy to have pleasure? Sometimes the most innocuous objects can be transformed into instruments of pleasure. Some ideas for cool objects to use for masturbating: Cushions and pillows : These can be used to create pressure or friction against the body. By placing a cushion between the legs and squeezing or rubbing it, you can stimulate the erogenous zones. Hand shower : Running water can be a source of pleasure, especially if the shower has different pressure settings. You'll see, you'll love it! Hairbrush : maybe you've already asked yourself this question one morning, in front of the mirror, getting ready. Obviously, the handle of some brushes can be used for external stimulation 😉 Scarves and handkerchiefs : these can be used for binding or to caress the body. Ice cubes : These can be used for cold stimulation, but be sure to wrap them in a cloth to avoid cold burns. With a little imagination, the possibilities are endless! Why use toys to masturbate? Masturbation, this sweet moment when you connect with yourself, where you explore every part of your body in search of the ultimate pleasure. But have you ever thought about spicing up these moments a little? To add a touch of innovation to increase the sensations tenfold? If not, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of sex toys. Sex toys: a revolution for pleasure Sex toys, far from being simple gadgets, are real allies of pleasure. They were designed to meet a multitude of wants and needs. At Goliate , we have a range that will appeal to you, no matter where you are in your discovery journey. From clitoral stimulators to vibrators to anal toys, there's a world of sensations to explore . But how to navigate this jungle of pleasures? The first step is to define what you are looking for. Do you want external stimulation, internal stimulation, or both? Once you have a clear idea, the choice becomes easier. And don't forget, each sex toy is an invitation to a new sensory adventure. The benefits of vibrators and stimulators Vibrators and clitoral stimulators hold a special place in the hearts of many users. And for good reason ! These little gems are designed to target the most sensitive areas, delivering waves of pleasure with every use. But why are they so popular? Their secret lies in their ability to offer a multitude of sensations. Thanks to their different modes and intensities, they can caress, titillate, or even invade with pleasure. And at Goliate , we are particularly proud of the positive feedback we receive. Our users confirm: these toys are a must-have for anyone looking to enrich their intimate life. We even select our two favorite toys for masturbating well: Masturbating with The Amazing : to stimulate your clitoris like a boss Masturbating with My Pleasure : to reach the G-spot (and seventh heaven), in the blink of an eye What to masturbate with when you are already an expert? Masturbation is a journey, a continuous exploration of our own body. And like any journey, there are always new territories to discover, new sensations to experience. If you've already explored the basic pleasures of masturbation, perhaps it's time to push the boundaries of your pleasure a little further. Exploring anal pleasure The world of anal pleasure still remains unknown to many, often surrounded by taboos and prejudices. However, this erogenous zone contains incredible orgasmic potential. At Goliate we have a range specially dedicated to anal stimulation, designed to offer you an experience that is both gentle and intense. Goliate's commitment to fulfilling masturbation Masturbation is not just a simple quest for pleasure. It is also an act of self-love, a moment when we take care of ourselves . At Goliate , we understand this perfectly. This is why we are committed to offering you quality products, designed for your well-being. Each sex toy, each product that you will find on our site has been carefully selected, in compliance with strict standards. Because for us, encouraging healthy and fulfilled sexuality also involves choosing safe products that respect your body. Masturbation, whether manual or toy-assisted, is a form of personal expression, a celebration of the self. And we are here to support you in this discovery, by offering you quality products, designed with care and passion. If this article has aroused your curiosity, we invite you to share it and follow us on social networks for more advice!

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Our advices – Mister Ose


Through my work, I receive a lot of questions related to masturbation and I realize that this practice is much more taboo than we think while being full of prejudices, which does not help to move forward on the issue. Today, I suggest we do away with preconceived ideas to redefine the vision we have of this initially solitary practice (but which can very well be part of a couple's life) and to explore together the best ways to masturbate, in particular through the use of lubricant . Is masturbation normal? The answer is yes! Yes 100%! In the same way that it is OK not to masturbate. Indeed, not everyone feels the desire or the need to do so. This lack of desire can occur occasionally or over the longer term. In any case, it is important to ignore the injunctions in order to tend towards more respect for oneself. Masturbation is a special moment and many people make the mistake of comparing it with a relationship between two people. We can never repeat it enough: the pleasure taken is different, the feeling is different, the mechanics and the desire are also different. Indeed, most of the time and as an example, it requires less energy. You just have to be tired or have a big mental load for this desire to take over. Masturbation, pleasure for oneself Also, masturbation allows you to give yourself a moment of pleasure in the way you want and at the pace you want . I reassure you, there is absolutely nothing abnormal in preferring masturbation to intercourse from time to time. It is simply human and many of us reason in this way. Also, it is important to note that masturbation is neither synonymous with betrayal nor dissatisfaction or even deception. It is part of the time that we take for ourselves in the same way as reading or leisure time for example. Beyond that, it allows us to reconnect with our body, to learn to know it and to feel it. Masturbation for more libido In addition, it can be a good ally when you experience a discordance of libido within the couple, but also a play partner for two! Yes! You can very well share a moment of pleasure by masturbating in front of each other or by masturbating each other. Masturbating with Lube: The Guide The Benefits of Masturbating with Lube Using lubricant makes masturbation smoother and more enjoyable. In addition, it helps reduce pain in case of dryness in the intimate area. It is therefore essential to choose a good lubricant to apply to the genitals to achieve unparalleled pleasure. In this respect, I recommend the Glisse Sensuelle lubricating gel from Goliate. In addition to having a long-lasting effect, it is organic, vegan and 100% French! A must-have composed of over 99% natural ingredients! In short, everything we love! Penis masturbation with lubricant For successful penis masturbation, do not hesitate to pour a small amount of lubricant into the palm of your hand. You can, depending on your affinities, add a little more for an increased sliding sensation. Then, apply it over the entire length of the penis, from the base to the top of the glans. The lubricant will quickly warm up with the back and forth movements you will perform. For even greater pleasure, do not hesitate to make slow and ample movements for long minutes by sliding your penis in your hand. You can also linger on the glans + frenulum combo to vary the pleasures. When masturbating, don't hesitate to add lubricant whenever you feel it's necessary to reapply it. The sensations generated by the glide and the humidity provided by the lubricant will be even better! Finally, know that water-based lubricants are also compatible with sex toys (unlike silicone-based lubricants which should be avoided with toys that are also made of silicone!). If you have some available and if you feel like it, don't hesitate to use them to make this moment unique! Clitoral masturbation with lubricant For a pleasurable clitoral masturbation, pour a small amount of lubricant onto your fingertips and gently apply it to your clitoris using circular motions. This way, you will also lubricate part of the vulva and avoid irritation caused by friction if you masturbate with your fingers. If you have a taste for penetrative masturbation, you can also put a little lubricant inside the vagina in order to stimulate the G-spot or any other area likely to give you pleasure (you know yourself better than anyone, trust yourself!). Finally, know that you can also use the sex toy of your choice - a clitoral stimulator for example like The Amazing - to increase the pleasure felt or if you simply want to have fun with less effort (sex toys are also there for that and we're not going to complain!). Precautions to take Since your hands are in contact with your intimate parts, remember to wash them properly with soap and warm water before your masturbation session. If you use lubricant, despite its 100% natural composition, always remember to test it beforehand on an area of ​​your skin (excluding the intimate area) to ensure that you are not allergic to it. Normally, there should be no problem, but you can never be too careful. Finally, remember to file your nails to avoid injuries, especially if you plan to use your fingers for penetration. As you will have understood, masturbation is a very healthy and very pleasant practice. Masturbation with lubricant is even better! So, do not hesitate to use it, even during your intercourse to make it even more pleasant, more fluid and less painful for some of you!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The secrets to perfectly stimulating your clitoris

A sexual organ dedicated to pleasure, the clitoris has nearly 10,000 nerve endings. Suffice to say that it can take us far, very far. What is the clitoris? The clitoris is a female sex organ located at the front of the vulva, where the inner labia meet. It is a small, sensitive bump that plays a central role in female sexual pleasure. It is composed primarily of erectile tissue, similar to that of the penis in men, meaning it can swell and harden in response to stimulation or arousal. The visible part of the clitoris, often called the glans, is just the tip of the iceberg; most of the iceberg is located…inside women's bodies. 6 techniques to stimulate the clitoris S timulate the clitoris with fingers Obviously, manual stimulation is the most common. Whether you're giving yourself solitary pleasure or sharing an intimate moment, fingers allow for gentle exploration of the clitoral area. This is an opportunity to identify the labia minora, labia majora, vaginal vestibule and then the clitoris itself, an infinite source of pleasure. Circling around increases the excitement, while touching too suddenly can cool it down. Gentleness is therefore required for a gradual awakening, until you feel the clitoris become erect. Moisture is also important: you can wet your finger, use a lubricant or simply let the excitement build until the vagina offers natural lubrication. As for the whole hand, it intervenes to apply very light pressure, but also to form small circles. At Goliate, we have the perfect lubricant for you, organic and made in France. Stimulate the clitoris with a toy Many women use sex toys to masturbate, also within the couple. Very often equipped with vibrations, adult toys offer intense sensations. Orgasm can occur very quickly, the stimulation being fast and effective. Many women play and then take a break to use their fingers again. A way to slow down the build-up and create more sexual tension. Moreover, to increase your pleasure when using a toy, it is interesting to contract your perineum to increase your pleasure . Sex toys are a great way to discover your body, to get used to the rhythm at which pleasure builds and settles, and then to play as you please on the path to pleasure. To stimulate your clitoris, we recommend you get started with our The Amazing! clitoris stimulator, dedicated to clitoral pleasure guaranteed orgasm! Gently stimulate the clitoris using friction When young women discover their bodies and engage in autoeroticism, they usually rub themselves against a soft object, such as a pillow, the mattress, even a stuffed animal. Often, they squeeze their legs together in order to fold the clitoris on itself, confining it to the vulva, for greater excitement. Friction allows you to perfectly manage pressure, movement and rhythm. During sexual intercourse, you can rub yourself against your partner's pubis, also on his thigh during foreplay. A way to not abandon your clitoris during vaginal stimulation. It is no less good, no less pleasant, and is not only useful for foreplay. How to stimulate the clitoris with your tongue Cunnilingus offers a very pleasant, wet pleasure. Just as women very often enjoy clitoral pleasure in the shower, via the pressure of the water. Kissing the clitoris, licking it, is an art that is practiced very gently. We choose a position in which we feel completely comfortable. We close our legs or spread them. We release our head back to abandon ourselves or we watch the scene to awaken our senses and get excited visually. Anything goes. The ideal is to take your time, never rushing cunnilingus, a very sensual act during which you can stimulate other erogenous zones, such as the entrance to the vagina or the breasts, by offering breaks. For the one receiving cunnilingus, the most important thing is to let go ! Just to enjoy your pleasure! Clitoral stimulation for two During foreplay or during intercourse, the penis can stimulate the clitoris. The glans is also very sensitive and is said to be composed of about 10,000 nerve endings. This practice is a delight for both partners. Beyond the sensations experienced - the result of the encounter between two very fine body parts - the erotic dimension of this gesture promises a lot of excitement. In other words, it is the very idea of ​​rubbing the glans against the clitoris that brings us into a fantasy world. We visualize the scene , or we watch it, and we become aware of being at the very heart of sexual pleasure. Stimulate the clitoris during penetration For a long time, we have classified female pleasure into a clitoral orgasm and a vaginal orgasm. However, female pleasure is a whole. There is "only" one orgasm, experienced differently depending on the woman, the time, the circumstances, and the caresses. We then speak of external stimulation and internal stimulation. The clitoris is certainly visible, but it actually measures ten centimeters. It is composed of roots that surround the vagina. The famous G-spot, according to the latest research, would ultimately be a specific point in contact with the clitoris. Stimulating the entrance of the vagina, without much back and forth and without seeking depth, but by caressing the walls, would therefore be the way to stimulate your clitoris from another angle for a global and powerful pleasure. Clitoral stimulation: it’s good for morale! The good news is that the benefits of clitoral stimulation go far beyond our expectations. Clitoral stimulation can have positive effects on mood and general well-being for several reasons: Release of endorphins: When stimulated, the clitoris can lead to orgasm, which in turn triggers the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are often called "happy hormones" because they can cause feelings of pleasure and reduce the perception of pain. Stress Reduction: The act of masturbating or engaging in sexual activity can help reduce stress. This is due to the release of other hormones, such as oxytocin, which can promote relaxation and feelings of well-being. Improved sleep: After an orgasm, many people feel a sense of sleepiness or relaxation, which can lead to deeper, more restful sleep. Self-esteem building: Discovering and appreciating one's own body can build self-esteem and self-confidence. Feeling good about oneself and being in tune with one's sexuality can have positive effects on body image and self-esteem. Strengthening bonds: If clitoral stimulation is done with a partner , it can strengthen emotional bonds and complicity between the two people, which is also beneficial for morale. Relief of menstrual pain: For some women, masturbation or sexual activity during menstruation can help relieve menstrual cramps. So, are you ready to try the adventure for maximum pleasure?

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

A short guide to getting started with sex toys

Have you never used sex toys but are curious to get started? Our advice for getting started with confidence (and a lot of fun). Sex toys are not reserved for single people or for those who encounter sexual difficulties and feel the need to be supported in the discovery of their body. Indeed, sex toys are for everyone, whether you are alone or in a couple, and whatever your desires. Our advice for choosing the right sex toy when starting out. I question my desire Before getting a sex toy, you can think about what attracts you to this new adventure. Want to get to know your body better? To meet a specific organ more intimately, such as the clitoris or the prostate? A desire to approach new orgasms, or to have fun with your partner or partners? Answering these questions will guide you in your choice, especially since GOLIATE offers you a menu based on your "desire": it is your desires that lead you to sex toys, and that is ideal! I choose an accessible sex toy that appeals to me "Don't have your eyes bigger than your stomach", we sometimes hear. It works a little with toys: no need, when you take your first steps, to buy a huge vibrator or order 17 sex toys. The important thing is to choose one that resonates with your desire and that responds to your approach and your vision of sexuality. I use water-based lube We cannot repeat it enough, but lube is not an option. Let's say that humidity is a guarantee of pleasure and comfort, which is why the vagina and penis become moist during sexual arousal. A water-based lubricant, such as our Sensual Glide Gel, will therefore go wonderfully with the use of a sex toy by providing softness and fluidity. I wash my sex toy well before and after use On the hygiene side now, we note that it is good to wash your sex toy before and after use. How ? No dishwasher or strange products. We opt for a classic soap with a little water, and we wipe the toy by dabbing it in a towel. Otherwise, GOLIATE markets an organic, vegan cleaner and disinfectant, made in France, which takes care of toys and extends their lifespan.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Test The Amazing! and share your experience on our Instagram account

GOLIATE is an adventure that we live with you. This is why we have decided to give you the floor by inviting you to test The Amazing!, our clitoral and vaginal stimulator. How it works ? Who can participate? We will explain everything to you. GOLIATE works every day for your well-being by offering you adult toys and pleasure cosmetics. And you are the one who speaks best about our products! Thus, and because we attach particular importance to your feedback, we are asking you to become a for GOLIATE. For this, we offer you the opportunity to discover The Amazing!. In return, you create content that we will then post on our Instagram account, @goliate_official . Are you tempted? Here are the steps to follow. Who can test? Everyone ! If you want to test The Amazing!, the only thing we ask of you is to make videos in story format that will be shared with our Instagram community. What should I do once I receive the product? If you are selected, you will receive the sex toy at your home and enjoy it in private. Then, we ask you to provide us with videos in story format that relate your experience. It's not about content to be produced in the heat of the moment, but content in which you share your feelings and impressions: how did you find the packaging? The product itself? Were the sensations there? Are the vibrations effective? What are the qualities of the product? What pitfalls have you identified? We will accompany you in the realization of your content. We can give you ideas, help you find the right words and the right shot. Our team will keep in touch with you and you can chat. Important ! The face camera and the broadcasting of videos on your personal account are not mandatory. It's up to you to imagine the format that makes you most comfortable, between voice-over, texts or facing the camera! How can I register? Edit: registrations are closed. Nothing's easier. You just need to fill out this form. We will then study the requests and we will contact you by email if you have been chosen to test The Amazing!. You have until Friday, May 21, 2021 to register. You have questions ? Contact us by private message on Instagram .

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