Anatomie féminine

Our advices

Explorez avec nous les multiples facettes de la sexualité. Notre blog offre des informations utiles du Kamasutra au BDSM, en passant par l'utilisation judicieuse des sextoys et des techniques pour raviver la passion dans votre couple. Apprenez à mieux comprendre l'anatomie masculine et féminine et découvrez des conseils sexo pour enrichir votre intimité.
Que vous soyez novice ou averti, nos articles sont là pour inspirer, éduquer et guider vers une expérience sexuelle plus épanouissante. Rejoignez notre aventure pour transformer votre vie sexuelle en un voyage de découverte et de plaisir.

Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Décupler l’orgasme féminin, c’est possible

Bienvenue dans un voyage intime à la découverte du plaisir féminin, où nous allons explorer ensemble comment atteindre l'orgasme vaginal. Ce sujet, souvent enveloppé de mystère et parfois de malentendus, mérite une attention particulière non seulement pour son importance dans l’épanouissement sexuel, mais aussi pour le bien-être général qu’il peut engendrer. Dans cet article, nous démystifions l'orgasme vaginal, en vous fournissant des informations claires et des conseils pratiques pour vous aider à naviguer vers ce pic de plaisir. Que vous ayez déjà une expérience dans ce domaine ou que vous soyez curieuse d'en savoir plus sur votre propre capacité à ressentir un orgasme vaginal, vous trouverez ici des ressources précieuses pour enrichir votre parcours. Nous aborderons les différences entre l'orgasme clitoridien et vaginal, explorerons les facteurs qui influencent la capacité d'avoir un orgasme vaginal, et partageront des techniques spécifiques ainsi que des conseils pour maximiser votre potentiel de plaisir. Prête à explorer les profondeurs de votre plaisir ? Laissez-nous vous guider vers une meilleure compréhension de votre corps et de ses vastes possibilités à éprouver du plaisir. Rejoignez-nous pour transformer votre approche de l'intimité et renforcer votre connexion personnelle avec votre sexualité. Comment favoriser l’orgasme féminin ? Communication et connexion avec le partenaire Dans le contexte d'une expérience partagée, la communication ouverte avec le partenaire est essentielle pour atteindre un orgasme vaginal. Exprimer ses désirs, ses besoins, et ses limites peut aider le partenaire à comprendre comment vous stimuler de manière efficace. De plus, une connexion émotionnelle profonde peut intensifier l'expérience et rendre l'orgasme vaginal plus accessible. La santé physique influence les orgasmes La santé physique générale peut également affecter la capacité à expérimenter un orgasme vaginal. Par exemple, des conditions médicales telles que la sécheresse vaginale ou des douleurs pelviennes peuvent rendre la pénétration inconfortable et donc moins propice à l'orgasme. Il est important de consulter un professionnel de santé si des barrières physiques persistent. L'importance des exercices de Kegel Les exercices de Kegel sont une méthode éprouvée pour renforcer le plancher pelvien, ce qui peut jouer un rôle crucial dans la capacité à atteindre et à intensifier les orgasmes vaginaux. Un plancher pelvien fort soutient mieux les organes pelviens, améliorant la réponse sexuelle et la sensation lors de la pénétration. Pour effectuer correctement les exercices de Kegel, il faut contracter les muscles du périné que vous utiliseriez pour arrêter le flux d'urine, les maintenir contractés pendant quelques secondes, puis les relâcher. Il est recommandé de répéter ce processus plusieurs fois par jour. Améliorer la connexion corps et esprit La respiration joue un rôle clé dans la relaxation et la capacité à atteindre l'orgasme. Des techniques de respiration profonde peuvent aider à détendre le corps et à augmenter l'oxygénation du sang, ce qui améliore l'excitation et la réactivité sexuelle. La respiration synchronisée avec les mouvements pendant les rapports sexuels peut également augmenter l'intimité et le plaisir partagé avec le partenaire. Méditation et visualisation du plaisir La méditation et la visualisation sont des outils puissants pour améliorer la conscience corporelle et la connexion émotionnelle avec l'acte sexuel. Pratiquer la méditation centrée sur les sensations corporelles peut aider à dissiper les distractions mentales et à se concentrer davantage sur les sensations de plaisir. La visualisation de l'orgasme peut également préparer mentalement le corps à cette expérience, augmentant ainsi les chances de l'atteindre. Les conseils pour favoriser l’orgasme pendant les rapports Des préliminaires tu feras Les préliminaires jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'éveil sexuel, en particulier pour l'orgasme vaginal. Les caresses intimes, les baisers, et d'autres formes de stimulation érotique peuvent augmenter le flux sanguin vers les organes génitaux, améliorant ainsi la sensibilité et la possibilité d'atteindre l'orgasme. Prendre le temps nécessaire pour construire l'excitation est un élément clé. Des positions idéales tu adopteras Certaines positions sexuelles sont mieux adaptées pour stimuler les zones érogènes internes comme le point G. Par exemple, en revisitant la position du missionnaire, où les jambes de la femme sont sur les épaules de son partenaire, peut permettre une meilleure stimulation vaginale. L'utilisation de coussins sous les hanches pour ajuster l'angle de pénétration peut également être bénéfique. Des sextoys tu utiliseras En complément des techniques manuelles, les jouets sexuels peuvent être utilisés lors des exercices pour découvrir ce qui stimule le plus le plaisir vaginal. Par exemple, les dilatateurs ou les vibromasseurs spécifiquement conçus pour la stimulation du point G peuvent être des outils précieux pour les femmes explorant leur capacité à avoir un orgasme vaginal. Stimulateurs clitoridiens : idéaux pour une stimulation externe précise, ces dispositifs sont conçus pour être à la fois compacts et efficaces, offrant une puissance impressionnante pour maximiser le plaisir. Vibromasseurs Rabbit : conçus pour une stimulation à la fois clitoridienne et vaginale, ces vibromasseurs Rabbit disposent souvent de réglages personnalisables de vitesse et de modes vibratoires pour une expérience sur mesure. Boules de Geisha : utilisées pour tonifier les muscles pelviens, ces boules améliorent le contrôle musculaire et l'intensité des orgasmes, tout en contribuant à la santé pelvienne générale, notamment après l'accouchement. Toi aussi, tu peux atteindre l’orgasme Chaque femme est unique dans sa capacité à éprouver du plaisir. Comprendre et explorer son corps est une démarche profondément personnelle, qui demande patience et persévérance. Il n'existe pas de formule magique pour garantir un orgasme vaginal, mais les techniques, conseils et exercices que nous avons partagés ici sont des outils précieux pour augmenter vos chances de vivre cette expérience enrichissante. Il est également important de souligner que la sexualité féminine ne doit pas être entourée de pression ou de stéréotypes. Chercher à comprendre et à améliorer votre expérience sexuelle devrait toujours être une démarche faite dans le respect et l'amour de soi. Nous vous encourageons à expérimenter en toute confiance, à communiquer ouvertement avec votre partenaire et à vous réjouir des petites découvertes le long du chemin. Nous espérons que cet article vous a inspiré à explorer de nouvelles dimensions de votre sexualité. Pour continuer à apprendre et à explorer, n'hésitez pas à consulter nos autres ressources et guides disponibles sur notre site. Chez Goliate, nous sommes dédiés à vous fournir des informations fiables et des produits de qualité pour vous accompagner dans votre voyage intime.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Comment bien se masturber en tant que femme ?

Bienvenue dans un univers où le bien-être personnel et la découverte de soi prennent une place centrale. La masturbation féminine, bien loin des tabous et des préjugés, est une facette essentielle de la santé sexuelle et de l’épanouissement personnel. Mais comment s'y prendre ? Que vous soyez novice dans cette pratique ou que vous cherchiez à approfondir vos connaissances, ce guide est fait pour vous. Dans cet article, nous aborderons de manière claire et détaillée les techniques de base, les bienfaits psychologiques et physiques, et vous conseillerons sur les meilleurs moyens de profiter pleinement de ces moments d’intimité avec vous-même. Notre objectif ? Vous fournir les clés pour une exploration sereine et informée, en respectant toujours votre rythme et vos préférences. Parce que connaître son corps est le premier pas vers une vie sexuelle épanouie, nous vous guiderons à travers les différentes approches de la masturbation, en vous offrant des conseils pratiques et des recommandations adaptées. Laissez-vous guider par notre expertise et commencez un voyage vers plus de confiance et de plaisir. Découvrez avec nous comment la masturbation peut non seulement améliorer votre santé, mais aussi enrichir votre vie sexuelle. Pourquoi la masturbation est importante pour les femmes ? Introduction à la santé sexuelle féminine La masturbation féminine est souvent enveloppée de silence et de mystère, mais c'est en réalité une pratique saine et naturelle qui mérite d'être explorée avec respect et ouverture. Bien comprendre ses propres besoins et désirs est fondamental pour une vie sexuelle équilibrée et satisfaisante. Les bienfaits psychologiques de la masturbation La masturbation n'est pas seulement une question de plaisir; elle joue également un rôle crucial dans le bien-être psychologique des femmes. Elle permet de mieux se connaître, d'accroître la confiance en soi et de diminuer le stress et l'anxiété. En prenant le temps de découvrir ce qui vous procure du plaisir, vous développez une relation plus positive avec votre corps. C'est une forme d'auto-affirmation et d'amour propre qui renforce la santé mentale et émotionnelle. Pourquoi se masturber régulièrement ? Sur le plan physique, la masturbation présente plusieurs avantages. Elle peut améliorer la santé génitale en augmentant la circulation sanguine dans les organes pelviens, ce qui contribue à une meilleure élasticité des tissus et à une fonction sexuelle optimale. De plus, elle aide à soulager certaines douleurs menstruelles grâce à la libération d'endorphines, les hormones du bien-être. Pour les femmes, explorer leur corps peut également servir d'exercice préventif contre les troubles sexuels, en augmentant la capacité à atteindre l'orgasme. Il est essentiel de déconstruire les mythes qui entourent la masturbation féminine. Contrairement aux idées reçues, cette pratique n'est ni nocive, ni égoïste; elle est plutôt un aspect important de l'autonomie personnelle. Reconnaître et accepter son propre désir est un acte libérateur qui ouvre la voie à une sexualité plus riche et plus satisfaisante. Comment débuter : premiers pas vers la masturbation féminine ? Se mettre à l’aise Pour débuter dans la pratique de la masturbation, il est crucial de créer un environnement qui favorise la relaxation et le confort. Choisissez un lieu privé où vous ne serez pas dérangée, et où vous vous sentez en sécurité et à l'aise. Cela pourrait être votre chambre, avec des draps propres et une lumière tamisée, ou toute autre pièce qui vous inspire tranquillité. L'ambiance peut être agrémentée de musique douce ou de bougies parfumées, selon vos préférences. Avoir envie de se (re)-découvrir Avant même de penser à utiliser des jouets ou des aides à la masturbation, il est important de commencer par explorer votre corps avec vos mains. Découvrez quelles caresses vous plaisent, quels mouvements vous procurent du plaisir, et quel rythme vous convient le mieux. Cette exploration personnelle est fondamentale pour établir une connexion intime avec vous-même, comprendre vos propres désirs sexuels, et appréhender vos parties intimes pour apprendre à stimuler votre clitoris et votre vulve. Avoir le bon état d’esprit La masturbation n'est pas seulement une affaire physique, elle implique également votre état mental. Pour beaucoup de femmes, se détacher des préoccupations quotidiennes et entrer dans une mentalité propice au plaisir peut être un défi. Quelques techniques peuvent aider, comme la pratique de la méditation ou de la respiration profonde avant de commencer. Il peut aussi être utile de consommer des médias érotiques, comme de la littérature ou des films qui stimulent l'imaginaire et l'excitation sexuelle. Oser se lancer Une fois l'environnement et l'état d'esprit préparés, commencez par des caresses intimes légères autour des zones érogènes sans aller directement aux parties génitales. Cela peut inclure le cou, les seins, l'intérieur des cuisses. Progressivement, dirigez-vous vers le clitoris et les lèvres, en utilisant des mouvements qui augmentent en intensité selon votre niveau de confort et d'excitation. Il est important de rappeler que chaque femme réagit différemment, donc ce qui fonctionne pour une personne ne fonctionne pas nécessairement pour une autre. Les meilleures pratiques pour la masturbation Explorer avec douceur et patience Lorsque l'on aborde la masturbation, particulièrement pour les débutantes, il est essentiel de partir à la découverte de son corps avec douceur et patience. Chaque femme possède des préférences et des sensibilités différentes, ce qui rend chaque expérience unique. Stimulation clitoridienne : le point de départ Le clitoris, un organe dédié au plaisir avec plus de 8 000 terminaisons nerveuses, est souvent le point central de la masturbation féminine. La stimulation peut commencer par de légers mouvements circulaires ou de petites pressions avec le bout des doigts. Il est important de varier les rythmes et les pressions pour découvrir ce qui résonne le plus avec vous. Certaines préfèrent l'usage d'un lubrifiant à base d'eau pour rendre cette expérience plus agréable et moins irritante pour la peau délicate de cette zone. Pénétrer le vagin en douceur En complément à la stimulation clitoridienne, la pénétration vaginale peut également procurer du plaisir. Les doigts, après avoir été soigneusement lavés, peuvent être utilisés pour caresser l'intérieur du vagin. Les mouvements peuvent varier : certains préfèrent des mouvements doux et rythmiques, tandis que d'autres peuvent explorer des angles et des profondeurs différentes. C'est aussi l'occasion d'explorer le point G, situé sur la paroi antérieure du vagin, qui peut être source d'un plaisir intense pour certaines femmes. Utilisation de lubrifiants L'utilisation de lubrifiants naturels est conseillée pour rendre la pratique plus confortable et plus plaisante, surtout si vous explorez des techniques de pénétration. Les lubrifiants à base d'eau sont recommandés car ils sont sûrs à utiliser avec tous les types de jouets sexuels et ne détériorent pas les matériaux. Ils sont également plus faciles à nettoyer et moins susceptibles de causer des irritations. Un aspect souvent négligé mais essentiel de la masturbation est l'hygiène. Avant et après chaque session, il est crucial de se laver les mains et de s'assurer que tous les jouets ou objets utilisés sont propres. Cela aide à prévenir les infections et assure une expérience saine et sécurisée. La masturbation avec les sextoys pour plus de plaisir Choisir son premier jouet sexuel L'introduction de jouets sexuels dans la pratique de la masturbation peut transformer l'expérience de manière significative. Pour les femmes qui se demandent comment se masturber de façon plus variée et enrichissante, les jouets sexuels offrent une multitude d'options. La clé est de choisir un premier sextoy qui correspond à vos préférences personnelles et à votre niveau de confort. Que vous préfériez les stimulateurs clitoridiens, les vibromasseurs, ou les dildos, chaque option a ses particularités. Il est important de commencer avec quelque chose de simple et d'intuitif pour vous familiariser avec l'utilisation des jouets. Stimulateurs clitoridiens : parfaits pour celles qui apprécient une stimulation externe directe, ces jouets sont généralement petits et discrets, mais puissants en sensation. Rabbit : ils peuvent être utilisés pour la stimulation externe et interne. Certains modèles offrent des options de réglage de la vitesse et des modes de vibration pour personnaliser l'expérience. Boules de Geisha : les boules de Geisha, aussi connues sous le nom de boules de Kegel, sont des instruments précieux pour renforcer les muscles du plancher pelvien. Non seulement elles peuvent améliorer le contrôle et l'intensité des orgasmes, mais elles jouent également un rôle essentiel dans la santé pelvienne en prévenant les descentes d'organes et en aidant à la récupération post-partum. Masturbation féminine : lancez-vous ! Pour conclure cet article sur la masturbation féminine, rappelons l'importance fondamentale de cette pratique dans la découverte et l'acceptation de soi. La masturbation n'est pas seulement un acte de plaisir personnel ; elle est aussi une porte vers une meilleure compréhension de notre corps et de ses besoins, permettant ainsi une vie sexuelle plus épanouie et harmonieuse. Nous vous encourageons à explorer sans crainte ni culpabilité les différentes techniques et produits que nous avons discutés, pour trouver ce qui vous convient le mieux. N'oubliez pas que chaque femme est unique, et donc, chaque chemin vers le plaisir l'est aussi. Prenez le temps de vous écouter et de vous répondre avec bienveillance et curiosité. Pour aller plus loin dans cette aventure personnelle, nous vous invitons à consulter notre sélection de jouets sexuels adaptés à tous les niveaux de découverte. Que vous soyez débutante ou plus expérimentée, vous trouverez sur notre site des produits soigneusement choisis pour accompagner chaque étape de votre exploration personnelle.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Edging: test it to prolong your pleasure

In the vast universe of sexual discovery and exploration, a practice is slowly but surely emerging, captivating the attention of those in search of intensified experiences. This practice is Edging, a term borrowed from English literally meaning “to be on the edge”. But far from being a simple passing trend, Edging reveals itself as a profound exploration of sensuality and control, a delicate dance on the edge of desire. You may be wondering what makes Edging so special, why so many people are interested in it , and most importantly, how this practice could enrich your own secret garden. Edging is not only a method to intensify pleasure, it is a real invitation to reconnect with your body, to discover new facets of your sexuality and, ultimately, to reclaim your pleasure. Let yourself be tempted by this new practice and discover how Edging can transform the way you live and feel pleasure. Ready to explore the limits of your desire? Let’s lay the foundations: what is Edging? In the context of our intimacy, it is a practice where we flirt with the peak of pleasure, without crossing the threshold of orgasm, at least not immediately. Edging is this delicate art of maintaining this state of ecstasy which arrives just before orgasm, thus prolonging the experience of desire and increasing the power of the final orgasm tenfold. Concretely , the goal is to refrain from enjoying to stay in the so-called “pre-orgasmic” phase , in order to enjoy the pleasure longer. This practice presents itself today as a modern method to enrich the sexual experience, whether solo or as a couple: Solo, Edging becomes a form of erotic meditation , an opportunity to connect deeply with your body and its sensations. In the context of a relationship, it opens a space for communication and sharing, where each partner learns to read and respond to the other's signals, thus creating an extraordinary complicity and synchronicity. Edging is not only a method to intensify pleasure , it is also a path to better knowledge of yourself and your partner. Edging: why is it so good? When we explore the world of Edging, we quickly discover that its benefits go far beyond a simple intensification of pleasure. This practice, rich in nuances, offers a range of benefits both physically and psychologically, contributing to a deeper and more satisfying sexual experience. Exploring your body awareness One of the main advantages of Edging lies in its ability to reconnect us with our body . By practicing Edging, we learn to listen and interpret the signals that our body sends us , thus increasing our sensory awareness. This heightened sensitivity guides us toward a more intimate understanding of our desires and limitations, allowing us to experience pleasure in a more awake and conscious way. Increase your orgasmic sensations Edging transforms orgasm into a more intense and longer lasting experience. By delaying the moment of orgasm, we build up sexual energy which, when finally released, provides much more powerful and satisfying sensations. If you combine this with other techniques to increase your sensations such as perineal contraction, you will clearly discover a new way to do yourself good . Better control your excitement For those looking to improve their sexual stamina , Edging presents itself as an ideal exercise. By learning to control arousal and delay orgasm, practitioners can prolong sexual intercourse, thereby increasing mutual satisfaction. It is particularly beneficial for people wishing to control their ejaculation and prolong the shared pleasure. Increase emotional connection When practiced as a couple, Edging can strengthen the emotional connection between partners. This practice requires open communication and deep attention to each other's reactions, which promotes intimacy and trust. Each partner learns not only to give but also to receive pleasure in a more attentive and connected way. Edging to do alone or as a couple Edging, although deeply personal in its practice, comes in two enriching experiences: solo and as a couple. Each of these experiences offers a unique dimension of discovery and pleasure. Edging solo: learning to control your orgasm The journey of Edging often begins solo, where it transforms into an act of personal discovery and self-mastery. Practiced alone, Edging becomes a form of sensual meditation, a way to explore the confines of your pleasure, your endurance and masturbation . Solo Edging allows you to become familiar with your physical and emotional reactions to growing arousal. This is an opportunity to learn how your body responds to prolonged stimulation and how to manage the intensity of your desire. If you are a man, it can also allow you to become “multi-orgasmic” and increase your pleasure a hundredfold during intercourse. If you are a woman, practicing Edging by integrating the use of toys can also allow you to discover new ways to do yourself good. To practice this practice, we strongly recommend our clitoral stimulator . This practice helps you develop better endurance , allowing you to control and extend your pleasure sessions. This leads to more intense and satisfying orgasms, transforming each experience into a richer exploration of your sexuality. Edging as a couple: for a better connection at all levels When practiced as a couple, Edging becomes an intimate dance of communication and sharing. It is a joint exploration of the limits of pleasure, where each partner learns to read and respond to the needs of the other. Since Edging requires open and attentive communication. It is an exercise that strengthens complicity and connection, with each partner becoming more aware of the other's desires and limits. Edging as a couple allows you to discover new ways of giving and receiving pleasure. By prolonging arousal, partners share an intensified experience , resulting in synchronized, deeply connected orgasms. Edging: to improve your sexual health Edging, beyond being an enriching erotic practice, also offers significant benefits for sexual health. This subtle art of delaying orgasm is not only a path to more intense pleasures , but also a way to encourage better overall sexual health. Improved hormonal balance and well-being Impact on dopamine Edging, by delaying orgasm, plays with dopamine levels, the hormone associated with pleasure. This control can help balance hormonal responses, providing a more stable and emotionally satisfying experience. Stress and Anxiety Reduction Practicing Edging can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety . By focusing attention on the present moment and bodily sensations, this technique helps relax the mind and body. Ejaculation control and duration of intercourse For people with penises, Edging can be particularly beneficial for improving ejaculation control . This practice helps increase stamina and extend the duration of sexual intercourse, thus providing increased satisfaction for all partners involved. A practice like Edging needs to be tested urgently! By exploring the different facets of Edging, together we discovered a practice that goes far beyond a simple method for intensifying pleasure. Edging is an invitation to self-discovery, to exploring the limits of our desire and to mastering our pleasure. It is a sensual dance with our own sensations, a subtle game where we learn to know and love each aspect of our sexuality. In any case, Edging can only do you good, that’s for sure! So try this new practice, you have nothing to lose.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

These erogenous zones that we do not know!

Erogenous zones are regions of the human body particularly sensitive to stimulation, which can provoke a sexual or erotic response. These areas vary from person to person and can be influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. What is an erogenous zone? An erogenous zone is a part of the human body particularly sensitive to stimulation, capable of provoking an erotic or sexual response. These areas have a large number of nerve endings, making them particularly receptive to touch, pressure, or other forms of stimulation. Erogenous zones are not limited to the genitals. Although these are often most associated with sexual response, other parts of the body, such as the lips, neck, ears, breasts, or even the inner thighs, can also be considered erogenous. The sensitivity of these areas can vary from person to person, and what is stimulating for one may not be for another. We are all different It is also important to note that the perception of erogenous zones can be influenced by psychological, cultural and individual factors. For example, some cultures or religions may have taboos regarding certain parts of the body, which can influence how individuals perceive and respond to stimulation of these areas. In sum, erogenous zones play a crucial role in human intimacy and sexuality, providing a multitude of avenues for exploring and increasing erotic pleasure. Classic erogenous zones Both men and women have so-called primary erogenous zones (in men, the penis, testicles, the P-spot, in women, the breasts, vulva, clitoris, vagina, etc.). Everyone agrees on these areas: they are innervated, sensitive, and when touched, they provide pleasure. However, discovering your body doesn't stop there! There are also secondary, more personal erogenous zones, which awaken according to a personality, a moment, a partner, a fantasy... The sensitivity of these areas can vary greatly from person to person, and what is stimulating for one may not be for another. Erogenous zones common to men and women Lips: One of the first areas couples explore, they are extremely sensitive to touch. Neck: Kisses, light bites or caresses can cause a strong reaction. Ears: The lobes in particular can be very sensitive to kisses or light bites. The neck: An often neglected but very sensitive area. Breasts and nipples: In some people, stimulation of the nipples can cause strong arousal. The lower back: Particularly sensitive to caresses and massages. The inside of the thighs: An area close to the genitals and therefore very sensitive. Feet: Some find foot massages or toe stimulation can be erotic. Erogenous zones specific to men The penis: Obviously, this is one of the main erogenous zones for men. The testicles: Although they are sensitive, they can be very responsive to gentle stimulation. The frenulum: The band of tissue under the glans of the penis, particularly sensitive. The Anus and Prostate: Anal stimulation can be pleasurable for some men, and the prostate is often referred to as the "male G-spot." Erogenous zones specific to women The clitoris: An extremely sensitive and often central area for female pleasure. The vulva: Includes the inner and outer lips, both sensitive to stimulation. The vagina: In particular, the area known as the "G-spot", located a few centimeters inside on the front wall of the vagina. The anus: Just like men, some women find anal stimulation pleasant. In any case, when we talk about anal stimulation , it is essential to do this with lubricant . Many of us are conscious of “classic” erogenous zones. What we don't know is that we never stop waking them up for new sensations and that... we have others, so far discreet, that could well make us go crazy tomorrow! Exploration. The original erogenous zones and to be tested urgently Some will love having their toes tickled, others will get excited when they are caressed on their stomach. And while we all have primary erogenous zones, we all have secondary zones to explore. In other words, we never get to know each other! Between the areas already explored which hide new pleasures and those which we have never approached... ecstasy is not far away! Exploration of erogenous zones We understand ourselves, we understand our partner, and we frequently experience pleasure based on our own standards . Following a familiar path is comfortable and forms our “erotic essence.” However, to explore unknown erogenous territories and feel new emotions , let's focus on sensuality and delicacy. Extensive foreplay is essential to go beyond our familiar gestures and dare to explore, solo or in a duo. When the desire intensifies and we get carried away, we touch each area of ​​our partner's body, encouraging them to do the same. Another way to immerse yourself in sensuality is through massage . Let's find a cozy place in bed, create a pleasant atmosphere, and start with mutual massages. Take his time There is no point in anticipating the intimate act that might follow: it is not the main objective and it distracts us from the present moment. Let us instead concentrate on discovering the other's body, from their back to their bust, from the bend of their arm to their neck, from their thighs to their buttocks ... An endless moment is offered Awakening your erogenous zones: advice Running your hand over a forearm… meh? Touch is an art! And to awaken an erogenous zone, let's touch differently! We use the pads of our fingers for a maximum thrill, we grab or lightly pull out our nails for a slightly wilder grip... We change our approach, our method ! And also rhythm. Faster, slower, we alternate. Without forgetting to use our mouth, very sensitive, moist, warm, which allows us to approach the nooks and crannies of our partner's body in a different way. Finally, vibrating sex toys can be real “motors”. The Goliate My Pleasure toy will be the ideal companion. Specially designed to stimulate your intimacy or that of your partner, it will vibrate on all the erogenous parts of your body with such power that certain corners of your anatomy will awaken. Communicate with your partner: the key to success It touches us, we touch it... To discover our own erogenous zones but also those of our partner, let's listen to each other and don't hesitate to communicate! When you scan your partner's body, pay attention to their reactions , their breathing, the expression on their face... You will then understand if you are on the right track. Just like he will observe you while caressing you: tell him through sounds, sighs... and that you like that. And then, words remain quite useful in addition to this non-verbal language. “I love it, try again”… By communicating, we make the ride ever more surprising, we venture together, as a couple, onto new terrain.

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Our advices – Mister Ose


The female body is made up of many erotic and erogenous zones. Today, focus on an exclusively female area that offers intense pleasure to many people when stimulated, I named the Deep Spot. G-spot, A-spot, Deep Spot: How to find your way around? The female anatomy is full of sensitive and very innervated areas which can, in many people, provide countless pleasures, all as different as each other. Only, it is sometimes difficult to navigate as their names may seem vague. Follow the guide, I explain everything from A to Z. The point G The G-Spot was named after the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who discovered it in the 1950s. Recently, this famous Point G was renamed Zone G because a 2022 study suggests that it would be composed of five distinct erogenous regions. These are located about two phalanges from the entrance to the vagina, on the anterior wall, in the direction of the bladder. It is also possible to identify this area by its rough texture, by placing your fingers in a hook up. Point A or Deep Spot Point A and Deep Spot… it's exactly the same thing, and it's the subject that interests us today. He means a area to situating Also In THE vagina, but GOOD deeper than Zone G, near the cervix to be exact. Rich in nerve endings, it would trigger multiple and intense orgasms in many people when stimulated. For this, it is necessary to appreciate the penetration, which is deeper (editor's note: I take this opportunity to remind you that penetration is not compulsory during a report and that it is possible to take pleasure from many others manners). How to find the Deep Spot? Located at the very bottom of the vagina, it is identifiable by its consistency which is softer to the touch than the vaginal wall. It is also important to note that it is very sensitive to pressure. Also, if you stay tuned to your body and the sensations it gives you, you will be able to identify it without too much difficulty. To do this, do not hesitate to take the time. It may seem obvious at first glance, but our daily lives are punctuated by many tasks, we can tend to forget to slow down. Sexuality is no exception to this rule and it is sometimes necessary to take time for yourself in order to (re)appropriate your body. When one wishes to discover new pleasures as is the case here, it is extremely important to be able to identify each sensation, whatever it may be. By practicing this introspection regularly, it becomes easier to get to know yourself and thus, to better understand your desires and, a fortiori, your needs. What are the sensations it provides? Each body being different, the sensations can vary from one person to another. Its stimulation can, in some women, be sufficient on its own as the point is sensitive. For others, add a clitoral stimulation will be necessary to increase this pleasure. Finally, it is important to note that these sensations can also be unpleasant. If this is the case, do not hesitate to change position before repeating the experiment. If it doesn't change how you feel, don't insist. Once again, sexuality is rich enough to be able to give pleasure without necessarily stimulating the Deep Spot. How to stimulate it? : Tips and Tricks The deep spot can be stimulated alone or in pairs. In solo, you can go for Point A if you have long fingers. Otherwise, you can use a sex toy to reach it more easily. In this regard, I advise you to use fairly long toys like the rabbit vibrator MyPleasure Plus (this can give you clitoral pleasure in addition to helping you reach the Deep Spot) or any other sex toy, vibrating or not, at least 8 cm long. In a duo, your partner can also use their upward curled fingers, a toy, or their penis. Note that certain positions facilitate its stimulation. Among them: the greyhound, the andromache, the Amazon and its variants or the anvil. Note also that sodomy can also stimulate the deep spot indirectly if you are a fan of anal sex. The precautions to take to stimulate the Deep Spot Whatever the practice to which one devotes himself, it is advisable to take precautions to limit the risks. Since Point A is in a very sensitive area, it is important first of all to gently stimulate it (at least initially) in order to avoid pain as much as possible. Also, if you have sex with a casual partner, remember to protect yourself! The best solution is still the condom. Note that you can obtain it free of charge from pharmacies with a simple prescription from your doctor. Finally, if you stimulate the Deep Spot, don't forget to wash your hands properly beforehand if you use your fingers and/or to wash your sex toys with a suitable product. I hope these few tips have helped you to see more clearly about this erogenous zone that is the Deep Spot. And don't forget, if you're not fond of penetration, non-penetrative sex is also full of practices that are sure to offer you tasty pleasures.

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Our advices – Maëlle Marchandon

13 Tips to Take Care of Your Sex

Taking care of your penis is an integral part of sex life, and yet we are rarely taught how to do it. Unfortunately, the vulva is more sensitive than the penis to inconveniences such as urinary tract infections, or flora imbalances... But hygiene rules apply to everyone! A few practical tips can ensure good hygiene while avoiding most difficulties. Take care of her vulva To wash your penis: Wash your vulva once a day, but be careful, only the external part! The vagina is self-cleaning, you should never put water or soap internally, at the risk of completely unbalancing your flora. What product to use? The ideal is to use a gentle cleansing care (without soap, without perfume) or simply clear water, according to your preference. Even if it is not necessary to buy specialized products (which are expensive and often contain perfume), avoid all the same the ultra-scented shower gels of the trade. A gentle washing care from a drugstore is ideal. Wash, yes, but not too much: wash your vulva once a day, no more! Too frequent washing can unbalance your flora. If you feel the need for refreshment during the day (for example, when you have your period) you can rinse with clear water, but without adding any product or soap. Dry your vulva well after showering, to avoid trapping moisture in this sensitive area. Wipes and deodorants are to be avoided! In addition to being useless, they are often harmful. Some advice in your sexuality Everything that comes in contact with your vulva must be clean: hand washing (/ of sextoys, penises, etc.) is compulsory before masturbation or sex. We do not go from the anus to the vulva: the anus and the rectum contain bacteria which must never come into contact with this area, at the risk of causing inconveniences such as vaginosis, mycosis or even a urinary infection. . This also applies to a passage from the anus (external) to the vulva (external), even if there has been no penetration. On the other hand, doing the opposite does not cause any problem! Go pee after sex: this reduces the risk of urinary tract infection, by removing all the small bacteria that could have lodged in your urethra. Tips for everyday life: drink plenty of water and prefer cotton underwear. With or without hair? The bristles are hygienic: they form a barrier that slightly reduces the risk of infection. The decision to keep them or remove them should depend on your desires and preferences. Bonus: look at your vulva in a mirror! This area of ​​the body is often neglected, yet getting to know yourself better is an integral part of sexual fulfillment. If you feel comfortable with this, take a small mirror (or the selfie camera of your cellphone), and look at your vulva trying to locate the different elements: clitoris, urethral meatus, inner lips ("small labia ), outer lips (“labia majora”), entrance to the vagina. Help yourself with an illustration in case of doubt. Take care of his penis Wash your penis: it should be cleaned thoroughly every day. The penis is generally less sensitive to imbalances in the flora than the vulva, so it is quite possible to use soap or shower gel to wash, even if a mild cleansing treatment remains ideal. If you don't have had a circumcision operation, don't forget to retract your penis to wash your glans. The scrotum (skin around the testicles) and anus should also be cleaned carefully. Touch your testicles: Testicular cancer is very treatable if detected early. And the best way to spot it quickly is to feel your testicles regularly! Once a month, in the shower with soapy water, use one hand to hold your testicles, and the other to feel them in search of an anomaly: small hard lump under the skin, pain, swelling... If in doubt, go quickly to consult your general practitioner. Take care of your partners: Certainly, the penis is less sensitive than the vulva to infections and imbalances. But a lack of hygiene on your part could cause an inconvenience to your partner. Taking care of your sexual health also means thinking about others by having good hygiene, providing condoms in your size, learning about what could create a problem for your partner, and consulting at the slightest signal. alert. Find the right condom: A condom that is too tight can cause loss of sensation, and a condom that is too loose is more likely to slip off during sex. A good condom fits snugly, but not too tight. If you have any doubt about your size, you can go to this website . Taking care of your sex is also... Accept its scent: The vulva and penis do not smell like roses and that's normal! As long as your hygiene is good and your smell doesn't suddenly change, there's nothing to worry about. Consult at the slightest alert: Unusual discharge, appearance of a small lump, itching, sudden change in the smell of your penis, plaques, pain, strange discharge… Any unusual signal should lead you to quickly consult your general practitioner. Most difficulties and inconveniences can be resolved easily if they are taken care of correctly. In case of problem, avoid "home remedies": Many people try to treat yeast infections or vaginosis with outlandish remedies (like putting yogurt or garlic in the vagina!). Result: more often than not, the situation worsens. Ask your doctor or gynecologist for advice before trying anything out of the ordinary to solve your problem, and don't forget that traditional medical treatments (eggs, antibiotics, etc.) are the most effective and the most sure! Protect yourself from STIs: STIs are unfortunately on the rise due to a drop in the use of protections. Using condoms and getting tested regularly are the two best ways to protect yourself! I hope these few tips will help you take care of your sex with ease.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The perineum, or how to intensify your orgasms. Simple and efficient !

The perineum is an area of ​​skin made up of muscles and ligaments that takes the shape of a hammock. It is located between the genitals and the anus. The perineum is a fragile area which is generally taken care of very little. Most women only hear about the perineum after childbirth, when perineal re-education is needed. For some men, they only become aware of it during a prostate operation. However, strengthening the perineum has several advantages, such as: weight loss, preparation for childbirth, increased orgasmic pleasure and also delaying premature ejaculation. In addition, its toning can be done at any age. This part of the body is an area that plays a crucial role in the anatomy and sexuality of individuals. In women, it closes the abdomen and supports a number of organs in the lower abdomen. While in men, it includes the end of the digestive tract and part of the urinary and genital tracts. This area contains vital blood vessels that send blood to the genitals and nerve endings send sexual messages to the brain. Why do you need to strengthen the perineum? Issues related to sexuality In the intimacy of the two partners, the perineum allows you to have a fulfilling sexuality and contributes to the increase of sensations. If it is not firm enough, the woman is less likely to feel the penis, which means less pleasure during penetration. On the contrary, a well-muscled perineum promotes compression and ascension of the clitoris, as well as vascularization . As far as men are concerned, the perineum is just as important, because the contraction of the perineal muscles makes it possible to boost the inflow of blood into the cavernous bodies of the penis, which increases sexual arousal and guarantees erection rigidity . Moreover , it is filled with nerve endings, which makes it a particularly erogenous zone . For such a small surface of skin, the perineum can provide a lot of pleasure, taking care of it then represents a considerable complement in sexual life. Health issues A deficient perineum increases the risk of contracting what is called organ prolapse or descent, as well as perineal hypotonia. It's when the woman feels like she's gaping . On the other hand, perineal hypertonia is more and more frequent, it is the involuntary contraction of the muscles, which makes penetration difficult . For a man, it can be the cause of uncontrolled and too fast ejaculations. Besides, it helps maintain gas and bowel movements. Before and after childbirth Childbirth has negative impacts on the perineum, because the load imposed on the latter increases. This causes a relaxation and a decrease in pleasure at the time of the act. This is also the cause of the occurrence of urinary leakage. However, all these problems can be easily solved, thanks to perineal rehabilitation. However, it is best to learn how to tone it during pregnancy, in order to soften it, which will make it easier for the baby to come out. How to strengthen your perineum? There are several exercises that can strengthen your perineum. The elevator Put yourself in a lying or sitting position, and imagine that your perineum is a 4-story elevator. Gradually go up contracting the perineum a little more for each floor to be reached, while pausing when you have reached each floor. The contraction of the perineum provides a sensation that will go up towards your sternum or your chest. 1st stage: contract the muscles of the perineum for 1 second, pause and release gently; 2nd stage: contract for 2 seconds, trying to raise the pelvic floor (perineum), towards the top of the body then release slowly; 3rd stage: contract the muscles of the perineum, raising it a little further for 3 seconds, then gently release; 4th stage: contract one last time for 4 seconds and release slowly. The half bridge This is a yoga posture that helps strengthen the perineum. To do this, it is necessary to stay Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Then take a deep breath in contracting the perineum while squeezing the buttocks and pressing down on your feet to tilt the pelvis. Finally, it's necessary Lift your buttocks off the ground by blowing for 10 seconds, then gently lower your back, unrolling your spine vertebra after vertebra. Simple daily exercises Indeed, there are simple exercises that you can perform anywhere, such as at the office, at home...During the day, remember to regularly contract your perineum for 5 seconds, then release, redo this movement ten times in a row. However, it should be noted that all exercises should be performed with an empty bladder. Otherwise, they could lead to a urinary tract infection. Finally, do not hesitate to use the famous Kegel Balls, the ideal companion to strengthen your perineum effortlessly. The perineum and sexual pleasure In the woman According to Jean Bourdin, physiotherapist and sexologist , if the perineum is well muscled, this will lead to the lubrication of the vulva, because the Bartholin glands will be emptied more easily. Moreover, its contraction reduces the vaginal orifice and tightens a third of the external part of the vagina, which will keep it firm. This promotes increased vaginal contractions and will allow more intense orgasmic pleasure, a virtuous circle beneficial for sexuality. At men's You should know that the prostate is located two inches from the rectal canal. However, stimulation of the perineum allows indirect access to it. Besides This is a particularly erogenous zone for men, as the muscles become engorged with blood during sex, so this is the best time to explore it. Whatever your gender, stimulating this area could be a great addition to your sex life, as the perineum is rich in sensitive nerve endings. Everyone is sensitive to it to some degree. Regardless of your gender, there's a range of pleasures you may have yet to explore.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The squirting woman

Should we be afraid of it? Is it due to an anomaly? This phenomenon can arouse fear, even disgust in some people, especially because it is still misunderstood, even today. And yet, scientific research carried out by several sexologists has shown that it is a completely natural physiological reaction. Indeed, anatomically, squirting women have nothing that differentiates them from others. Moreover, Dr. Desvaux, andrologist and sexologist, had affirmed that many more women than one might think can be fountains. On the other hand, the work carried out by Dr. Cabello Santa Maria indicated that 75% of the women studied would have expelled a liquid at the time of orgasm. The progress of science has made it possible to make this phenomenon a little better known and to sweep away prejudices. Nevertheless, it is still a source of frustration for some women, because many of them still feel shame in front of their partners. Fountain women are all different from each other. Some manage to control them, while others cannot. Can all women be fountains? The phenomenon experienced by squirting women is a physiological mechanism, which implies that everyone is logically capable of it. In some women, this impressive ejaculation consisting mainly of love juice and urine is uncontrollable. In others, it is well controlled. What is reassuring is that being a fountain woman can be learned. For this, there are different possible techniques. Nevertheless, you should know that each person is different, that is to say that it is necessary to go through several phases of discovery of your body in order to find the appropriate method. On the other hand, there are several tips that can favor the mechanism, such as reaching an optimal state of relaxation, since stimulation and relaxation are the key points of this phenomenon. Several sexologists suggest that it's all about letting go and that the expulsion of this liquid is likened to a total letting go. How to achieve it? The role of the partner According to sociologist Jacques Salomé, squirting women are, for the most part, women who have found a partner who is sensitive and attentive to their sex. Indeed, to reach this state and trigger the mechanism, it is necessary to be in tune with one's body, one's sexuality and especially one's partner, so that the act is a moment conducive to relaxation and not a source of stress. For singles  It is quite possible to trigger this phenomenon by being alone. Studies made in 1950 showed that stimulation of the G-spot could be the cause of this phenomenon. There are therefore several possible techniques, such as the use of sex toys, but also the "Captain hook" technique, which consists of introducing two fingers, in the shape of a hook, into the vulva, then exerting gentle pressure on the point. G. This technique could trigger the mechanism. Is there a difference between squirting and female ejaculation? Squirting and female ejaculation are both sometimes taboo subjects. Although the two concepts may have similar characteristics, it is necessary to clarify that if all women can become squirting, not all can ejaculate. The progress of science has made it possible to lift the veil on these two phenomena, because, in reality, the mechanism of female ejaculation and that of squirting women are different. However, it is important to emphasize that the two phenomena are in no way synonymous with a more intense orgasm. The squirting woman This denomination is especially applied when a large quantity of liquid escapes during orgasm. Physical effort and intense excitement increase the heart rate, causing blood to circulate and filter more quickly, which will cause fluid to accumulate in the bladder. This will then be evacuated in the form of trickling or spurting at the time of sexual stimulation leading to orgasm. The bladder will be completely emptied after the arousal climax. After carrying out analyzes, the scientists were able to deduce that this liquid would have the chemical structure of urine, but more diluted. It is odorless, colorless and has a neutral taste, which makes it  closer to water. female ejaculation During sexual intercourse, it happens that some women release a more or less significant amount of liquid in the sex area. However, this ejaculation is different from that of squirting women, because it comes from the Skène glands which are also called female prostates. The composition of this ejaculation is close to the prostatic fluid of men. Studies have shown it to contain prostatic acid phosphatase  and fructose, both of which are present in male sperm. According to Dr. Desvaux, “all women have these glands, but they are more or less developed depending on testosterone levels and genetics. Even if this phenomenon requires stimulation to be triggered, it should be noted that ejaculation and orgasm do not always go hand in hand, because ejaculation can occur before or after excitement. Different interpretations Fountain women have long been the subject of fascination because of their rarity. Some saw them as practitioners of black magic exercising an unhealthy enjoyment of female sexuality, while others saw them as women with strong reproductive power. In India, the liquid that comes out is sometimes called "lotus nectar" or "nectar of the gods" and it was even recommended to be consumed. In Rwanda, it is considered a sacred liquid. Sociologist Janine Mossuz-Lavau noted that “their rarity made them goddesses in ancient civilizations and monsters in some cultures. In France and the United States, around the middle of the 20th century, several fountain women had surgery for urinary incontinence. This phenomenon has already been mentioned in the "kamasutra" and in the time of Hippocrates who attributed it to a seed playing an important role in procreation. However, it was not until 2007 that it was confirmed with accuracy that this is a completely natural phenomenon and that it is in no way the expression of an anomaly.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to let go during cunnilingus?

If cunnilingus is an erotic act, a source of pleasure, not all women love it. It all depends on the partner, the moment, the vision we have of this practice and our complexes... So how do we let go and savor it? Advice. feel clean It's silly to say, but far from being absurd. Many women fear cunnilingus for fear of smelling bad, being "a little dirty" or sweating. We live in a society that constantly hunts hair and bad odors, which is freaking good when our last shower was less than three minutes ago. The best solution, when you can't casually take a shower before sex (and you really want to), is to drag your partner into the bathroom. Underwater, the pleasure is different, more sensual, and soap is never far away. We can even ask the other to soap our sex as a preliminaries... Dare to go black! Another complex: the light is a little too bright! We often put ourselves in the place of our partner and we visualize our sex in close-up (not pretty to see, we say to ourselves). But all genders are beautiful. Sight is a sense which is not idle during love and which stimulates sexual desire. So, if we refuse that our partner slips his nose between our legs, eyes wide open on our private parts, turning off the light is a first step that allows abandonment. A small candle will suffice, for a subdued atmosphere! And if you are already in the bathroom while reading these lines, note that nothing prevents you from washing in the dark, with a trickle of light from the next room. think about yourself To abandon oneself to any sexual practice, it is good to awaken one's small part of selfishness. Often, we don't take full advantage of it, as if it were unwelcome, as if we didn't deserve this attention… Wrong. Let's dare to savor these few minutes of happiness and think of us, just of us, of this crazy goodness that we feel, of this man who caresses our sex with his tongue or a stranger that we have been fantasizing about for ages... We are free to travel. Guide your partner What if we thought we weren't into cunnilingus when only a few clumsiness on the part of our partner kept us away from pleasure? We can guide him! As long as we don't redirect him, he will think that his practice suits us. However, there is no shame in not liking the way he does it, it does not question our love for him. We can therefore, with our two free hands, replace our head, touch our sex to separate our lips otherwise, and so on. Don't wait for the miracle If there is a common mistake, which we already make with orgasm, it is to think about the result while forgetting to focus on the most important thing: our sensations! During cunnilingus, there's no need to cross your fingers while repeating "As long as it does!" ". By dint of trying to like it, we put pressure on ourselves and we miss out on the most pleasant. It is by emptying your mind and focusing on what you feel second after second that you will take your foot by surprise!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to stimulate the clitoris?

Sexual organ dedicated to pleasure, the clitoris has nearly 10,000 nerve endings. In other words, it can take us far, very far. Six secrets to stimulate it and experience incredible pleasure. With fingers or hand Obviously, manual stimulation is the most frequent. Whether you treat yourself to solitary pleasure or share an intimate moment, the fingers allow gentle exploration of the clitoral zone. This is an opportunity to identify her labia minora, her labia majora, the vaginal vestibule and then the clitoris itself, an infinite source of pleasure. Turning around increases the excitement, while too sudden a touch can chill. Gentleness is therefore required for a step-by-step awakening, until you feel the clitoris go into erection. Humidity is also important: you can then wet your finger, use a silicone-based lubricant or simply let the excitement increase until the vagina offers natural lubrication. As for the whole hand, it intervenes to apply very light pressure, but also to form small circles. With an erotic toy Many women use sex toys to masturbate, also within the couple. Very frequently equipped with vibrations, toys for adults offer intense sensations. Orgasm can occur very quickly, the stimulation being fast and effective. Many women play and then take a break to use their fingers again. A way to slow the rise and create more sexual tension. Sex toys are a great way to discover your body, to familiarize yourself with the rate at which pleasure builds and sets in, and then play your way along the way to climax. To stimulate your clitoris, we recommend getting started with our clitoris stimulator The Amazing! , guaranteed orgasm! By friction When young women discover their bodies and indulge in auto-eroticism, they generally rub against a soft object, such as a pillow, the mattress, even a stuffed animal. Often, they tighten the legs in order to fold the clitoris on itself, to confine it within the vulva, for more excitement. The frictions make it possible to perfectly manage the pressure, the movement and the rhythm. During sexual intercourse, you can rub against your partner's pubis, also on your thigh during foreplay. A way not to abandon her clitoris during vaginal stimulation. It is no less good, less pleasant, and is not only useful for foreplay. With the tongue Cunnilingus offers a very pleasant wet pleasure. Just as women very often enjoy clitoral pleasure in the shower, via the pressure of the water. Kissing the clitoris, licking it, is an art that is practiced gently. We choose a position in which we feel completely comfortable. We close the legs or spread them. We release the head back to surrender or we look at the scene to awaken our senses and get visually excited. Everything is allowed. The ideal is to take your time, never to rush cunnilingus, a very sensual act during which you can stimulate other erogenous zones, such as the entrance to the vagina or the breasts, by offering breaks. With the penis During foreplay or during sex, the penis can stimulate the clitoris. The glans is also very sensitive and is said to be made up of around 4000 nerve endings. This practice is a delight for both partners. Beyond the sensations experienced - the result of the encounter between two very fine body parts - the erotic dimension of this gesture promises enormous excitement. In other words, it is the very idea of ​​rubbing the glans against the clitoris that takes us into a fantasy world. We visualize the scene, or we watch it, and we become aware of being at the very heart of sexual pleasure. Via the vagina For a long time, we classified female pleasure into a clitoral orgasm and a vaginal orgasm. Now, feminine pleasure is a whole.  There is "only one" orgasm, experienced differently according to the women, the hours, the circumstances, and the caresses. We then speak of external stimulation and internal stimulation. The clitoris is certainly visible, but it actually measures ten centimeters. It is made up of roots that surround the vagina. The famous G-spot, according to the latest research, would ultimately be a specific point in contact with the clitoris. Stimulating the entrance to the vagina, without much back and forth and without seeking depth, but by caressing the walls, would therefore be the way to stimulate her clitoris from another angle for overall and powerful pleasure.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate


Due to an involuntary muscular contraction of the muscles surrounding the vagina, vaginismus makes penetration painful or even impossible. How to treat it and regain a fulfilling sex life? Our tracks.   Behind the term vaginismus, there is that of vagina. But vaginismus is not a vagina problem, nor a gynecological problem; usually the vagina is fine. Vaginismus is a sexual disorder linked to an involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the vagina. This contraction then prevents penetration. It's as if the vagina was closing, locking itself. Medically speaking, we distinguish partial vaginismus (at this time, the subject has no difficulty inserting a tampon, a cup, an ovum, only coital penetration is made impossible) from total vaginismus (in this case, any "intrusion" is impossible), but also primary vaginismus (always present) secondary vaginismus (which occurs later in life, when everything was going well until now). But why do the muscles of the perineum lock and how to treat vaginismus?   Fear of pain and fear of the penis When we talk about vaginismus, we are therefore talking about a reflex contraction of the muscles of the vagina: we “want” to make love, but something is blocking it, the body refuses. In question, often dyspareunia, that is to say pain during intercourse. By dint of pain, of a badly experienced penetration, the vagina chooses to close so as not to “relive” this experience. In other cases, we can evoke in the broad sense the fear of the penis, due to a distorted vision of the male sex (we imagine it very large, while we imagine its very small vagina), sexual abuse which revives in the subject a fear of suffering. We can also question the way we look at sexuality, or what we have heard about sexuality. A woman, for example, who thinks that sex is "dirty", can suffer from vaginismus insofar as she does not allow herself sexuality. Of course, all this does not mean that dyspareunia, sexual abuse, or a "negative" view of sexuality necessarily leads to vaginismus. "Practical" solutions Without saying that vaginismus is purely "in the head", it is necessary to admit, all the same, its psychological nature, so that a psychiatric follow-up can be of great help. But there are other parallel solutions to get out of it and re-tame your body. Namely, already, that vaginismus does not always prevent a fulfilling sexuality: penetration is, wrongly, the centerpiece of sexual intercourse . However, one can take pleasure in practicing a so-called "preliminary" sexuality, thanks to external caresses, in particular via stimulation of the vulva (and therefore of the glans of the clitoris), breasts, belly... This "way of doing allows women to relax, lubricate, and realize that their body is still in the game. A positive observation that is more than useful for healing. Then, specialists generally suggest taking your time: the muscles of the vagina, if they contract, do not contract for hours. During a relationship of trust, with lubricant , softness and external caresses to calm down, it is possible to “play” at the entrance to the vagina. The idea is not at all to force the passage, but to show your body, inch by inch, that it can relax. The vagina is like tights: it's when you put your leg in that it opens. Even if so, here, we won't talk about a leg (atmosphere) but a finger, then a penis. If, of course, the pain is present and the penetration impossible, we resume the sexuality of foreplay, we have fun differently, so as not to lose confidence. Finally, masturbation also remains an avenue to explore: the fear of the penis and, sometimes, the fear of a relationship that is too virulent, partly explain vaginismus. Masturbation then allows you, solo, to meet your body and reassure yourself: it's ok, it's going well. A “victory” which invites, then, to share a sexual relationship in a new dimension. If, at two, it blocks again and again, it is then necessary to take stock: what bothers me in this configuration? In the practice of penetration? Elements of response to then share with a specialist if necessary.

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