Our advices

Explorez avec nous les multiples facettes de la sexualité. Notre blog offre des informations utiles du Kamasutra au BDSM, en passant par l'utilisation judicieuse des sextoys et des techniques pour raviver la passion dans votre couple. Apprenez à mieux comprendre l'anatomie masculine et féminine et découvrez des conseils sexo pour enrichir votre intimité.
Que vous soyez novice ou averti, nos articles sont là pour inspirer, éduquer et guider vers une expérience sexuelle plus épanouissante. Rejoignez notre aventure pour transformer votre vie sexuelle en un voyage de découverte et de plaisir.

Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Baisse de libido : nos conseils pour raviver votre désir

La libido est ce qui nous permet d’avoir du désir, puisque la définition de libido est exactement “la recherche du plaisir sexuel”. Mais que se passe-t-il quand notre désir semble faiblir sans raison apparente ? Ce phénomène, bien plus commun qu’on ne le pense, mérite une attention particulière pour en saisir toutes les subtilités. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer ensemble les multiples facettes de la libido, de ses influences à ses variations, pour vous offrir des clés de compréhension essentielles. On va parler de pourquoi et comment la libido nous fait aprfois défaut et d'où cela vient.  On vous donnera aussi quelques secrets pour améliorer votre libido et envisager l’usage de jouets sexuels tout comme d'autres moments dédiés au désir du couple.  Comment fonctionne la libido ? La libido c'est tout simplement le désir sexuel. Comme tout aspect de notre santé, elle est sujette à des fluctuations qui peuvent être influencées par une multitude de facteurs. Reconnaître que ces variations sont normales est la première étape pour aborder le sujet sans jugement et avec ouverture. La libido est un indicateur clé de notre bien-être général. Elle est étroitement liée à notre santé physique, mentale et émotionnelle. Une baisse de libido peut parfois signaler d'autres problèmes sous-jacents, qu'ils soient physiques, comme des déséquilibres hormonaux, ou psychologiques, tels que le stress ou l'anxiété. Il est donc essentiel de l'aborder avec attention et de comprendre ses causes pour maintenir ou retrouver un équilibre satisfaisant. Parler ouvertement de sa libido en couple est crucial, car cela démystifie les problèmes liés à la sexualité et encourage les individus à chercher de l'aide et des solutions. Dans une société où le sujet peut encore être tabou, fournir des informations précises et soutenir une discussion ouverte contribue à une meilleure santé sexuelle pour tous. Les facteurs qui influencent la libido La libido peut être influencée par une variété de facteurs psychologiques, physiques et relationnels, qui peuvent ensuite avoir un impact sur notre vie sexuelle. Hormones : les fluctuations hormonales, qu'elles soient dues au cycle menstruel, à la ménopause, ou à d'autres conditions médicales, peuvent avoir un impact profond sur la libido. Santé physique : les conditions de santé telles que les maladies chroniques, la fatigue ou la prise de certains médicaments peuvent réduire le désir sexuel. Sommeil : la qualité et la quantité de sommeil ont un impact direct sur la libido. Le manque de sommeil peut réduire les niveaux d'énergie et augmenter le stress, tandis qu'un sommeil suffisant et réparateur peut améliorer le désir sexuel. Alimentation et sport : une alimentation équilibrée et une routine d'exercice régulière favorisent une bonne santé générale et, par extension, une meilleure santé sexuelle. L'obésité ou au contraire une alimentation insuffisante peuvent toutes deux impacter négativement la libido. État émotionnel : le stress, l'anxiété et la dépression sont parmi les principaux coupables d'une baisse de libido. La santé mentale joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation du désir sexuel. Estime de soi et image corporelle : comment nous nous percevons peut influencer notre intérêt pour le sexe. Une image corporelle positive est souvent liée à une libido plus forte. Dynamique de couple : la qualité de la relation affective et la communication avec le partenaire sont fondamentales. Les conflits non résolus, le manque de connexion ou de nouveauté peuvent tous contribuer à une baisse de libido. Satisfaction sexuelle : l'expérience sexuelle précédente, qu'elle soit gratifiante ou insatisfaisante, peut également influencer le désir futur. Comprendre les racines de la baisse de libido est la première chose à faire pour régler le problème : en effet, si vous savez pourquoi vous avez moins de désir pour votre partenaire, vous pourrez plus facilement savoir par où commencer pour changer la donne. Si vous rencontrez une baisse de libido persistante, nous vous encourageons à tout de même consulter un professionnel de santé pour une évaluation complète. Comment gérer une baisse de libido dans son couple ? Une baisse de libido ne se limite pas à un changement personnel ; elle affecte profondément la dynamique de couple. Comprendre comment cela influence la relation peut aider les partenaires à naviguer ensemble dans cette épreuve, renforçant ainsi leur lien. Savoir communiquer avec son ou sa partenaire La baisse de libido peut engendrer des malentendus et des frustrations dans une relation. Il est crucial que les partenaires maintiennent une communication ouverte et honnête pour exprimer leurs sentiments, leurs inquiétudes et leurs désirs sans jugement. Cela permet de prévenir les ressentiments et de collaborer à la recherche de solutions. Encourager des discussions régulières et utiliser des techniques de communication assertive peut améliorer la compréhension mutuelle. Par exemple, les dialogues centrés sur les émotions et les besoins, plutôt que sur les critiques, favorisent un environnement de soutien. Gérer les attentes du couple Il est essentiel d'ajuster les attentes concernant la fréquence et l'intensité des interactions sexuelles. On est tous différent alors il n’y pas d’obligations quant à la fréquence des rapports. Certains auront envie de faire l’amour tous les jours quand d’autres seront satisfaits en faisant l’amour seulement 2 fois par mois. Le tout est de trouver un juste milieu qui convient au couple. On vous détaille juste en dessous, les idées de choses à mettre en place pour favoriser la communication et le désir. Pimenter sa vie de couple pour titiller sa libido Tester de nouvelles choses Introduire de nouvelles experiences pour briser la routine permet assurément de mettre un pue de piment dans la libido. Si vous êtes débutant.e.s avec les sextoys, on vous invite à commencer par des Sextoys “doux” : Vibromasseurs Rabbit : Reconnaissables à leur design avec une extension en forme de lapin pour la stimulation clitoridienne, ces vibromasseurs offrent une double stimulation — interne et externe — simultanément, ce qui les rend particulièrement appréciés pour leurs sensations complètes et intenses. C'est le cas de notre sublime MyPleasur Plus. Aspirateurs clitoridiens : Ces sextoys utilisent des ondes de pression pour créer une sensation de succion autour du clitoris, simulant l'effet du sexe oral. Ils conviennent parfaitement à celles qui recherchent une stimulation clitoridienne douce et très ciblée. Si c'est votre cas, vous devez testez The Amazing, l'aspirateur clitoridien de Goliate. Boules de geisha : Utilisées à l'origine pour renforcer les muscles pelviens, ces petites boules insérées dans le vagin stimulent par de légères contractions musculaires lorsqu'elles bougent, idéales pour améliorer le tonus musculaire et intensifier les sensations durant l'activité sexuelle. Bien pratiquer les préliminaires Revaloriser les préliminaires peut augmenter significativement la libido. Prendre le temps de construire l'excitation avec des nouvelles pratiques douces comme de simples caresses intimes ou le humping avant le rapport peut transformer l'expérience sexuelle, la rendant plus satisfaisante pour les deux partenaires. Être attentif à l’ambiance sexuelle L'ambiance joue un rôle crucial dans la stimulation de la libido. Créer un environnement sensuel avec une lumière douce, une musique apaisante, et des parfums agréables peut aider à se détendre et à se mettre dans l'état d'esprit adéquat pour l'intimité. Savoir communiquer sur ces désirs Dialoguer ouvertement sur les fantasmes et les désirs peut renforcer la connexion et la confiance entre les partenaires. Cela permet également de s'assurer que les deux membres du couple sont sur la même longueur d'onde quant à leurs attentes et leurs limites. Par où commencer pour recréer la communication en couple ? Préparer des soirées pour 2 Organiser des soirées à thème, comme un week-end en amoureux ou une une soirée érotique, peut ajouter un élément de jeu et de nouveauté dans la relation. Parfois, même simplement le temps qu’on décide de se prendre pour organiser un dîner romantique peut faire beaucoup de bien à la sexualité commune. Participer à des ateliers sur la sexualité Participer à des ateliers ou des séminaires sur la sexualité peut être une excellente façon pour les couples d'apprendre de nouvelles techniques et de mieux comprendre les dynamiques sexuelles. Ces sessions éducatives peuvent aussi offrir des outils pour améliorer la communication et la satisfaction sexuelle. Se faire un soirée massages à deux Faire des massages sexys peut être un excellent moyen d'augmenter la libido car ils favorisent l'intimité et la relaxation, réduisant le stress et les tensions qui peuvent inhiber le désir sexuel. Ces massages améliorent également la connexion émotionnelle entre les partenaires, créant un environnement propice à la spontanéité et au désir. Profiter d’escapades romantiques Planifier des escapades romantiques ou des vacances peut briser la routine et rajeunir la relation. Choisir des destinations qui encouragent l'intimité et offrent des expériences nouvelles peut revitaliser la relation et, par extension, la libido. Certaines appli comme Staycation permettent même de réserver des h^tels de luxe à prix réduits pendant les heures creuses ! Une super découverte. Rencontrer des professionnels de la sexualité Si les efforts personnels et la communication ne suffisent pas à résoudre les défis liés à la baisse de libido, il peut être bénéfique de consulter un thérapeute de couple ou un sexologue. Ces professionnels peuvent offrir des perspectives extérieures et des stratégies adaptées pour surmonter ensemble cette période difficile. Une baisse de libido, c’est pas définitif ! N'oubliez pas que la libido fluctue naturellement au cours de la vie. Se donner la permission d'explorer, de discuter et d'expérimenter peut souvent débloquer des portes que l'on croyait fermées. Que ce soit par de simples ajustements du quotidien ou par des démarches plus approfondies comme la consultation de spécialistes, chaque pas est un pas vers un équilibre plus épanouissant. Votre bien-être est notre priorité, et notre mission est de vous accompagner dans la quête d'une vie sexuelle pleinement satisfaisante. Explorez, osez, et surtout, prenez soin de vous !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to improve libido naturally?

Libido, or sexual desire, plays a crucial role in our emotional well-being and intimate relationships. However, many factors can affect libido, such as stress, fatigue, or health problems. Fortunately, there are natural methods to boost libido without resorting to medication . This article explores practical solutions to naturally improve your sex life. Understanding libido Libido is influenced by a complex set of psychological, biological and relational factors . Research shows that conditions such as depression or anxiety can severely decrease interest in sexual activities. From a biological perspective, hormones such as testosterone and estrogen play a key role in regulating sexual desire. A study published in the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism" found that balanced levels of these hormones are essential for normal libido in both women and men. Natural factors affecting libido The sleep Quality sleep is crucial for a healthy libido. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to lower testosterone production in men, thereby reducing their sexual desire. Research conducted by the University of Chicago found that men who sleep less than five hours a night for a week have significantly lower testosterone levels than those who get full sleep. Food As you can imagine, what we eat has a direct impact on our libido. Certain foods are particularly beneficial for increasing libido, such as: Oysters: Rich in zinc, they stimulate the production of testosterone. Dark chocolate: Stimulates the release of serotonin and phenylethylamine, improving mood and desire. Avocados: Source of vitamin B6 and potassium, which improve blood circulation and energy levels. Obviously, it is essential to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle. So there's no point throwing yourself at the 3 chocolate bars waiting patiently in your cupboard... Physical exercise Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and increases the production of endorphins, the “ happy hormone ,” which can boost libido. Specific exercises like yoga or Pilates also improve flexibility and body awareness, key elements for a fulfilling sex life. Regular exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise , can increase libido by improving blood circulation and reducing stress. According to a study published in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine", men who exercise regularly have better sexual performance and a higher libido than those who remain sedentary. Natural strategies to improve your libido Stress management Managing stress is vital to maintaining a healthy libido. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can significantly reduce stress and improve sexual function. A study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco showed that regular meditation practice can significantly improve sexual function in women. Take time for yourself Taking time for yourself is essential to cultivating a healthy relationship with your own sexuality and, by extension, to improving your libido. In a world where daily stress and obligations can erode our energy and sexual desire, allowing ourselves moments of solitude to reconnect with our own needs and desires becomes essential . Self-reflection helps understand the underlying causes of low libido, whether physical, emotional or psychological. To practice this self-listening, it can be beneficial to regularly carry out activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness (such as meditation, the yoga mentioned previously), or even walks in nature . These quiet moments help reduce stress and clarify the mind, which can reveal buried or neglected desires. By becoming aware of one's inner state and actively addressing stressors, one can often rediscover an interest in intimate interactions and see a noticeable improvement in one's libido. The massage Sensual or sexy massage is a beautiful and effective method to enhance intimacy and stimulate libido between partners. With an emphasis on gentle, intentional touch, this type of massage can not only relax the body but also awaken the senses, setting the stage for deeper, more satisfying sexual interactions. The key is open communication and mutual consent , allowing each partner to express their preferences and boundaries. To integrate sensual massage into your intimate life, start by creating a relaxing and seductive atmosphere: turn off the lights, light scented candles, and choose soft music. Use an organic massage oil that is pleasant to the touch and has a suitable scent to create an atmosphere conducive to letting go and sexual exploration. The massage should be gentle and exploratory, without focusing solely on the erogenous zones. Encourage communication during the massage, asking and giving feedback on preferred pressure and movements. This practice can not only increase physical connection, but also emotional connection, making partners more open and receptive to each other. By exploring new ways of giving and receiving pleasure, sensual massage can reignite passion and significantly improve the dynamics of your relationship. Herbs and dietary supplements Herbs like ginseng and maca have been used for centuries to boost libido. Ginseng promotes endurance and performance, while maca (a Peruvian root) regulates hormonal imbalances that affect sexual desire. An analysis published in "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine" confirmed that maca improves sexual desire in both men and women after six weeks of use. Here is a small list of plants that can help support libido: Maca : Originally from the Peruvian Andes, maca is a tuber known for its properties that boost energy, endurance, and libido. Studies have shown that maca can improve sexual desire without directly affecting hormonal levels. Ginseng : Ginseng, particularly Korean red ginseng, is famous for its beneficial effects on libido and sexual performance. It is often used to improve energy and reduce fatigue, which may indirectly increase sexual desire. Tribulus terrestris : This supplement has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat various conditions, including lack of libido in both men and women. Some studies suggest that it may help increase levels of certain sex hormones, including testosterone. Ginkgo biloba : Known for its effects on blood circulation and neurological health, Ginkgo biloba may also help improve sexual function by increasing blood flow to the genitals, which is essential for sexual arousal and performance. Fenugreek : Fenugreek is an herb that has been shown to help increase libido and sexual performance by increasing testosterone production and improving menopausal symptoms. L-arginine : This amino acid helps improve blood circulation, which can benefit sexual health. Arginine is converted in the body to nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow to the genitals. It is important to note that although these supplements can help improve libido, they should be used with caution and preferably under the supervision of a healthcare professional . The effects may vary from person to person, and they may interact with other medications or medical conditions. Integration of sex toys and masturbation Using sex toys and practicing masturbation are effective ways to explore sexual preferences and improve libido. Sex toys can help individuals and couples discover what stimulates them, which can increase their desire and enhance their sexual experiences. So don't hesitate to take the plunge and choose your first sex toy , your libido could be greatly improved. Masturbation, for its part, is not only a practice to satisfy immediate needs; it is also essential for understanding what gives pleasure. Studies indicate that regular masturbation can have several health benefits, including improving sleep quality, reducing stress, and improving concentration. An article in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine" reveals that women who masturbate regularly report better sexual function and greater sexual satisfaction. The same goes for men, so don't hesitate to review the basics of masturbation. The harms of porn on the libido and how to do without it  Pornography consumption has become common in modern society, but its impact on libido and sexual health can be complex. Although for some, porn can add a spicy dimension to their sex life, especially partnered porn , for others it can lead to addiction issues, distorted sexual expectations, and a decreased desire for interaction. real sex. Negative effects of porn on libido: Expectation Distortion : Pornography can create unrealistic expectations about sexual performance, body, and practices, which can lead to dissatisfaction in actual sexual relationships. Desensitization : Frequent exposure to extreme sexual stimuli can make normal sexual stimuli less arousing, which can decrease libido and arousal in real-life situations. Porn Addiction : Like any addiction, porn addiction can lead to a compulsive need to consume more and more content, often to the detriment of other activities and relationships. Strategies to Reduce Porn Addiction Awareness and Education : Understanding the potentially harmful effects of porn can help motivate behavior change. Seeking therapy : Professionals, such as sexologists or therapists, can offer advice and strategies for overcoming addiction. Developing Other Hobbies : Replacing time spent watching porn with other activities can reduce addiction and improve overall quality of life. Educate yourself sexually to know your body better Open communication with your partner is essential for a healthy sex life. Discussing your needs and wants can not only improve your relationship, but also increase your desire for each other. Beyond communication, comprehensive sexuality education is essential and should include information on anatomy, sexual physiology, and sexual and reproductive health. Knowing your body and understanding how it works can greatly improve self-confidence and sexual satisfaction. For example, understanding the different phases of sexual response (desire, arousal, orgasm) can help individuals better manage their expectations and improve their sexual experience. Sex education can also help debunk many myths surrounding sexuality, which can reduce performance anxiety and increase pleasure. Well-designed sex education programs can also teach the importance of consent and communication, which are essential for healthy, fulfilling relationships. Follow the Goliate pleasure guide to better understand female anatomy and know how to give yourself pleasure. In a more fun and educational way, you can also take part in our “hottest” Quiz in France every month, which will allow you to learn more about sexuality while having fun , and who knows, maybe even win gifts . You would have understood it... Improving your libido naturally is possible through a combination of a good diet, regular exercise, effective stress management, and open communication with your partner. It's no secret that by adopting these habits you can not only improve your sexual health but also your overall well-being. Up to you !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Increasing female orgasm tenfold, it's possible

Welcome to an intimate journey to the discovery of female pleasure, where we will explore together how to achieve vaginal orgasm. This subject, often shrouded in mystery and sometimes misunderstanding, deserves particular attention not only for its importance in sexual fulfillment, but also for the general well-being that it can generate. In this article, we demystify vaginal orgasm, providing you with clear information and practical advice to help you navigate this peak of pleasure. Whether you already have experience in this area or are curious to learn more about your own ability to experience a vaginal orgasm, you will find valuable resources here to enrich your journey. We'll discuss the differences between clitoral and vaginal orgasm , explore the factors that influence the ability to have a vaginal orgasm, and share specific techniques and tips for maximizing your pleasure potential. Ready to explore the depths of your pleasure? Let us guide you towards a better understanding of your body and its vast possibilities for experiencing pleasure. Join us to transform your approach to intimacy and strengthen your personal connection with your sexuality. How to promote female orgasm? Communication and connection with partner In the context of a shared experience, open communication with the partner is essential to achieving a vaginal orgasm. Expressing your desires, needs, and boundaries can help your partner understand how to effectively stimulate you. Additionally, a deep emotional connection can intensify the experience and make vaginal orgasm more accessible. Physical health influences orgasms General physical health can also affect the ability to experience a vaginal orgasm. For example, medical conditions such as vaginal dryness or pelvic pain can make penetration uncomfortable and therefore less conducive to orgasm. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if physical barriers persist. The importance of Kegel exercises Kegel exercises are a proven method for strengthening the pelvic floor, which can play a crucial role in the ability to achieve and intensify vaginal orgasms. A strong pelvic floor better supports the pelvic organs, improving sexual response and sensation during penetration. To perform Kegel exercises correctly, you must contract the muscles in the perineum that you would use to stop the flow of urine, hold them contracted for a few seconds, and then release them. It is recommended to repeat this process several times a day. Improve the body and mind connection Breathing plays a key role in relaxation and the ability to achieve orgasm. Deep breathing techniques can help relax the body and increase blood oxygenation, which improves arousal and sexual responsiveness. Breathing synchronized with movements during sex can also increase intimacy and shared pleasure with the partner. Meditation and visualization of pleasure Meditation and visualization are powerful tools for improving body awareness and emotional connection to the sexual act. Practicing meditation focused on bodily sensations can help dispel mental distractions and focus more on feelings of pleasure. Visualizing orgasm can also mentally prepare the body for the experience, increasing the chances of achieving it. Tips for promoting orgasm during intercourse Foreplay you will do Foreplay plays an essential role in sexual arousal, especially for vaginal orgasm. Intimate caresses , kisses, and other forms of erotic stimulation can increase blood flow to the genitals, improving sensitivity and the possibility of reaching orgasm. Taking the time necessary to build excitement is key. Ideal positions you will adopt Certain sexual positions are better suited to stimulating internal erogenous zones like the G-spot. For example, revisiting the missionary position , where the woman's legs are on her partner's shoulders, can allow for better vaginal stimulation. Using cushions under the hips to adjust the angle of penetration may also be beneficial. Sex toys you will use In addition to manual techniques, sex toys can be used during exercises to discover what stimulates vaginal pleasure the most. For example, dilators or vibrators specifically designed for G-spot stimulation can be valuable tools for women exploring their ability to have a vaginal orgasm. Clitoral Stimulators : Ideal for precise external stimulation, these devices are designed to be both compact and efficient, delivering impressive power to maximize pleasure. Rabbit Vibrators : Designed for both clitoral and vaginal stimulation, these Rabbit vibrators often feature customizable speed settings and vibration modes for a tailored experience. Geisha Balls : used to tone the pelvic muscles, these balls improve muscle control and the intensity of orgasms, while contributing to general pelvic health, especially after childbirth. You too can reach orgasm Every woman is unique in her ability to experience pleasure. Understanding and exploring your body is a deeply personal process, which requires patience and perseverance. There is no magic formula to guarantee a vaginal orgasm, but the techniques, tips and exercises we have shared here are valuable tools to increase your chances of having this rewarding experience. It is also important to emphasize that female sexuality should not be surrounded by pressure or stereotypes. Seeking to understand and improve your sexual experience should always be a process done with respect and self-love. We encourage you to experiment confidently, communicate openly with your partner, and rejoice in small discoveries along the way. We hope this article has inspired you to explore new dimensions of your sexuality. To continue learning and exploring, feel free to check out our other resources and guides available on our site. At Goliate, we are dedicated to providing you with reliable information and quality products to accompany you on your intimate journey.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Pleasure reversed: discover the daring joys of the Butler position

The Kamasutra, an ancient manual of love and sexuality, is full of exotic and stimulating positions. Among these, the position of the Butler stands out for its audacity and originality . Often seen as an acrobatic challenge, this position offers a unique experience and can spice up your sex life significantly. It is also inclusive , adapting to all couples, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. The interest of the Butler position The Butler position is above all known for the intensity of the stimulation it provides. In this configuration, one of the partners (the receiver) hangs head down, supported or not by the other partner (the giver) who controls the oral stimulation. This reversal of usual roles and bodily positions allows for a different exploration of carnal pleasures. The stimulation in the Butler position is particularly complete. For the person in the inverted position, all erogenous zones can be accessible and stimulated, from the perineum to the clitoris, and from the vagina to the anus. This accessibility allows the active partner to vary the pleasures, alternating between manual, oral, and oral caresses. use of sex toys if desired. Erogenous zones stimulated by the Butler position The Butler position stands out for its ability to stimulate a wide range of erogenous zones, which can intensify the sexual experience for both partners. For the partner in the inverted position, the stimulation is particularly rich: the clitoris and vagina can be accessible for intense oral or manual stimulation. It is also an opportunity to approach sexual intercourse in a gentler way, without penetration. For this, intimate caresses on your partner's anatomy can be an excellent way to raise the temperature. Additionally, the exposure and accessibility of the anus allows for exploration of anal pleasure , often overlooked in other, more traditional positions. If the head-down partner is a man, this is undeniably an opportunity to explore his prostate pleasure so that he can discover a new, incredible source of pleasure! Go slowly, because you need to know how to properly prepare for “sodomy” so that the experience is exceptional. Do not hesitate to introduce dedicated prostate massagers to discover this practice (don't forget to use anal lubricant because this area does not naturally lubricate!). For the active partner, the visual stimulation of seeing their partner in such a provocative posture and the ability to actively explore multiple erogenous zones simultaneously can greatly increase their arousal and pleasure. Advantages of the Butler position The Butler position, beyond its unusual nature, offers several substantial advantages that can enrich the sexual experience of partners: Intensive stimulation: As mentioned previously, this position allows intense and complete stimulation of the genital areas, including the clitoris ( find out in our article how to stimulate it effectively ), the vagina, and the anus. This can lead to very powerful orgasms due to the combination of simultaneous stimulation. Variety and innovation: For couples looking to escape monotony, the Butler introduces an element of novelty and surprise into sex life, breaking routine with a bold and dynamic approach. Strengthening the emotional bond: Succeeding in such a demanding position can strengthen the feeling of trust and complicity between partners. It requires excellent communication and synchronization, thereby strengthening the emotional connection through the shared challenge. Furthermore, the person upside down must learn to let go, especially during cunnilingus. Visual and psychological pleasure: For many, the visual dimension of seeing one's partner in such a unique and vulnerable position adds a layer of psychological and aesthetic pleasure to the act. A possible addition: fellatio In slight variation, the Butler position can also incorporate fellatio , adding an extra layer of pleasure. When the receiver is a woman, for example, her partner can alternate between oral stimulation of the clitoris and fellatio if she is able to do so comfortably. This versatility makes the Butler position an attractive option for those looking to vary their sexual experiences. Variations of the Butler position For couples interested in the Butler position but worried about its difficulty, there are variations that can offer some of the excitement with less risk: Use of Props: Incorporating equipment like sex swings or furniture specifically designed for support can reduce the physical difficulty of the position and increase comfort. Modified version: The active partner can stand or kneel, while the receptive partner uses furniture to support their shoulders and head, reducing the need for full suspension. Role Reversed: Reversing roles where the traditionally active partner is in a passive position can also offer a new dynamic and perspective for both partners. Use of sex toys: The integration of sex toys into the practice of this position is very interesting. The "active" partner can both stimulate his partner's anus with the help of a sex toy or anal plug while also orally stimulating his partner's vagina or clitoris. And vice versa. It can also be accompanied by a contactless clitoral stimulator to make your partner orgasm in just a few minutes. By exploring these variations, couples can gradually approach the full version of the Butler position or discover an adaptation that works specifically for them, allowing safe and enjoyable exploration of their desires. Disadvantages of the Butler position However, the Butler position also has disadvantages that can make it less attractive for some couples: Physical Requirement: As noted, this position requires good physical condition from both partners. It can be uncomfortable, especially for the partner in the inverted position, and can even be risky without proper preparation. Difficulty of setup: Finding and maintaining the right setup can be complex and daunting. Partners may need several attempts before successfully executing the position correctly. Limitations for certain body types: The difference in height or weight between partners can make this position practically impossible to achieve. Risk of injury: Without proper caution and preparation, there is an increased risk of falling or injury, especially to the suspended partner. Difficulty level: Why 5 out of 5? We give the Butler position a 5/5 in terms of complexity for several reasons. Firstly, it requires good physical condition and a certain flexibility on the part of both partners. Supporting the suspended partner requires strength and endurance, while the suspended partner must be able to handle the potential discomfort of the inverted position. Additionally, coordination and communication must be impeccable to maintain everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Goliate orgasm meter: a mixed rating (2/4) Despite its many advantages in terms of stimulation, the Butler position receives a rating of 2 out of 4 on the Goliate orgasm meter following votes from the Instagram community. This assessment reflects the challenges that this position can present in terms of comfort and ease of execution. Although the stimulation is intense, it may not be suitable for all couples, especially those who prefer less physically demanding interactions. The fun side of the position Beyond its complexity and intensity, the Butler position is also a source of playful pleasure and laughter. It allows couples to get out of the usual sexual routine and experiment with gravity and body dynamics in a fun and original way. This exploration can not only strengthen the bond between partners, but also allow them to discover new ways of giving and receiving pleasure. Conclusion The Butler position is a great example of how the Kamasutra continues to inspire couples to explore their sexuality in creative and daring ways. Although it can present challenges in terms of difficulty and comfort, it also offers a unique opportunity to strengthen connection and broaden erotic horizons. As with any sexual adventure, the key is to listen to your body and your emotions, communicate openly with your partner, and engage in the experience with an open mind and a willingness to explore. Anecdote about the position of the Butler: did you know that? Did you know that the Butler position gets its name from the boldness and helpful nature of this posture in the Kamasutra? When introduced in ancient manuscripts, this position was often illustrated with great elegance and a sense of dedication, reminiscent of the attitude of a butler dedicated to the satisfaction of his masters. Additionally, there are accounts that suggest that in some ancient cultures, acrobatic positions like the Butler were practiced not only for fun, but also as a form of exercise to improve flexibility and body strength. This athletic dimension added a layer of skill and performance to the sexual act, transforming the position into a display of physical strength as well as passion. You know what to replace your Yoga sessions with. Do you want to go further? Discover our exclusive “Pleasure Guide”, made up of 18 video modules to learn everything about the female anatomy and how to provide maximum pleasure.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to masturbate properly as a woman?

Welcome to a world where personal well-being and self-discovery take central place. Female masturbation, far from taboos and prejudices, is an essential facet of sexual health and personal fulfillment. How to go about it ? Whether you are new to this practice or looking to deepen your knowledge, this guide is for you. In this article, we will cover in a clear and detailed manner the basic techniques, the psychological and physical benefits, and advise you on the best ways to fully enjoy these moments of intimacy with yourself. Our objective ? Providing you with the keys to a serene and informed exploration, always respecting your pace and preferences. Because knowing your body is the first step towards a fulfilling sex life, we will guide you through the different approaches to masturbation, offering you practical advice and tailored recommendations. Let yourself be guided by our expertise and begin a journey towards greater confidence and pleasure. Discover with us how masturbation can not only improve your health, but also enrich your sex life. Why is masturbation important for women? Introduction to female sexual health Female masturbation is often shrouded in silence and mystery, but it is actually a healthy and natural practice that deserves to be explored with respect and openness. Understanding your own needs and desires is fundamental to a balanced and satisfying sex life. The psychological benefits of masturbation Masturbation isn't just about pleasure; it also plays a crucial role in the psychological well-being of women. It allows you to know yourself better, increase self-confidence and reduce stress and anxiety. By taking the time to discover what gives you pleasure, you develop a more positive relationship with your body. It is a form of self-affirmation and self-love that strengthens mental and emotional health. Why masturbate regularly? On a physical level, masturbation has several benefits. It can improve genital health by increasing blood circulation to the pelvic organs, which contributes to better tissue elasticity and optimal sexual function. In addition, it helps relieve certain menstrual pain thanks to the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones. For women, exploring their bodies can also serve as a preventative exercise against sexual dysfunction, increasing the ability to achieve orgasm. It is essential to deconstruct the myths surrounding female masturbation . Contrary to popular belief, this practice is neither harmful nor selfish; rather, it is an important aspect of personal autonomy. Recognizing and accepting your own desire is a liberating act that opens the way to a richer and more satisfying sexuality. How to get started: first steps towards female masturbation? Make yourself confortable To begin practicing masturbation, it is crucial to create an environment that promotes relaxation and comfort. Choose a private place where you will not be disturbed, and where you feel safe and comfortable. This could be your bedroom, with clean sheets and dim lighting, or any other room that inspires tranquility. The ambiance can be enhanced with soft music or scented candles, depending on your preferences. Want to (re)discover yourself Before you even think about using toys or masturbation aids, it's important to start by exploring your body with your hands. Find out what caresses you like, what movements give you pleasure, and what rhythm suits you best. This personal exploration is fundamental to establishing an intimate connection with yourself, understanding your own sexual desires, and understanding your private parts to learn how to stimulate your clitoris and vulva. Have the right mindset Masturbation is not just a physical affair, it also involves your mental state. For many women, detaching themselves from everyday concerns and getting into a mindset conducive to pleasure can be a challenge. A few techniques can help, such as practicing meditation or deep breathing before you begin. It can also be helpful to consume erotic media, such as literature or films that stimulate the imagination and sexual arousal. Dare to get started Once the environment and state of mind are prepared, start with light intimate caresses around the erogenous zones without going directly to the genitals. This may include the neck, breasts, inner thighs. Gradually work your way to the clitoris and labia, using movements that increase in intensity according to your level of comfort and arousal. It's important to remember that every woman reacts differently, so what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Best practices for masturbation Explore with gentleness and patience When approaching masturbation, particularly for beginners, it is essential to explore your body gently and patiently. Every woman has different preferences and sensitivities, which makes each experience unique. Clitoral stimulation : the starting point The clitoris, an organ dedicated to pleasure with more than 8,000 nerve endings, is often the focal point of female masturbation. Stimulation can begin with gentle circular movements or small pressures with the fingertips. It is important to vary the rhythms and pressures to discover what resonates most with you. Some prefer the use of a water-based lubricant to make this experience more pleasant and less irritating to the delicate skin in this area. Penetrate the vagina gently In addition to clitoral stimulation, vaginal penetration can also provide pleasure. The fingers, after being thoroughly washed, can be used to caress the inside of the vagina. Movements can vary: some prefer gentle, rhythmic movements, while others may explore different angles and depths. It is also an opportunity to explore the G-spot, located on the front wall of the vagina, which can be a source of intense pleasure for some women. Use of lubricants The use of natural lubricants is recommended to make the practice more comfortable and pleasant, especially if you are exploring penetration techniques. Water-based lubricants are recommended because they are safe to use with all types of sex toys and do not damage the materials. They are also easier to clean and less likely to cause irritation. An often overlooked but essential aspect of masturbation is hygiene. Before and after each session, it is crucial to wash your hands and ensure that any toys or objects used are clean. This helps prevent infections and ensures a healthy and safe experience. Masturbation with sex toys for more pleasure Choosing your first sex toy Introducing sex toys into the practice of masturbation can transform the experience significantly. For women wondering how to masturbate in more varied and rewarding ways, sex toys offer a multitude of options. The key is to choose a first sex toy that fits your personal preferences and comfort level. Whether you prefer clitoral stimulators, vibrators, or dildos, each option has its particularities. It's important to start with something simple and intuitive to familiarize yourself with using toys. Clitoral Stimulators : Perfect for those who enjoy direct external stimulation, these toys are typically small and discreet, but powerful in sensation. Rabbit: They can be used for external and internal stimulation. Some models offer options for adjusting speed and vibration modes to personalize the experience. Geisha Balls : Geisha balls , also known as Kegel balls, are valuable instruments for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Not only can they improve the control and intensity of orgasms, but they also play a vital role in pelvic health by preventing organ descent and aiding postpartum recovery. Female masturbation: get started! To conclude this article on female masturbation, let us recall the fundamental importance of this practice in self-discovery and acceptance. Masturbation is not just an act of personal pleasure; it is also a door to a better understanding of our body and its needs, thus allowing a more fulfilling and harmonious sex life. We encourage you to explore the different techniques and products we have discussed without fear or guilt, to find what works best for you. Remember that every woman is unique, and therefore, so is every path to pleasure. Take the time to listen to each other and respond with kindness and curiosity. To go further in this personal adventure, we invite you to consult our selection of sex toys adapted to all levels of discovery. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced, you will find carefully chosen products on our site to support each stage of your personal exploration.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Managing libido differences in couples: practical guide

In any relationship, sexual harmony plays a crucial role for the general well-being of the partners. However, it is not uncommon for sexual desires to diverge at times, which can create tension and misunderstanding. How, then, can we effectively manage differences in libido to maintain a fulfilling relationship ? This article explores practical and respectful strategies for addressing these differences without stigma or frustration. Understanding Sex Drive Differences Origins of differences The origins of differences in libido between partners can be extremely varied , reflecting the complexity of human sexuality. Biologically , factors such as hormonal levels, general health, and medications can play a significant role. For example, hormones such as testosterone have a direct impact on sexual desire, and variations in these levels can lead to changes in libido. On a psychological level , elements such as the state of mental health, stress, and the personal history of each individual also influence sexual desire. Depression, anxiety, and even fatigue from a busy lifestyle can significantly reduce libido. Additionally, past experiences such as trauma or sex education received can shape the way individuals experience and express their sexuality. Contextually, the dynamics of the relationship itself are determining. Unresolved conflicts, a lack of communication, or even the monotony of daily routine can decrease sexual attraction between partners. On the other hand, periods of major change, such as parenthood or career transitions , can also influence sexual desires significantly. Understanding these origins not only helps demystify the causes of libido differences but also encourages a more empathetic and personalized approach to managing these differences within couples. By recognizing and addressing these underlying factors, partners can work together to find a balance that respects everyone's needs. Myths and realities Understanding libido differences in relationships is often clouded by myths and misunderstandings that can create unrealistic expectations and unnecessary pressure on partners. A common myth is the idea that compatible partners should naturally have synchronized libidos. In reality, it is normal for desires to fluctuate and not always align . This does not necessarily mean incompatibility or a relationship problem. Another persistent myth is that high libido is synonymous with virility or feminine health, while low libido is often seen as a flaw or deficiency. This type of stereotyping can lead to unnecessary shame and prevent people from speaking openly about their true feelings and needs. The reality is that libido is influenced by a multitude of factors and varies greatly from person to person. It is also frequently assumed that libido should always be spontaneous and irrepressible. In truth, many individuals experience what is called a reactive libido , where sexual desire only arises in response to an erotic stimulus rather than before it. Recognizing these diverse ways of experiencing sexuality can help partners better understand and respond to each other's needs without judgment. Effective communication Express your needs and desires Communication is the cornerstone of resolving any differences in a relationship, including libido imbalances. It is crucial to create a space where everyone feels safe to express their needs , concerns and expectations without judgment. Partners should practice empathetic listening to understand the other's perspective and needs without feeling threatened or rejected. Planning vs spontaneity Discussing the frequency of sex can help balance each other's needs. For some, planning intimate moments can help build positive anticipation and manage expectations, with a tender and gentle approach a la vanilla sex , while for others, maintaining an element of spontaneity is crucial. Finding the right balance is key. Pragmatic solutions Innovation and exploration Innovating the way you experience your sexuality can help meet the needs of partners with different libidos. Exploring new forms of intimacy, whether massages, lingering kisses, or even erotic play, can enrich the sexual experience without requiring high desire on either side. Why not try couple porn or audio porn? A gentler way to treat yourself, together. Professional support When differences in libido are causing significant tension, seeing a therapist who specializes in sexology may be an option. This professional can offer personalized strategies and help explore the psychological or relational roots of these differences. Do not hesitate to take part in our “pleasure guide” in which you will have access to a free first appointment with a sex therapist. Take care of the relationship Nurture the relationship outside the bedroom The sexual health of a relationship is often a reflection of its overall health. It is therefore important to nourish the relationship in its other dimensions: spending quality time together , sharing pleasant activities, and supporting each other in daily challenges. Importance of autonomy Recognizing and respecting each person's autonomy when it comes to desires can also alleviate a lot of pressure. Understanding that each partner is an individual with their own rhythms and needs can transform the way we approach the issue of libido. Differences in libido are not insurmountable. With communication, understanding, and a commitment to working together, it is possible to manage these differences in a way that strengthens the relationship rather than weakens it. It takes patience, openness, and sometimes a little creativity, but the rewards—a stronger, more intimate relationship—are worth it. The importance of individual masturbation in a couple relationship Give yourself personal space Individual masturbation , even when in a relationship, plays a crucial role in personal sexual health. It allows each partner to stay in touch with their own desires and to better understand their body and its reactions . This can, therefore, enrich the shared sexual experience, providing knowledge and practices that can be shared and discussed with the partner. Softer, intimate caresses can also be a good approach. Reduce sexual pressure Practicing masturbation can also be used to balance differences in libido within a couple. For the partner with a higher libido, it provides an outlet for their sexual needs without putting pressure on the other. This helps maintain harmony in the relationship, reducing any frustrations or feelings of rejection that might arise. Building confidence and independence Masturbating while in a relationship can also build self-confidence and autonomy. This shows an open-mindedness and maturity in the relationship , where both partners recognize that their sexual satisfaction can also be personal and not exclusively shared. This act can help build a climate of trust where everyone feels free to explore their sexuality without judgment. Promote dialogue around pleasure Finally, accepting and encouraging masturbation in a relationship can promote an open dialogue about pleasure and sexual preferences. This can open up discussions about what each partner likes or discovers about themselves, enriching their shared sex life with new ideas and experiences. Encouraging masturbation as a healthy component of individual sexual identity and well-being in a relationship can transform the way partners perceive intimacy and desire, cultivating a more fulfilling and inclusive approach to sexuality. Integration of sexual accessories and intimate gels Diversify the intimate experience The introduction of sexual accessories or intimate cosmetics can play a significant role in managing differences in libido. Sex toys, for example, can offer new sensations and experiences that reignite sexual interest and break up routine. They allow us to discover new facets of pleasure together, thus facilitating more frequent and satisfying moments of intimacy. With a wide and complete offer, it will be easy for you to find the sex toy that best meets your expectations. Stimulating gels , massage oils and other natural and organic lubricants add an enriching sensory dimension that can make sex more exciting and less predictable, allowing the couple to re-discover themselves in new ways. Explore without pressure These tools can also help maintain physical intimacy at times when one partner feels less sexual desire. For example, using a sex toy can satisfy the need for closeness of the partner with a higher libido without putting pressure on the other for full sexual interaction. Massage oils and gels can be used for moments of relaxation and tenderness, increasing emotional and physical intimacy without focusing solely on the sexual act. Another possibility, why not try a remotely controlled sex toy to spice up your outings ? This will take you out of your routine and can lead to a new discovery of others, around a newfound complicity. Additional Tips for Managing Libido Differences Mutual sex education Sometimes a limited understanding of sexuality can restrict the expression of desires. Taking the time to educate each other about the different dimensions of sexuality can open up new avenues of communication and pleasure. Reading books together on sexuality, watching educational videos such as our complete training of 18 video modules entitled “Guide to Pleasure” , or even attending workshops can enrich your mutual experience. Maintain a positive atmosphere It is crucial to maintain a positive and encouraging attitude towards sexuality in the relationship. Avoiding negative criticism and instead encouraging small steps forward can create a healthier dynamic. Celebrate moments of connection, even if they are small or different than what you had in mind. Define common goals Discuss what each person wants to achieve in the sexual relationship. Whether it is increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse, sharing new forms of pleasure, or simply improving the quality of your intimacies, having clear objectives can guide your joint efforts. Consider satisfaction alternatives It's important to recognize that satisfaction in a relationship doesn't come from sex alone. Finding other sources of pleasure and satisfaction in the relationship can help relieve pressure around sexuality and strengthen other aspects of your partnership. Navigating the sometimes murky waters of libido differences requires empathy, respect, and a willingness to adapt and experiment . By using tools like sex toys and intimate cosmetics, educating themselves about sexuality, and maintaining open and positive communication, couples can overcome these challenges. This can not only improve their sex life, but also strengthen their relationship as a whole, building a deeper understanding and mutual respect between partners. With the right mix of patience, innovation, and commitment, the difference in libido can become an opportunity for growth and renewal for the couple.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to use sex toys for maximum pleasure?

Welcome to the fascinating world of sex toys, where your discoveries give you access to more pleasure! Whether you're new to exploring erotic toys or looking to perfect your experience, this guide is designed to take you step by step through the use of sex toys . In this article, we will not only help you choose the sex toy that suits you, but also provide you with practical advice for using it optimally and safely . We'll cover the different types of sex toys, the importance of choosing materials, best hygiene practices and, of course, usage techniques that maximize pleasure. The objective? Make you autonomous in your quest for pleasure, allow you to explore your sexuality with confidence and serenity, and enrich your intimate moments, alone or accompanied. So, are you ready to start this exhilarating adventure? Follow the guide and prepare to rediscover pleasure in all its forms. How to choose the perfect sex toy for you? Initiation to the use of sex toys begins with choosing the toy that will best suit your individual desires and needs. This first step is crucial, because it determines not only your comfort, but also the effectiveness of the sex toy in terms of pleasure provided. Each sex toy has been designed with a specific goal in mind, whether that's to stimulate certain erogenous zones or provide a particular type of sensation. What are the different types of sex toys? Cock rings : These devices are designed to be placed at the base of the penis, helping to maintain erection while prolonging stamina. Some models are equipped with small vibrators to stimulate your partner's clitoris during intercourse, thus adding a dimension of mutual pleasure. Rabbit Vibrators : These vibrators have an insertable part as well as a “rabbit” shaped extension to stimulate the clitoris. They are famous for their ability to deliver simultaneous dual stimulation, making them extremely popular among those seeking an intensely gratifying experience. Clitoral Vacuums : Using pressure wave technology, these sex toys provide a light suction sensation on the clitoris, mimicking the sensation of oral sex. They are ideal for people who prefer non-direct, highly focused stimulation. Geisha balls : Traditionally used to strengthen the pelvic muscles, these small balls are inserted into the vagina and cause discreet and often stimulating muscle contractions as they move. They are perfect for improving muscle control and increasing sensation during intercourse. Vibrating Eggs : Discreet and controllable remotely, vibrating eggs are a great choice for intimate solo or partner play. They can be inserted into the vagina or held against erogenous zones, providing gentle to intense vibrations depending on your preference. Masturbators : Designed primarily for men, these toys simulate various sexual experiences through textured channels and soft materials that mimic the sensation of real penetration. They vary greatly in complexity, ranging from simple handles to more advanced devices with electronic functionality. Quick advice for choosing your first sex toy When choosing your first sex toy, consider your personal stimulation preferences and the body part you want to explore. Identify your preferences : Before making your purchase, think about what you are looking for in a sex toy. Do you want something for internal stimulation, external stimulation, or both? Are you interested in discovering new sensations or do you prefer more familiar stimulations? Consider the type of stimulation : Sex toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each offering a different type of stimulation. Clitoral vacuums are excellent for internal and external stimulation, while Rabbits provide a more realistic feeling of fullness and penetration. Choose the right material : The material of your sex toy is crucial not only for your pleasure but also for your health. We recommend safe and easy-to-clean materials such as medical silicone, glass or metal. Start simple : If you are a beginner, start with something simple and intuitive. A small vibrator or vibrating egg can be a great starting point for exploring new sensations without feeling overwhelmed. We are here to help you make a choice that will bring you satisfaction and confidence in your sexual exploration. Good practices for using sex toys Adopting good habits to pleasure yourself with sex toys guarantees a more pleasant experience but also and above all safe use of your toys. We quickly explain to you why it is key to clean your toys, how to choose the appropriate lubricant, and what are the basic precautions that will transform your experience with sex toys. How to properly maintain your sex toys? Hygiene is the pillar of safe use of sex toys. A good cleaning routine before and after each use is crucial to preventing infections and maintaining the durability of your sex toys. We wrote a dedicated article on cleaning sex toys but here are some quick tips: Always clean your sex toy before first use, Always clean your sex toy after use to remove residue from bodily fluids, Favor mild soaps or sex toy cleaners, Pay attention to motors if there are any in your toys. Why use lubricant with your sex toys? Choosing the right lubricant can make all the difference in your experience with sex toys. Lubricant reduces friction, making use more comfortable and enjoyable, while preserving the material of your toys. Natural lubricants : For those who prefer products closer to nature, natural lubricants are an excellent option. They are often formulated with less irritating ingredients, making them particularly suitable for sensitive skin while being gentle on the environment. Water-based lubricants : These lubricants are the most versatile and suitable for almost all types of sex toys, including silicone ones. They are valued for their ease of cleaning and gentleness on the skin, making them ideal for frequent and safe use. Silicone-based lubricants : Ideal for times spent in the water, such as in the shower or bath, these lubricants provide exceptional durability and glide that is unaffected by water. However, it is important to avoid them with silicone sex toys because they can cause the surface of the latter to deteriorate. Goliate lubricant is natural, organic and water-based , which makes it 100% compatible with sex toys. How to maximize your pleasure by using sex toys? Using a sex toy is as much a mental and emotional adventure as it is a physical exploration. Preparing your body and mind is a crucial step to fully enjoying the sex toy experience. Put yourself in good conditions Relaxation : Before you begin, it is essential to create an environment that promotes relaxation. Consider dimming the lights, playing soft music or lighting a few scented candles to transform your space into a haven of peace. A nice warm bath or a short meditation can also help you deeply relax before you begin exploring. Pressure-Free Exploration : For beginners, it's especially important to take the time to discover what you like without rushing . Let your curiosity guide your experiments with different types of stimulation and sex toys. It is crucial to listen to yourself and respect your own limits so that the experience always remains comfortable and pleasant. The adventure of choosing and preparing a sex toy for safe use has only just begun. Once equipped, it is crucial to discover and master the best usage techniques to maximize your pleasure, whether you are a novice user or looking to enrich your usual routine. Why try sex toys solo? Exploring alone with a sex toy can be an incredibly rewarding experience, allowing you to better understand your body and discover what gives you the most pleasure. Always start your exploration gently, especially if you are a beginner and take the time to discover all the masturbation techniques to enjoy solo . Using lower settings or gentle handling can help you gradually get used to the new sensations. Don't limit yourself to just one method of use; vary the modes, positions, places, fantasies : you will discover lots of ways to learn how to do yourself good. Most sex toys offer various modes of vibration or movement, and it's rewarding to explore them to find what works best for you. Don't forget to explore different erogenous zones with your sex toy , even a toy designed specifically for one area can pleasantly surprise when used in other contexts. This exploration will definitely help you discover new areas of pleasure! Why try sex toys for two? Incorporating a sex toy into your lovemaking can transform a couple's intimacy, offering new avenues of pleasure. Open communication with your partner about your desire to introduce a sex toy is essential. Be sure to listen to their feelings and desires as well to ensure the experience is enjoyable for both of you. Start by integrating the sex toy slowly, perhaps during foreplay, to get used to its presence gently : this gradual approach helps build a relaxed and open atmosphere. It is also crucial that each partner feels comfortable and safe, so you learn to respect each other's boundaries and signals, and adjust your use of the sex toy accordingly. Knowing how to respect each other's limits is the key to a fulfilling sexual exchange and above all, it is guaranteeing respect for consent which is crucial in our sexual lovemaking. So, are you getting started? By exploring the different facets of using sex toys, we discovered not only how to maximize personal and couple pleasure, but also the importance of choosing quality products, maintaining them correctly and using appropriate techniques to an enriching and secure experience. The use of sex toys, far from being a taboo, is a wonderful exploration of sexuality that can significantly improve your well-being and intimacy. We encourage you to continue to educate yourself and discover the many other aspects of pleasure that we were unable to cover in this article. On our site, you will find a multitude of resources, guides and advice to deepen your knowledge and experience in matters of sexuality. Do not hesitate to explore our catalog of sex toys, specially chosen to offer you safety, pleasure and satisfaction. We hope you found this guide useful and inspiring. For any questions or need for additional information, our team remains at your disposal. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed of the latest news and trends, and benefit from exclusive offers.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The facesitting position: between pleasure and power, explore this intimate position

Introduction to the Facesitting Position Facesitting is a sexual practice where one person sits on the other's face, providing privileged access to the genitals and/or anal parts. This position may seem dominant at first glance, but it is widely acclaimed for the intense sensations and intimacy it provides. Adapted to all genders and sexual orientations, it allows everyone to discover new pleasures while remaining in control of the intensity and rhythm of the exchanges. Why choose facesitting? This position is chosen for the depth of intimacy it generates. The exposure and vulnerability of the lying person combined with the controlling position of the seated one creates a unique dynamic. Facesitting is often seen as an act of trust and abandonment , allowing the person seated to control the pleasure through precise movements adjusted according to the reactions of their partner. In fact, the act of submission is very exciting for many couples. How to do facesitting? Setting up facesitting requires a little preparation to ensure the comfort of all participants. The person sitting down must start by finding a stable position that allows them to control their weight without hindering their partner's breathing. It is often recommended to start with the knees supported around the head of the lying partner. Communication is essential here: you must regularly check that the person lying down is comfortable and can breathe without difficulty. Essential prerequisites for successful facesitting To ensure that the facesitting experience is both safe and satisfying, there are several prerequisites to consider: Mutual Consent : Before initiating any practice, the clear and enthusiastic consent of all partners is essential. Everyone should feel comfortable and willing to participate. Communication : Partners must be able to openly communicate their desires, boundaries and feelings. Good communication helps adjust movements and ensure everyone’s comfort. Flexibility and body control : The person seated must be able to control their weight and its distribution so as not to cause discomfort or pain to their partner. Some flexibility may be necessary to maintain a stable position. Hygiene : Cleanliness is crucial, especially for an activity involving close contact with the genital and anal areas. Partners should pay special attention to their personal hygiene before practicing this position. Respiratory comfort : It is important to ensure that the person lying down can breathe correctly throughout the procedure. The seated person should be alert to signs of distress or respiratory discomfort. Knowledge of physical limits : Understanding and respecting each person's physical limits is crucial. This includes recognizing pain, discomfort, and fatigue that may occur while maintaining certain postures. Adjusting the position or using props like cushions can help prevent problems. By integrating these prerequisites into the practice of facesitting, partners can ensure a positive and enriching experience for both. Benefits of the facesitting position Facesitting offers many advantages: Control and increased pleasure : The person seated controls the pressure and movement, which can lead to intense and targeted stimulation. Strengthening complicity : This position promotes communication and trust, key elements in the relationship. Variety and exploration : It allows you to explore different sensations, both for the receiver and for the giver. Smells also play a key role in this position. Visual and psychological stimulation : Seeing your partner in a position of submission or domination can be extremely arousing and satisfying. Erogenous zones stimulated by face sitting Facesitting is particularly effective at stimulating a range of erogenous zones , increasing pleasure for both partners. For the seated person, rubbing against their partner's face or mouth can stimulate the genital areas, including the clitoris or penis , as well as the entrance to the vagina or the base of the penis. Pressure and movement can also excite the labia, perineum and anus. This position can be a first step towards the discovery of anal pleasure , especially for men. You can easily introduce sex toys in this position. So, in order to stimulate your partner's penis while he is lying down when he stimulates you with his mouth, it may be interesting to use a vibrating cock ring. To avoid being left behind, the person seated can also insert a vibrator. We recommend our 2-in-1 sex toy , ideal for endless games as a couple. Finally, for the partner lying down, this position can offer intense visual and olfactory stimulation, in addition to the possibility of using one's mouth to actively explore these areas, including the clitoris, vaginal lips, penis and testicles, depending on the preferences of each person. Facesitting can thus transform each contact into a discovery of new pleasant sensations and intensify the overall erotic experience. Integration of cunnilingus into facesitting Integrating cunnilingus into facesitting can transform this practice into a particularly exhilarating experience for the recipient. For the donor to perform cunnilingus effectively, it is essential that the person seated adjusts their position to provide comfortable and supported access to their vagina. We recommend our dedicated article to learn how to let go during cunnilingus. The person lying down can use their tongue and lips to stimulate the clitoris, vaginal lips and entrance to the vagina. It is recommended to use a variety of movements, such as gentle licking, sucking or even using breathing to vary the sensations. Verbal or non-verbal communication is crucial here to ensure that the pressure and pace are enjoyable and stimulating. Variations of the facesitting position Facesitting offers several variations that can accommodate different levels of comfort and intimacy. A popular variation is "reverse facesitting" , where the seated person turns their back to the face of the lying partner, which can offer anal stimulation in addition to cunnilingus or fellatio. Another option is " side-saddle ", where the seated person positions themselves laterally to their partner's face, allowing less direct contact if one partner is less comfortable with full exposure. For those looking for more dynamic control or who have comfort issues with traditional positions, using a chair or supports like cushions can also be an interesting alternative, providing different angles and pressure levels for everyone to enjoy. Additionally, facesitting provides a natural and seamless transition into the 69 position , allowing partners to easily switch to enjoy mutual oral pleasure while maintaining continued closeness and intimacy. You can also accompany this position with intimate cosmetics such as our edible lubricating cream with a hazelnut scent which will be ideal for accompanying oral pleasure while stimulating your partner's vagina or anus. Enough to lubricate and excite with ease! Disadvantages of the position Despite its many attractions, facesitting can have some disadvantages: Comfort : Finding the ideal position can require frequent adjustments, which can sometimes throw off the rhythm. Breathing problems : The person lying down may have difficulty breathing if the weight is not properly managed. Psychological barriers : Some may feel vulnerable or embarrassed by the intimacy and exposure that facesitting involves. Goliate orgasm meter: 4/5 In terms of orgasmic potential, facesitting is often highly rated. The sitter's ability to precisely control the type and intensity of stimulation they provide can lead to powerful and satisfying orgasms for both partners. That said, as with any sexual practice, the experience can vary greatly from one person to another. Because this position is unusual and allows a real letting go without focusing on the eternal “penetration”, we give it a nice score of 4/5! Difficulty level Facesitting is generally considered a position of moderate difficulty . Although installation may be simple, managing weight and maintaining comfort requires some skill and attention. It is recommended to practice this position gradually and increase the duration as partners become more comfortable with each other's techniques and limits. Conclusion Facesitting is an exploration of intimacy, trust and mutual pleasure. With good communication and constant respect for each other's limits, this position can enrich partners' sex lives and strengthen their emotional and physical connection.  An interesting fun fact about the facesitting position is that it is called “Queening” or “Kinging” in some cultures, emphasizing its aspect of domination and power. Historically, this terminology highlights the dynamic of control and authority that the position can symbolize, with the seated person literally enthroned in the other's face like a king or queen on their throne. So, are you ready to play with Her Majesty?

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Why and how to properly clean your sex toys?

Taking care of your sex toys is not just a question of cleanliness, it is an essential step to guarantee their safety of use and extend their lifespan. Like any personal object, sex toys deserve special attention to maintain impeccable hygiene. Why is this so important? Because well-being and sexual health are at the heart of fulfilling intimate practices. In this comprehensive guide, we invite you to discover effective methods for cleaning your intimate toys, adapted to each type of material. Whether you are new to using sex toys or already experienced, understanding the importance of cleaning after each use will help you enjoy your intimate moments with complete peace of mind. Why cleaning your sex toys is essential? Cleaning your sex toys after each use is not just a matter of cleanliness, it is a fundamental step to ensure your safety and that of your partner. Indeed, sex toys can accumulate bacteria and organic residue which, if not properly eliminated, can lead to infections, irritations, or other health complications . This simple gesture helps preserve not only your well-being, but also the integrity and performance of your intimate toys. Taking the time to clean your sex toys guarantees you a safe and hygienic experience , which is essential to fully enjoy your intimate moments without worry. It also helps extend the life of your accessories by keeping them in excellent condition. Therefore, incorporating this habit into your routine gives you peace of mind and ensures maximum durability of your toys. When should you clean your sex toys? After each use Each use of your sex toy may leave traces of lubricants, bodily fluids or others. It is essential to clean your toy immediately after each use to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold that can cause infections. This also ensures that your sex toy is ready and in good condition for the next use , without any residue that could affect its quality or your experience. Before first use When you get a new sex toy, it is important to clean it before using it for the first time. This eliminates any potential contamination that occurred during the manufacturing process or packaging. This is a preventative step that ensures the cleanliness of your toy before it comes into contact with your body. Before and after sharing If you plan to share a sex toy with a partner, cleaning before and after is crucial. This helps prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases or bacterial infections between users. Using condoms on sex toys can also be an added protective measure, but it is no substitute for good cleaning. How to integrate cleaning into your routine? Create a consistent routine Making cleaning your sex toys part of your routine after use is the best way to ensure they are always ready and safe. You can consider it an essential part of your intimate experience: a time to take care of yourself and your toys. Use the right products Choosing the right cleaning products is vital to ensure the effectiveness of this practice without damaging your sex toys. Opt for specific cleaners recommended by manufacturers or gentle alternatives like lukewarm water and neutral soap. The ideal is to use a specific product to clean your sex toys : it guarantees longevity just as much as your intimate flora. Proper drying and storage After cleaning, make sure to dry your sex toys thoroughly before storing them. Storing in a clean, dry area out of direct light will help prevent any degradation of the material or accumulation of dust and dirt. By following these tips, you will not only maximize the lifespan of your sex toys , but you will also contribute to your overall health and well-being. Clean the different Sex Toys Silicone sex toys Silicone sex toys are among the most popular due to their softness and body safety. Clean them with lukewarm water and mild soap or a specific sex toy cleaner. Avoid boiling or exposing them to high temperatures unless the manufacturer indicates so. Plastic sex toys Plastic toys are often less expensive and offer a smooth surface that is easy to clean. Use a soft cloth dampened with antibacterial soap and water to clean them effectively. Be careful with plastic sex toys with electronic components which should not be completely immersed in water. Glass sex toys Glass sex toys can be cleaned very easily and can even be sterilized by placing them in boiling water. They do not retain odors or bacteria, making them exceptionally hygienic. Some details for taking care of your toys Recommended materials and tools for cleaning sex toys To ensure impeccable hygiene and the longevity of your intimate toys, it is crucial to choose the right cleaning tools and materials . Here is a comprehensive guide to help you select the safest and most effective products. Warm water, soap or sex toy cleaner Warm water and mild soap is the safest and most accessible cleaning method for the majority of sex toys. This combination effectively removes residue and bacteria without compromising delicate materials . Make sure to use a neutral soap without harsh fragrances or additives to avoid irritation. If your sex toys are motorized or if they are remote-controlled sex toys , as is the case with our Rabbit vibrator or our clitoral stimulator , then we recommend that you use a dedicated cleaner like the one we offer. How to properly clean your sex toy? Rinse your sex toy under lukewarm water to remove surface residue. Apply the mild soap or cleanser and wash the item thoroughly using your hands or a soft cloth. Rinse again under lukewarm water until all the soap is removed. Dry with a clean lint-free cloth or allow to air dry. Sex toy cleaning solutions For sex toys that are not waterproof or made with delicate materials that do not withstand conventional treatments, it is advisable to use specific cleaning solutions. These products are formulated to clean effectively without damaging electronic components or special materials. It's time to go have some fun! Now that you have mastered the techniques and importance of cleaning your sex toys, you have all the keys in hand to extend their lifespan while ensuring safe and hygienic use. Remembering to clean your sex toy after each use is not just a matter of care, but a real commitment to your personal well-being and that of your partner. We hope that this guide has enlightened and motivated you to integrate these hygiene practices into your routine. The cleanliness of your intimate toys is essential for a safe and pleasant experience. To go further and discover cleaning products specifically designed for your sex toys, do not hesitate to visit our store. Explore our carefully selected range to offer you the best cleaning solutions that will respect both your body and your favorite toys. Taking care of your sex toys also means taking care of yourself. Don't wait any longer to adopt these good practices and make sure that every intimate moment is as clean as it is delectable.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Lap Dance: a dance of seduction and proximity

The Lap Dance position, much more than a simple sexual position, is a dance of seduction that combines eroticism and intimacy . This position, where one partner sits while the other performs a sensual dance on their knees, creates an atmosphere of desire and complicity. In this article, we will explore the advantages, disadvantages, techniques and erogenous zones stimulated by Lap Dance, while evaluating its difficulty and the level of pleasure it provides. Benefits of Lap Dance An inclusive position accessible to all genders A remarkable aspect of Lap Dance is its inclusiveness, particularly its ability to accommodate people of the same gender or wheelchair users. This adaptability makes Lap Dance unique among intimate positions, as it offers an opportunity for seduction and closeness for everyone , regardless of physical abilities . For people in wheelchairs, Lap Dance can be a particularly enriching and rewarding experience, breaking down mobility barriers and opening new avenues for the expression of sensuality and intimacy. In this configuration, the wheelchair partner remains seated in their chair, while the other partner performs the dance. This adaptation not only maintains the sensual and intimate nature of Lap Dance, but it also offers a new dimension of connection and sharing. The dancing partner can use the chair as support , allowing movement and proximity that may be difficult to achieve otherwise. This inclusive approach ensures that Lap Dance remains an accessible and enjoyable experience, highlighting the importance of adaptability and creativity in intimate relationships. By integrating the inclusive aspect into the practice of Lap Dance, couples can explore new ways to connect and share moments of complicity , regardless of physical challenges. This reinforces the idea that seduction and intimacy are not limited by physical abilities, but rather are enriched by mutual understanding, acceptance and adaptation. Variations of Lap Dance Reverse Lap Dance : In this variation, the dancing partner turns their back to the seated partner. This orientation offers a new visual perspective and allows for a different exploration of sensual movements. Standing Lap Dance : Here the dancing partner performs their dance in front of the seated or standing partner. This variation allows greater freedom of movement and can introduce a game of seduction from a distance before gradually getting closer. Lying Lap Dance : For a gentler, more intimate approach, the dancing partner can lie on top of the seated partner, creating a different closeness and connection. This variation is ideal for moments when tenderness takes precedence over the intensity of the dance. Lap Dance with accessories : The introduction of accessories such as chairs with high backs, feathers or sex toys especially to stimulate the clitoris of the person being penetrated, can add an element of play and sensory exploration to the Lap Dance, enriching the overall experience. Diversify the Lap Dance experience: enriching variations Lap Dance, in its traditional form, is already a captivating experience. However, exploring it through different variations can bring an exciting freshness and novelty . Here are some additional ideas to diversify Lap Dance: Face-to-Face Seated Lap Dance : In this variation, both partners sit facing each other, allowing for mutual exploration of movements and direct interaction. This position can be particularly intimate and connected. Mirrored Lap Dance : Here, both partners imitate each other's movements, creating a mirrored dance. This synchronization can strengthen the connection and complicity between partners. Lap Dance with Role Play : Incorporating role play, where each partner takes on a different character, can add a playful and imaginative dimension to Lap Dance, opening the way to creative and exciting scenarios. Silhouette Lap Dance : Using back lighting to create silhouettes can give Lap Dance a mysterious and artistic vibe, accentuating the shapes and movements of bodies. Lap Dance with Costume Props : Adding costume props, like hats, gloves, or masks, can turn Lap Dance into a theatrical experience, increasing excitement and anticipation. Slow and Sensual Lap Dance : Slowing down the movements considerably to focus on every detail and touch can intensify the sensory experience of Lap Dance, making each gesture more meaningful and emotionally charged. Each of these variations offers a new way to experience Lap Dance, allowing partners to discover what best resonates with their preferences and style. By experimenting with these different forms, couples can not only spice up their intimacy, but also deepen their emotional connection and mutual understanding. Disadvantages of Lap Dance: Practical Considerations Although Lap Dance is a sensual and intimate experience, it comes with certain challenges and drawbacks that are important to consider for a safe and enjoyable practice. First of all, Lap Dancing can be physically demanding, especially for the dancing partner. This person often must maintain a delicate balance while performing sometimes complex movements, which may require some strength, flexibility, and endurance . For people who are not used to regular physical activity, this can lead to rapid fatigue or even muscle pain. Another notable drawback is the need for adequate space. Lap Dance requires enough space to allow the dancing partner to move freely without risk of injury or knocking over surrounding objects. In a tight space, movement can be limited, reducing the overall experience. Additionally, for people in wheelchairs or with certain physical limitations, traditional Lap Dance may present additional challenges. Although there are adaptations, it is crucial to find ways to practice Lap Dance that are comfortable and safe for all participants. Lap Dance also involves a high degree of trust and communication between partners. There may be pressure or discomfort, particularly for the partner receiving the dance, if they do not feel completely comfortable with the closeness or intensity of the experience. Likewise, the dancing partner may feel vulnerable or self-conscious, especially if they don't have much experience with this type of sensual dancing. Additionally, Lap Dance can sometimes create sexual tension without resulting in immediate gratification , which can be frustrating for some. Because it focuses more on eroticism and seduction than on the sexual act itself, it can leave one or both partners in a state of unresolved arousal. Finally, it is important to consider aspects of consent and comfort . Lap Dance is an intimate experience that should be mutually enjoyable and respectful. If one partner feels uncomfortable or coerced, it can negatively affect the experience and the relationship. Performing Lap Dance: tips and techniques  Performing the Lap Dance, although seemingly simple, requires a certain amount of preparation and technique to ensure an experience that is both enjoyable and safe. Here are the steps and tips for achieving this position: Preparing the space : Choose a space that is comfortable and large enough to allow for movement. Make sure there are no bulky or dangerous objects around that could interfere with dancing or cause injury. Creating the Mood : Lap Dance is as much a sensory experience as it is a dance. Create an atmosphere conducive to seduction with soft lighting, sensual music and, if desired, pleasant scents. Choice of outfits : Clothing can play an important role in Lap Dance. Choose outfits that make you feel comfortable and add to the sensual aspect of the dance. This may vary depending on personal preference. Starting position : The partner receiving the dance should sit comfortably on a stable chair, sofa or edge of the bed. It is important that this seat is solid and offers good support. Starting the dance : The dancing partner usually begins standing in front of or next to the seated partner. He can then begin to move to the rhythm of the music, using fluid and sensual movements. Interaction and movement : The key to Lap Dance is the interaction between the partners. The dancing partner can move closer, further away, and use various movements, such as rotations, undulations, or tilts, to create tension and excitement. Respect boundaries : It is crucial to maintain open communication and respect each other's boundaries. Lap Dance should be a pleasant and consensual experience for both partners. Use of hands : The dancing partner can use their hands to accentuate their movements or to gently touch the seated partner, depending on the level of comfort and mutual consent. Maintain Eye Contact : Eye contact plays an important role in Lap Dance, increasing intimacy and connection between partners. Conclude the dance : End the dance in a natural way, gradually slowing down the movements and returning to a calmer, more intimate closeness.  Remember that Lap Dance is as much an expression of trust and complicity as it is a performance. The objective is to share a moment of closeness and pleasure, adapting to everyone's reactions and preferences.  Erogenous zones stimulated by Lap Dance The Lap Dance position, focused on seduction and eroticism, stimulates a variety of erogenous zones , both for the dancing partner and the recipient of the dance. Here are the main erogenous zones involved: Visual and psychological zones : Lap Dance strongly stimulates the visual senses and awakens the erotic imagination. The sight of the dancing partner, their movements and body expression can be extremely arousing. Genital and perineum area : Although Lap Dance is not primarily focused on direct genital contact, the proximity and movements can create indirect stimulation of the perineum and external genital areas, increasing sexual arousal. Thighs and inner thighs : The thighs, and particularly the inner thighs, are sensitive erogenous zones that can be stimulated by the touching and close movements of the dancing partner. Buttocks and lower back : The buttocks and lower back are also sensitive areas. Their stimulation can be done by caresses, light pressure or undulating movements of the dancing partner. Breasts and nipples : For women, stimulation of the breasts and nipples can be integrated into Lap Dance, either through movements that brush against them or through direct caresses, depending on the level of comfort and consent. What to explore the breast orgasm? Neck and nape : The neck and nape are highly sensitive areas. Warm breaths, light kisses or brushing in this area can be very arousing. Ears : The ears, often neglected, can be stimulated by whispered words, breaths or light touches, adding an auditory dimension to the experience. Hands and forearms : The hands and forearms can be involved in the dance, either by brushing against the partner or by being caressed by the partner, thus creating a tactile interaction. Lap Dance, by its very essence, is a dance that plays on anticipation and suggestion, thus stimulating both physical erogenous zones and erotic imagination. This combination of physical and psychological stimulation can make the Lap Dance experience particularly intense and satisfying. Integration of anal penetration into Lap Dance Lap Dance, with its intimate proximity and sensual movements, also offers a unique opportunity for the exploration of anal pleasure, an often under-exploited erogenous zone. Although Lap Dance is not traditionally focused on direct anal stimulation, the nature of its movements can indirectly arouse this sensitive area. For example, the dancing partner may use hip movements or undulations that brush against or exert light pressure on the seated partner's anal region. This indirect stimulation can be particularly arousing , due to the high concentration of nerve endings in the anal region. For couples who want to explore this dimension further, light caressing or gentle pressure around the anus can be safely incorporated into the dance. This can be done with the hands, fingers or even a part of the dancing partner's body, such as the thighs or pelvis. These gestures, when done with consent and communication, can add an extra layer of stimulation and intimacy to the Lap Dance experience.  In addition to indirect anal stimulation, Lap Dance can also be adapted to include anal penetration for the dancing partner, thereby enriching the experience with an added dimension of pleasure. This adaptation requires open communication, adequate preparation and mutual consent to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In this variation of Lap Dance, the dancing partner can position their body in a way that allows easy access to the anal region. This can be done by adjusting the angle of his pelvis or using movements that facilitate gentle, controlled penetration. The seated partner can then actively participate, using their hands to guide the movement or by using sex toys suitable for anal penetration, such as an anal stimulator or a more classic, simple and effective vibrator . It is crucial to proceed slowly and carefully, especially if one partner is less experienced with anal penetration. The use of good quality natural water-based anal lubricant is essential to ensure comfort and fluidity in movements. Additionally, it is important to respect the body's signals and stop immediately if you experience pain or discomfort. We also invite you to use an anal relaxant to put all the chances on your side. This approach to Lap Dance not only allows you to explore anal pleasures, but also to strengthen trust and complicity between partners. By incorporating anal penetration into Lap Dance, couples can discover new ways to share pleasure and explore the limits of their intimacy . However, it is essential to remember that this practice must always be approached with respect, caution and particular attention to the safety and well-being of everyone. Assessment of difficulty and orgasm meter Difficulty: 2/5 Lap Dance is relatively accessible, with moderate difficulty. It requires a certain physical comfort but remains within the reach of most couples and its inclusive side, adapted to people with reduced mobility or same-sex couples, makes the position attractive to as many people as possible. And we really like that at Goliate! Orgasm meter: 3/5 Although its primary goal is not orgasm, Lap Dance excels at creating sexual tension and anticipation that can lead to more intense experiences later . By giving control to the person performing “the dance”, orgasm can still be achieved very quickly and optimally. In conclusion, Lap Dance is an expression of seduction that strengthens connection and intimacy in a couple. With good preparation, open communication and a little creativity, it can become a memorable and exciting experience , accessible and enjoyable for all partners, including those with disabilities. Did you know ?  Lap Dance, well known in the world of erotic dance and adult entertainment, has a history and applications that go far beyond this context. Did you know that Lap Dance has been used in couples therapy to strengthen communication and intimacy ? Indeed, therapists specializing in relationships and sexuality have sometimes incorporated Lap Dance into their therapy sessions to help couples overcome emotional barriers and strengthen their connection. This therapeutic approach to Lap Dance focuses on the aspect of non-verbal communication and trust. It allows partners to explore their limits, express their desires and strengthen their complicity in a secure and respectful environment. This practice has helped many couples rediscover the excitement and passion in their relationship, providing a fun and intimate way to reconnect.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to overcome porn addiction?

Porn addiction isn't just about numbers or statistics; it touches the very heart of our intimacy, our relationships and our well-being. In this introduction, we lay the foundations for a caring and enlightened exploration, intended for all those who feel concerned, directly or indirectly, by this issue. Our objective ? Support you in understanding this addiction, by untangling the complex threads that link our behaviors to our deep needs, our fears and our aspirations. Beyond the challenges, it is really about freedom and fulfillment. The freedom to choose, to understand, and ultimately, to love oneself in a sexuality lived without constraints or guilt. Ready to start this journey? Leave your prejudices in the locker room and open the door to a new perspective on porn addiction, armed with curiosity, compassion and the sincere desire to understand. Together, let's explore the paths to a balanced and fulfilling sexuality, guided by the conviction that each step forward is a step towards oneself. What is porn addiction? Porn addiction, a subject often whispered about but rarely addressed with the depth and sensitivity it deserves, is at the heart of many personal and societal questions. Porn addiction occurs when the consumption of pornographic content takes over from daily activities, negatively affecting relationships, work, and emotional well-being . It is not so much the frequency of consumption that defines addiction, but rather the impact and emotional or physical dependence it causes. Where does this addiction come from? To understand the essence of this addiction, it is crucial to recognize the multiple facets that make it up. Often, it is rooted in a complex mixture of seeking pleasure, escaping reality, managing anxiety or loneliness, and sometimes, unsatisfied curiosity. The ease of access to this content online and the anonymity offered by the internet play a significant role in the equation, making pornography both ubiquitous and discreetly consumable. The impact of pornography on the brain Neurologically, porn consumption stimulates the reward centers of the brain, releasing neurotransmitters associated with pleasure, such as dopamine. This chemical reaction can create an addictive cycle, where the brain constantly seeks this stimulation to experience pleasure or temporary relief from emotional or psychological tension. How do I know if I'm addicted to porn? Identifying the signs of addiction is an essential step towards understanding and healing. These signs include increasing consumption of porn, to the detriment of other activities or interests, repeated and unsuccessful attempts to reduce this consumption, and negative repercussions on personal or professional relationships or on mental health. Show kindness to yourself and your partner Approaching porn addiction with kindness means recognizing the complexity of the human experience and the diversity of journeys. At Goliate, we invite you to explore this topic with openness and curiosity, remembering that every step toward understanding is a step toward yourself. Together, in a spirit of non-judgment and acceptance, we can begin the journey toward a healthier relationship with our sexuality. In this quest for understanding, let us remember that porn addiction, like any addiction, is a signal, not of weakness, but of a deep need seeking to be heard and addressed. By lifting the veil on this subject, we give ourselves the means to build bridges towards a balanced life, where sexuality occupies a healthy and fulfilling place. How to control this addiction? The first step toward controlling porn addiction is recognizing that it exists. This step, although seemingly simple, requires courage and honesty. Accepting that one can be dependent is not an admission of weakness, but an act of strength, the beginning of a constructive inner dialogue. Identify triggers Understanding what drives compulsive porn consumption is essential. Stress, boredom, loneliness, or even lack of self-esteem, the triggers can be multiple and deeply personal. Identifying them allows us to develop tailor-made strategies to confront and overcome them. Create new habits Replacing one habit with another, healthier and more rewarding one, is a proven technique in managing addictions. Whether through sport, art, meditation, or any other activity providing satisfaction and well-being, the idea is to redirect energy towards practices beneficial to the body and mind. You can also limit the consumption of films and try other approaches such as erotic audios which are all the rage with women. You can also read erotic books. In both cases, these practices use creativity much more and will allow you to create new habits. Discover your body differently You also have the possibility of learning to discover other erogenous zones of your body : caress yourself, your chest, your face, your buttocks... Discover other ways to gently take pleasure. There's even a word for it and it's slow sex . To start this practice, you can also use relaxing massage oil to allow you to discover your body and do the same with your partner. Consult a professional if necessary Sometimes professional help is needed to unravel the complex threads of addiction. Psychologists, therapists, or specialized counselors can offer personalized support, in a caring and non-judgmental environment. You can find sexologists accessible by video anywhere in France very easily. be patient The path to addiction control is often non-linear, strewn with successes and relapses. Arming yourself with patience and compassion towards yourself is crucial. Every day is a new opportunity for progress, every effort a step closer to freedom. Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) CBT is an effective treatment approach that helps identify and change problematic thoughts and behaviors related to addiction. By focusing on current thought patterns, CBT encourages the development of strategies to manage temptations and build self-control. Obviously, it is the professionals in the sector mentioned above who are able to carry out these therapies. If you want to change, you can make it happen! As we navigated the twists and turns of porn addiction together, we explored various strategies and approaches to regaining control of our sexual and emotional lives. The importance of understanding the roots of this addiction, adopting healthy habits, and surrounding yourself with strong, caring support cannot be underestimated. At Goliate, we firmly believe in personal development through healthy and enlightened sexuality. Porn addiction, like any other form of addiction, is a complex challenge that requires compassion, patience, and perseverance. Breaking free from your chains is a personal journey, unique to each person, but it is important to remember that you are not alone in this quest. The Goliate community is here to offer you a secure space, valuable resources, and unconditional support, do not hesitate to ask us your questions on our Instagram account , we will be happy to answer them (in complete anonymity of course ).

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The Lotus: an intimate odyssey in the world of Kamasutra

The Lotus: An intimate odyssey in the world of Kamasutra The Lotus, an iconic Kamasutra position , is often celebrated for its ability to create deep intimacy and emotional connection between partners . This position, where partners face each other while closely embracing, creates a space for sharing and mutual pleasure, and a real bond beyond the purely physical aspects of love and sexual approach. The Lotus position is therefore easily integrated for the discovery of circulation which allows a new approach to sexuality. In this article, we will explore in detail the advantages, disadvantages, techniques, and erogenous zones stimulated by this position, while evaluating its difficulty and the level of pleasure it provides. Let's go ! Benefits of Lotus: more than just a sexual position The Lotus stands out for several significant advantages: 1. Emotional Intimacy : This position promotes intense eye contact and facial closeness, allowing for deep nonverbal communication and emotional connection. It allows you to live the moment intensely, to re-feel each other's breathing and to become one with your partner. 2. Control and pace : The receptive partner has considerable control over the pace and angle of penetration, which can be particularly beneficial for achieving orgasm. By allowing each partner to control the pace, the Lotus position can also be a real asset for lasting longer in bed . 3. G-spot stimulation : The Lotus is ideal for G-spot stimulation, thanks to the angle of penetration which can also be relatively controlled by the person being penetrated, regardless of the size of the penis . 4. Strengthening complicity : This position requires and strengthens complicity and coordination between partners who most of the time hug and kiss each other languidly to achieve the most pleasant Lotus position. Lotus is also an open door to the exploration of vanilla sex , softer and more sensual. 5. Balanced Power Play : This position allows for a unique balance in sexual power play, providing each partner with the opportunity to lead or submit. 6. Versatility : The Lotus allows for various variations and adjustments to increase pleasure and comfort making it a very versatile and interesting position to explore. Lotus variants to explore The Lotus position, with its intimate and connected base, provides fertile ground for exploration and innovation . By experimenting with variations, couples can discover new ways to experience and share pleasure. Here are some fascinating variations of the Lotus position that can enrich your sexual repertoire. The inverted Lotus In this variation, the receptive partner sits not facing their partner, but with their back to them. This position allows for different stimulation, offering a new visual and sensory perspective for the active partner. The receptive partner can control the pace and depth of penetration while exploring back and buttock stimulation. The Standing Lotus For couples looking for a more dynamic experience, the Standing Lotus offers increased intensity. The active partner stands, holding the receptive partner who wraps their legs around their waist. This position requires strength and balance but can lead to deep penetration and an exhilarating sexual experience. The Lying Lotus In this more relaxed variation, both partners lie on their sides, facing each other, maintaining the Lotus position. This version is ideal for couples looking for more comfort and a more prolonged experience like with slow sex . It is also perfect for intimate and lazy moments, where passion mixes with tenderness. The Lotus sitting on a chair The active partner sits on a stable chair, while the receptive partner sits on their thighs, facing them. This variation allows for deep penetration and offers the opportunity to integrate the furniture into your sexual play, adding a touch of excitement and novelty. The Lotus with intimate accessories Incorporating sex toys into the Lotus position can increase the pleasure tenfold. For example, using a vibrator to stimulate the clitoris or perineum during penetration can intensify orgasms. Handcuffs or blindfolds can also add an element of erotic play and surprise. The Floating Lotus For adventurous couples, Lotus floating in a pool or jacuzzi can be a unique sensual experience. The buoyancy of the water facilitates the position and adds a dimension of lightness and fluidity to the movement. The Crossed Lotus In this variation, the receptive partner crosses their legs behind the active partner's back, creating additional pressure and friction. This position allows for intense stimulation and close body contact. Disadvantages of Lotus: Practical Considerations Despite its many advantages, the Lotus has certain disadvantages which could prove annoying for some people with reduced mobility. Flexibility and comfort One of the main challenges of the Lotus is its demand for flexibility, particularly in the hips and legs . For people who are not accustomed to sitting or curled up positions for long periods of time, the Lotus may initially cause some discomfort or muscle tension . It is therefore advisable to warm up slightly or practice stretching before engaging in this position. A sensual massage with natural organic massage oil to relax before starting? Coordination and balance The position also requires good coordination and a sense of balance between partners. Maintaining balance while managing movement can be tricky, especially if partners have very different flexibility levels or body sizes. This position can therefore be difficult to maintain comfortably for couples of very different sizes. Endurance and patience Lotus is not a position that favors rapid or vigorous movements, but rather slow and rhythmic exploration . This requires some endurance and patience, especially for the active partner supporting the weight of the receptive partner. This position can therefore be demanding in terms of flexibility and endurance, especially for the legs and lower back. Limitation of movements The Lotus offers less freedom of movement compared to other positions, which can limit the variety of stimulation. Creating the lotus: tips and techniques Here are some tips to help you perform the Lotus gently in order to get the maximum pleasure from it. Preparation : Start by relaxing and connecting with your partner. Kissing , massaging, taking the time to discover the body of others are all essential elements for setting the mood essential for the full success of the relationship to savor the moment. Positioning : The active partner sits cross-legged, while the receptive partner sits on their thighs, wrapping their legs around their back. Communication : Communicate throughout the duration to adjust pace and angle based on comfort and pleasure. Use of cushions : Cushions under the active partner's buttocks can provide a better angle and more comfort. Intimate lubricant : It is highly recommended to use organic intimate lubricant to facilitate penetration and increase sensations during intercourse. The pleasure will only be increased tenfold. Erogenous zones stimulated by Lotus The Lotus is a very well-known Kamasutra position which has the advantage of allowing the stimulation of several erogenous zones , in a fairly simple and very effective way. 1. G-spot : The angle of penetration is ideal for stimulating the G-spot . Use the back and forth motion to effectively stimulate the area. 2. Clitoris : The receptive partner can stimulate their clitoris against their partner's body or use sex toys and other clitoral stimulating gels . 3. Perineal zone : The proximity of the bodies allows mutual stimulation of the perineal zones, too often neglected. 4. Breast stimulation : This position offers the possibility of simply and very effectively stimulating the partner's breasts to provide an intense breast orgasm . Lotus difficulty level: 3/5 The Lotus is rated 3 out of 5 in terms of difficulty. As we saw previously, although it offers deep intimacy, it requires a certain flexibility and coordination on the part of both partners and is not necessarily suitable for all body types . It's up to you to test the different variations that seem best suited to your situation. You can also venture out to other, simpler positions to try. Lotus orgasm meter: 4/5 On the Goliate Orgasm Meter scale, the Lotus hits a solid 4 out of 5 . The direct stimulation of the G-spot and the possibility of mutual control make it a very effective position for achieving orgasm. Did you know ? The Lotus is one of the oldest and most symbolic positions in the Kamasutra, representing union and balance. Outside of the sexual context, the Lotus is also a meditation position, symbolizing tranquility and concentration. In conclusion, Lotus is a Kamasutra position that offers a rich and intimate sexual experience. It requires some preparation and good communication, but the rewards in terms of emotional connection and physical pleasure are immense. Whether for G-spot stimulation, for an enhanced intimate experience, or to explore new dynamics in your sex life, the Lotus is undoubtedly a position to try and master.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

DOWNWARD DOG : the Kamasutra position to increase pleasure during cunnilingus

How to do it: The partner can opt for the traditional doggy style, with her knees and hands on the bed, or for the "buttocks up" version, with her chest and head on the bed. By opting for the "buttocks in the air" version, the partner can rub off more easily and therefore reach orgasm more easily. Place your hands on her hips, put your well- lubricated hand between her lips, and tell her how nice your hand feels between her legs. Get on your knees. Put your head between her buttocks, stick out your tongue and lick. Extend your tongue further to separate her lips. As you lick run your finger over her clitoris and stimulate her vaginal wall and G-spot with another. Lick, rub and stimulate until she reaches orgasm.     Where to do this position: The partner receiving the cunnilingus must stand on the edge of a bed, or a raised surface so that his partner can then kneel down and be directly facing his buttocks. The ideal is a soft mattress, so as not to irritate the hands and knees. The benefits of oral doggy style: By switching back and forth between doggystyle penetration and doggystyle cunnilingus, you can take a break and "calm down" when you need it, while still making her orgasm orally! This position also has the advantage of being a perfect transition to anal. Indeed, during oral doggy style you can easily set the stage for rimming. Attention ! Going from the vulva to the anus does not present any risk, but the reverse is not true! Indeed, going from the anus to the vulva / vagina risks introducing bacteria that could cause infections. If you absolutely want to go back to cunnilingus after rimming, clean your mouth. The disadvantages of oral doggy style:   Everything is reversed, so you have to take the hand. Be patient and don't worry if everything isn't perfect the first time.   The accessories you will need: A bed or raised surface. Difficulty level: 1/5 The oral doggy style is a relatively easy position to implement. Orgasmo-Meter: 4/5 A variant of doggy style and cunnilingus, which allows you to discover new sensations and play with new areas of your partner's body: orgasm is within reach! GOLIATE Council: Put a pillow under his belly for more comfort. The oral doggy style is the ideal position to stimulate the perineum during your cunnilingus. You can use your fingers, your mouth or a sex toy at the same time to give more pleasure. Unlike the "classic" cunnilingus position, it is easier to use a vibrator in this position.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The 69 position, a Kamasutra classic that's easy to reinvent!

69, the famous Kamasutra position, is an invitation to a mutual and symmetrical exploration of pleasure. This position, where the partners are positioned head to tail, allows simultaneous oral stimulation of the genitals. It transcends traditional barriers of sexuality, offering a unique experience of sharing and pleasure, whatever your anatomy. Advantages of 69 69 is more than just a sexual position ; it is an intimate adventure where pleasure and self-giving meet. This position promotes deep intimacy, allowing partners to focus fully on each other's sensations and reactions . It offers a unique opportunity to discover the tastes, smells and textures of your partner, thus strengthening the emotional and physical connection. 69: An inclusive and universal position This position is universally accessible, regardless of sexual orientation . Whether for heterosexual or homosexual couples or for people with varied physical abilities, the 69 adapts to everyone. For people with disabilities , this position can be modified or assisted to ensure comfort and pleasure, making the sexual experience more inclusive and satisfying. Variations and creativity in the 69 The 69 provides fertile ground for creativity and experimentation. Partners can explore different oral techniques, adjust their position for increased comfort, or incorporate sex toys to enrich the experience. This position is ideal for breaking the routine and introducing excitement and novelty into sex life. This position is indeed one of a kind and not only allows for mutual oral stimulation, but it also invites the creative integration of accessories and experimentation with variations to optimize stimulation. Using accessories such as vibrators , feather dusters, or anal toys can add an extra dimension to the pleasure felt in the 69. For example, using a vibrator to stimulate the clitoris or perineum while the Performing oral sex can intensify sensations and potentially lead to more powerful and satisfying orgasms. Likewise, the use of butt plugs can increase anal stimulation and pleasure for both partners, exploring often overlooked erogenous zones . In addition, the 69 position can be combined or alternated with other positions to vary the pleasures and sensations. For example, partners can move from mutual oral stimulation to penetration or other forms of sexual play, creating a dynamic and varied sexual experience . This flexibility allows partners to respond to each other's cues and preferences, adjusting their approach to maximize shared pleasure. The 69 position also encourages partners to communicate openly about their desires and boundaries, which can lead to better mutual understanding and a more fulfilling sexual experience. In short, 69 is not just a sex position, it is a platform for exploration, innovation and mutual discovery, offering partners the opportunity to deepen their intimate connection while exploring new ways to give and receive pleasure. Disadvantages of the 69 position The 69 position, although offering many advantages in terms of mutual pleasure and closeness, also has certain disadvantages that are important to consider: Concentration and distraction : One of the biggest challenges of 69 is the need to simultaneously concentrate on giving and receiving pleasure. This can be distracting for some, making it difficult to fully concentrate on their own or their partner's pleasure. Physical Comfort : This position may be physically uncomfortable or demanding for some. Maintaining the position, especially if prolonged, can cause tension in the neck, back or legs. Coordination difficulties : The 69 requires good coordination between partners. If partners are very different sizes, it can make the position awkward or less enjoyable. Breathing problems : Since each partner's face is close to the other's genitals, some may find it difficult to breathe comfortably, especially if one partner is actively involved. Lack of visual intimacy : Although 69 is intimate in terms of physical proximity, it often lacks eye contact, which is an important part of intimacy for many people. Hygiene : Hygiene concerns can be a disadvantage, especially if the position is spontaneous. Some may feel uncomfortable with the close proximity of the genitals and face without prior preparation. Difficulty reaching orgasm: For some, simultaneous stimulation can make it more difficult to reach orgasm, as they may be more focused on their partner than on their own sensations. It is important to note that these disadvantages can vary greatly from person to person and can be alleviated through good communication, mutual understanding of preferences and needs, and adaptation of position to maximize comfort and pleasure. . It is therefore up to you to adapt according to your partner. How to prepare for a good 69? Proper preparation for the 69 position is essential to ensure comfort, pleasure and safety for both partners. Here are some key steps to properly prepare for this position: Preliminary communication : First of all, talk with your partner. Talk about your expectations, your limits, and make sure you are both comfortable with the idea of ​​practicing 69. This is also a great time to discuss any hygiene concerns. Personal Hygiene : Good hygiene is crucial. Take a shower or bath before the act to make sure you feel fresh and clean. This can also be an exciting part of foreplay. Create a comfortable environment : Choose a place where you will not be disturbed. Make sure the room is a comfortable temperature and consider using cushions or pillows to support your head, neck, or other body parts. Using Lubricants : Even though 69 is primarily an oral activity, using natural, organic, lickable lubricants can be beneficial, especially if you plan to incorporate sex toys or if one partner tends to be dry. Positioning and comfort : Experiment with different positions to find the one that is most comfortable for both of you. You can try lying on your side with one partner on top of the other, or even use a seated position if that works better. Respect each person's rhythm : It is important to remember that 69 requires a certain rhythm and coordination. Start slowly and adjust your pace based on your partner's reactions. Pay attention to nonverbal cues : During sex, pay attention to your partner's nonverbal cues. This may include body movements, sounds or changes in breathing, indicating what they enjoy or what they find uncomfortable. Security and consent : As always, but it is worth remembering. Make sure both partners feel safe and have given enthusiastic consent for all sexual activities. Level of difficulty and adaptability of the 69: 3.5/5  Although the 69 is inherently attractive, it can present some challenges. Coordination and communication are essential to maintain the position comfortably. For beginners, it can be difficult to focus on both pleasure received and pleasure given . However, with practice, this position becomes easier and more rewarding, providing a deeply satisfying and connected experience. Which erogenous zones are stimulated in the 69 position?  The 69 position offers a unique opportunity to stimulate a variety of erogenous zones, which can greatly enrich the sexual experience for both partners. Here are some of the key erogenous zones that can be explored and stimulated in this position: Genitals : Obviously, in 69, the genitals are the main focus of stimulation. For women, this includes the clitoris , labia, and entrance to the vagina. In men, the glans, frenulum and shaft of the penis are highly sensitive areas. The use of a prostate stimulator during 69 practice also brings a real plus to male anal pleasure since the prostate (P point) is the equivalent of the G point. Anus and perineum : These areas, often neglected, are extremely sensitive and can be stimulated by light caresses, kisses or even light breathing. Anal stimulation can be particularly arousing due to the high concentration of nerve endings. Inner Thighs : The inner thighs are a major erogenous zone for many people. Gentle caresses or kisses in this area can increase arousal. Buttocks : The buttocks can be gently caressed or massaged during 69, adding an extra dimension of pleasure. Lower back and lower abdomen : These areas, although more difficult to reach in the 69 position, can be stimulated by caresses if the partners adjust their position slightly. Breasts and Nipples : For women, and sometimes men, stimulation of the breasts and nipples can be integrated by adjusting the position or using the hands. Little known, the breast orgasm is in fact a real source of pleasure that can be interesting to explore. Neck and ear area : Although less accessible in this position, kissing and light caressing on the neck and around the ears can be incorporated, especially if the partners change position slightly. It's important to remember that every person is unique , and what is a very sensitive erogenous zone for one person may not be so for another. Open communication with your partner about what pleases you is essential to maximizing pleasure in the 69 position. Additionally, being attentive to your partner's reactions and adjusting your techniques accordingly can make the experience more enjoyable for both of you. So don't hesitate to get out of this position to vary the pleasures and adapt to your partner's desires. Sexuality is infinite and each body is unique. Enjoy! Orgasm meter of 69: 3/5 On the Goliate Orgasm Meter scale, 69 stands out for its high potential to reach orgasm. This position, thanks to direct and simultaneous oral stimulation, offers a strong possibility of reaching peaks of pleasure. It is particularly effective for intense, reciprocal stimulation , although the need to concentrate on your partner's pleasure can sometimes delay orgasm. For people more sensitive to stimulation through penetration, this position may nevertheless prove less suitable for reaching orgasm quickly. In this case, it may be useful to add the use of some sex toys such as our G-spot stimulator or our contactless clitoral stimulator . Wow effect guaranteed! The 69, “a classic” to be transformed into a journey towards shared intimacy 69 is more than a sex position; it is a journey towards shared intimacy, a mutual exploration of pleasure and a celebration of trust and connection through the proximity it implies to the genitals. By choosing to experiment with 69, partners engage in a sensual adventure where pleasure is both given and received , creating a balanced and enriching sexual experience, where smell mixes with taste and touch. An exquisite adventure for the senses.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to masturbate well when you are a man?

Welcome to a space where self-discovery takes on its full meaning, where the quest for personal pleasure becomes an enriching and respectful journey. Male masturbation, often surrounded by mysteries and taboos, deserves to be approached with openness, kindness and precision . It is in this spirit that we have designed this guide: to support you in exploring this intimate facet of your sexuality, by offering you keys to a fulfilled and conscious practice. In our society, where sexuality is both omnipresent and sometimes poorly understood, it is essential to reclaim your own body and your desires. Masturbation is not just an act of pleasure; it is a door to better self-knowledge, a way to discover what really makes us tick, far from clichés and external expectations. This guide is designed for you, men from all walks of life, eager to navigate the waves of your pleasure with confidence and curiosity. Far from preconceived ideas, together we will approach the art of male masturbation in all its forms, highlighting its benefits both physically and psychologically. Our objective ? Offer you the tools to make this practice a moment of complete well-being, a joyful and non-judgmental exploration of your body and your sensations. Why is masturbation important? Masturbation, far from being a taboo subject or a simple quest for ephemeral pleasure, represents a fundamental dimension of sexual health and personal well-being. For men, understanding and practicing masturbation in an informed and self-respecting manner is essential for several reasons, which go well beyond the simple physical act. Self-discovery and personal development Masturbation offers a unique opportunity to discover your body in an intimate and detailed way. It is through this practice that many men learn what gives them pleasure , how they like to be touched, and what caresses awaken their senses. This self-knowledge is crucial, not only for personal sexual fulfillment but also for enriching shared experiences with a partner. Benefits on sexual health In terms of sexual health, regular masturbation has several benefits. It allows, among other things, to maintain good erectile function, regulate sexual desire and even prevent certain prostate problems . Additionally, it provides a safe space to experiment with your body without the risks associated with partnered sex, such as sexually transmitted infections. Positive psychological impact Masturbation can also have a profoundly positive impact on mental health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, promotes better quality sleep and can increase self-esteem by strengthening the connection with your own body. In a world where pressure and stress are omnipresent, setting aside moments of personal pleasure is a form of self-care, an act of well-being that deserves to be valued. The basics of practicing male masturbation Masturbation, a personal exploration of pleasure, varies from man to man. However, some basic techniques stand out for their popularity and effectiveness. These methods offer a starting point for those looking to enrich their masturbation experience or discover new ways to thrive. Technique 1: The classic grip The most common method involves using the index and middle fingers to form a circle around the penis, simulating sexual intercourse. This technique, simple but effective, allows a wide variety of sensations by adjusting pressure, speed, and movement. It adapts to your desires of the moment, whether you are looking for gentle or more intense stimulation. Technique 2: Using masturbators For those looking to diversify their experience, using masturbators can offer new and intensely pleasurable sensations. These sex toys are designed to simulate various sexual experiences, offering varied textures and sensations like this masturbator that simulates fellatio . Technique 3: Both hands Using both hands can transform the act of masturbation into a more enveloping experience. By using one hand to stimulate the penis and the other to caress the testicles, perineum, or other erogenous zones, you can explore a wider range of pleasures and discover what fully satisfies you. This technique is even the basis of a practice that is slow to be discovered: circumclusion . Technique 4: In the shower Masturbating in the shower not only offers ease of cleaning but also the opportunity to experiment with water as an element of pleasure . The feeling of warm water running over the body can be extremely pleasurable and add a sensual dimension to your masturbation routine. Technique 5: anal pleasure For those who are curious and open to exploration, anal pleasure as a man can open the door to deep and intense pleasures. Whether with fingers or toys specifically designed for this practice, prostate stimulation offers unique sensations and can lead to orgasms of remarkable intensity. How to improve the masturbation experience? The quest for personal pleasure is a never-ending journey, where each discovery opens the door to new sensations and experiences. For those looking to enrich their masturbation practice, here are some advanced tips and techniques to turn every moment into a deep and satisfying exploration of your sexuality. Choosing the Right Lubricant Using lube can drastically change your masturbation experience. Water-based lubricants are ideal for use with sex toys and are easy to clean, while silicone-based ones offer a silkier, longer-lasting feel, perfect for an extended session. Experimenting with different types can help you discover what increases your pleasure the most. Change techniques and locations Varying your practice can revitalize your masturbation experience. Don't limit yourself to just one method or position; explore different ways of touching yourself and different environments to do so. Variety is the spice of life, and that applies to masturbation too. Exploring the use of sex toys Using sex toys isn't just for couples; there are a multitude of toys designed to enhance solo male pleasure. From vibrating cock rings to the latest generation of masturbators, adding toys can introduce new sensations and intensify your pleasure. Stimulate your imagination Porn is obviously an easy solution to stimulate your desire, but new practices exist that allow you to be even more creative. This is particularly the case with erotic audios , which take you into very hot stories, while letting your imagination do the work. Masturbation is good for sleep! The physical and mental relaxation that follows orgasm can make it easier to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep. By approaching masturbation with curiosity, openness and self-respect, every man can discover a world of pleasure that contributes to his personal development and overall health. Remember that the journey to fulfilled sexuality is unique to each person; explore at your own pace and according to your desires, keeping in mind that personal pleasure is a fundamental right and a source of joy and well-being. Frequency of masturbation: finding your balance The question of the frequency of masturbation is often a source of curiosity, even worry, among many men. It is essential to understand that masturbation is a personal practice and that the "norm" for frequency varies greatly from person to person. The important thing is to find a balance that suits you, listening to your body's needs and respecting your psychological well-being. Listen to your body Your body is the best guide to determining the ideal masturbation frequency. Some may feel the need to masturbate daily, while others will find satisfaction with less frequency. The important thing is to never force or restrict yourself too much, as long as it remains a healthy and balanced practice in your life. Enjoy your moment, it will only do you more good In conclusion, exploring the many facets of male masturbation is not just an act of personal pleasure; it is a deeply enriching process that opens the door to better self-understanding and fulfilled sexuality. Through this guide, we have gone through various techniques, practical advice and caring perspectives together to support you in your quest for authentic and satisfying solo pleasure. At Goliate, our mission is to guide you in this exploration with respect, openness and expertise. We firmly believe that every man deserves access to a full and rich sexuality, where pleasure is discovered without taboos or judgments.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

But what is average penis size (and how to get past it)

In a world where intimacy and sexuality occupy a central place in our quest for well-being, the question of penis size often emerges, surrounded by mysteries, questions and, sometimes, concerns. At Goliate, we understand that these questions go far beyond simple curiosity; they touch the very essence of our self-esteem and our capacity to experience and share pleasure. This is why we have decided to lift the veil on this delicate subject, by discussing with you, in a spirit that is both calm and educational, the reality surrounding the average penis size. Our objective ? Provide you with a reassuring and informed perspective , based on reliable data and a caring approach to sexuality. Because yes, it is time to deconstruct the myths and free ourselves from taboos to embrace a healthier and more fulfilled vision of our intimacy. In this article, we will explore together not only what studies and experts say about penis size, but also and above all how this issue influences our perception of sexuality and performance. We will offer you keys to understand why, ultimately, size should not be a source of concern, and how everyone can flourish in their sexuality, regardless of standards and comparisons. What is the “average size” of a penis? In our exploration of fulfilled sexuality, the notion of average penis size occupies a preponderant place, arousing curiosity, questions, and sometimes, concerns. At Goliate, we approach this topic with the goal of clarifying, reassuring and educating. The numbers on penis sizes Scientific studies offer us valuable data on the average penis size, indicating that when erect it is generally between 13 and 15 centimeters . However, it is crucial to emphasize that these figures represent averages and not ideals to be achieved. The importance of these averages must be put into perspective, because sexual satisfaction and fulfillment in intimacy cannot be measured in centimeters. The diversity of penis sizes is a manifestation of the natural variability of human anatomy, and each size has its place on the spectrum of normality. We are all different and the key is self-acceptance Celebrating body diversity is essential to cultivating self-acceptance and a positive body image. Pressure from media and societal norms regarding the "ideal size" can lead to unnecessary comparisons and personal dissatisfaction. At Goliate, we encourage everyone to recognize and appreciate the unique beauty of their body, regardless of external standards. Self-acceptance is the first step toward fulfilling sexuality, where trust and open communication pave the way for enriching intimate experiences. Penis size is just one aspect of sexuality. Reassessing its importance helps redirect attention to more essential aspects of intimacy, such as emotional connection, communication, mutual exploration of pleasure and erogenous zones . A more inclusive sexuality recognizes the richness of possible experiences and pleasures, well beyond physical concerns. Perception about penis size has an impact on sexuality Average penis size, although a simple aspect of our anatomy, is laden with heavy psychological significance. It is often seen as a symbol of virility, power, and ability to satisfy the partner. This symbolic charge can influence self-confidence and body image, crucial factors in the quest for fulfilled sexuality. It is essential to untangle these perceptions, often fueled by myths and unfounded comparisons, to reclaim a healthier and more authentic vision of our sexuality. Impact on intimate relationships Concern about penis size can have a significant impact on communication within a couple and the ability to experience fully satisfying moments of intimacy. When one partner feels concerned about the size of their penis, it can lead to a reluctance to talk openly about sexuality, for fear of judgment or inadequacy. This reluctance can, in turn, limit opportunities to share desires and fantasies, thereby reducing the couple's ability to explore new dimensions of their intimacy. Excessive concern about size can also affect self-confidence during intimate moments, leading to a less fulfilling sexual experience for both partners. Performance anxiety, fueled by these concerns, can decrease presence and engagement in the sexual act, thereby reducing the ability to feel and provide pleasure. Additionally, this focus on penis size can distract from the many other aspects of sexuality that contribute to a rich and varied intimate experience, such as foreplay, nonverbal communication, and the exploration of alternative pleasures. Regaining self-confidence by being original is the key In the quest for fulfilled sexuality and strengthened self-confidence, venturing into original practices can open new doors to intimacy and pleasure. Communicate crudely about your desires Dirty talk , or the art of erotic conversation, is a fascinating practice for intensifying desire and strengthening the emotional bond between partners. Talking about our desires, expressing in words what excites us, or recounting fantasies can not only increase arousal but also provide a space where size becomes a detail among the immensity of shared pleasures. This intimate communication invites a deeper exploration of each other's desires, strengthening confidence in oneself and in the relationship. Taking care of each other Foreplay and sexy couple massages also play a crucial role in building rich and satisfying intimacy. They allow you to slow down, focus on the present moment and explore each other's bodies with attention and devotion. These moments of mutual discovery are essential to create an atmosphere of desire and respect, where each caress and each kiss contribute to building a full and fulfilling sexual experience, far from superficial concerns. Test gentle practices Finally, slow sex , just like vanilla sex are approaches that favor the quality of the connection and the intensity of sensations over performance, offer a magnificent opportunity to rediscover pleasure in its purest form. This practice invites you to savor every moment, every touch, putting aside traditional goals linked to orgasm to focus on the sensual experience itself. Slow sex is a celebration of intimacy, where time seems to stand still, and the size of the penis loses all its importance in the face of the depth of the connection established. Use toys to compensate! But who says you have to make your partner cum with your penis? If you are uncomfortable with the size of yours, you can also use toys to take your partner to seventh heaven. Discover MyPleasure Plus which, thanks to the pleasure of uncompromising double stimulation, will allow you to do your partner a world of good. Designed for those seeking an intensified pleasure experience, this innovative toy promises a limitless exploration of satisfaction. Our rabbit stands out for its ability to simultaneously stimulate the G-spot and the clitoris, providing a symphony of sensations that lead to deep and memorable orgasms. Its ergonomic design and intuitive interface allow easy use, inviting you on a journey to the heart of pleasure, alone or in pairs. The key is to question the standards linked to penis size The key to transcending concerns about penis size and cultivating fulfilling sexuality lies in our ability to question established standards . These norms, often conveyed by the media, pornography and social discourse, shape our perception of masculinity and sexuality in restrictive ways. Questioning and challenging these standards is essential to deconstruct the myths around the "ideal size" and to recognize the harmful impact they can have on self-esteem and sexual satisfaction. By opening the dialogue about the diversity of bodies and pleasures, we can begin to see penis size as one natural variation among many others, and not as a criterion of judgment or sexual competence. At the same time, it is crucial to promote a new definition of normal that embraces all sizes, shapes and appearances, celebrating variety as an expression of natural beauty. This redefinition requires inclusive and caring sexual education , which plays a fundamental role in the formation of a healthy and balanced vision of sexuality. Education that values ​​diversity and teaches respect for self and others can radically transform the way we experience our sexuality. Remember, the most important thing is not the size, but the quality of the moments shared and the intimacy built with your partner. At Goliate, we are dedicated to helping you experience a fulfilled sexuality, full of discoveries and pleasures. Because, after all, a fulfilling sex life is a key component of a happy and satisfying life.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The Anvil position: A new dimension of pleasure with the Kamasutra

The anvil, an emblematic position of the Kamasutra , is distinguished by its intensity and depth . It offers total immersion in a sexual experience that is both physical and emotional. The receptive partner, lying on their back with their legs raised, and the active partner, dominating the scene, together create a picture of passion and intense pleasure. This position is an invitation to push the limits of sensuality and explore unknown territories of pleasure, like pegging ? In any case, this Kamasutra position is therefore suitable for all couples , straight and gay. The major advantages of the anvil  The anvil proves to be a source of manifold delights. It allows deep immersion, offering powerful and direct stimulation . The proximity of the bodies and the possibility of holding each other's gaze in this position creates a strong bond, reinforcing complicity and verbal or non-verbal communication between partners. The particular angle of penetration opens the way to new sensations, by targeting erogenous zones that are often less explored. For the active partner, the view offered is a true visual feast, adding an erotic dimension to the act. Better still, the person lying down can continue to stimulate their penis or clitoris . This position also allows a conducive approach to dirty talk , the opportunity to try it gently? Prepare the ground for the anvil As one of the two partners is lying on their back, it is essential to ensure a comfortable environment. A conducive atmosphere is essential for a successful experience. A cozy space, a comfortable bed and cushions , a pleasant temperature and soft light create an ideal setting. Music, chosen with care, can accompany and intensify the experience, in harmony with the movements and intensity of the act. For the more adventurous, you can test this position on the ground for a wilder approach, but watch out for back pain the next day! Lubricants and toys: enriching the experience The use of lubricants is crucial for a smooth and pleasant experience. But sex toys, such as vibrators or anal plugs, can be integrated to increase stimulation and discover new facets of pleasure. During sexual intercourse in the Anvil position, it is entirely possible to insert an anal plug or a vibrating sex toy while penetrating your partner's vagina with your penis. Pleasure guaranteed! The Anvil in gay relationships between men For gay male couples, the anvil is a godsend. It offers direct and intense stimulation of the prostate , a source of deep and varied pleasures. This position also promotes emotional intimacy, making the experience both physically and emotionally enjoyable. For gay, straight or beginners whoever , it doesn't matter, you can discover your prostate pleasure or your anal pleasure gently with one of our sex toys, ideal for beginners for adventurous apprentices ;) Anvil difficulty level: 3.5/5 The anvil requires a certain amount of control and coordination . It is advisable to start gently, ensuring that partners are comfortable and in control. Ongoing communication is essential to adjust movements and ensure a pleasant experience for everyone. Although the anvil is a source of intense pleasure, it can present challenges . Flexibility and endurance are key to taking full advantage of this position. It can be complex for novices due to the coordination required to keep the legs in the air while managing depth and rhythm. This position may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who favor a gentler or less physical approach to sexuality. Don't forget to use organic lubricant to facilitate penetration and provide comfort and sensuality during intercourse! Orgasm meter of the anvil: 4/5  This position is a real playground for erogenous exploration and deep penetration. It also has the merit of adapting to all relationships and types of couples, straight and gay. The position of the Anvil Kamasutra makes it possible to effectively target sensitive areas such as the G-spot or the prostate , while providing easy access to other erogenous zones, such as the breasts or buttocks, and is positioned as a original position for those who wish to vary the pleasures with a more intense position than the classic missionary. Be careful, however, not to rush into penetration that is too deep and too fast at the risk of injuring the person being penetrated. On the Goliate orgasm meter scale, the anvil therefore reaches a solid 4 out of 5 . Its unique angle of penetration and the possibility of control by the active partner make it a very effective position for achieving orgasm .

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Testing male anal pleasure

In a world where the quest for pleasure and self-discovery intertwine, anal pleasure in men remains an often unknown territory, veiled in mysteries and preconceived ideas. However, beyond the taboos, there lies an unsuspected source of sensations, a path towards renewed intimacy and increased complicity within the couple. At Goliate, we invite you to open the doors of this exploration with audacity and kindness, to encounter an authentic and profoundly human pleasure. This article is an invitation to travel to the heart of male intimacy, to rediscover the body in a new light, where each sensation becomes a note in the symphony of pleasure. We invite you to deconstruct prejudices together, embrace the diversity of pleasures and celebrate the freedom to explore your body without restraint. With delicacy and expertise, we will address the keys to a respectful and fulfilling exploration of male anal pleasure. From anatomical understanding to communication within the couple, including practical advice for a successful first experience, each aspect will be treated with care, so that this adventure becomes a source of joy and shared discovery. Leave aside your apprehensions , silence the voices of doubt and fear, and follow us on this journey to the heart of male anal pleasure. Because at Goliate, we believe that pleasure is an art, a delicate science which, once mastered, opens the doors to a rich, varied and infinitely satisfying sexuality. Ready to discover the secrets of fulfilling intimacy? Let your curiosity be your guide and dive with us into the fascinating world of anal pleasure for men. Understanding male anal pleasure Anal pleasure, far from being exclusive or deviant, is a natural component of human sexuality. In men, this erogenous zone, often neglected, is the seat of extremely sensitive nerve endings, capable of providing deep and varied sensations. The prostate , often nicknamed the male "P-spot" , plays a central role in this dynamic of pleasure. Located near the anus, its stimulation, direct or indirect, can open the doors to orgasms of an intensity and quality different from those known until now. Anal pleasure in men is not a myth, nor a practice reserved for certain people. It is an accessible reality, a facet of sexuality to embrace with confidence and enthusiasm. By lifting the veil on the mysteries that surround it, we hope to guide you towards a richer and more fulfilling experience, where male anal pleasure becomes an integral and enjoyable part of your sex life. Why try anal pleasure even if I'm straight? Anal pleasure, beyond prejudice, is part of a process of personal discovery and going beyond the limits imposed by standards. For the heterosexual man, opening up to this dimension of his sexuality means embracing a broader and richer vision of his erotic potential. It is recognizing that the male body is endowed with the capacity to experience pleasure in a diverse way, where stimulation of the prostate occupies a special place. The prostate, this discreet but powerful gland, is often compared to the female G-spot for its orgasmic potential. Its stimulation, whether done gently and carefully, can lead to orgasms of remarkable intensity, different from classic penile orgasms. These prostate orgasms , characterized by a particular depth and emotional resonance, open the door to a new dimension of male pleasure. But the benefits of anal pleasure are not limited to the strictly physical sphere. Venturing down this path is also an opportunity to strengthen communication and trust within the couple. It is an invitation to dialogue, to share one's desires and apprehensions, to build together a space of security and freedom where each partner feels valued and listened to. Exploring anal pleasure: where to start? The invitation to travel into the world of anal pleasure for men is a promise of discoveries and new sensations. However, faced with this half-open door to a little-known world, many people hesitate on the threshold, unsure of how to begin this exploration. In this part, we guide you step by step, with gentleness and respect, towards a serene and fulfilling initiation to anal pleasure. Setting the stage: communication and consent Communication: the first step towards more pleasure Before even thinking about practice, communication is the cornerstone of any successful sexual exploration. Talking openly about your desires, your fears, and your limits with your partner creates an essential climate of trust and complicity. It is in this safe space that anal pleasure can be approached without fear and with honesty. Consent: an absolute necessity Mutual consent is the foundation of any fulfilling sexual experience. Ensuring each partner is comfortable and willing to engage in this discovery is crucial. Respecting everyone's limits is the guarantee of an exploration where well-being and pleasure are at the forefront. Where to start with male anal pleasure? Create a pleasant environment The atmosphere in which the exploration of anal pleasure takes place is determining. A relaxing environment, an intimate and warm atmosphere, helps to dissipate tensions and promote relaxation. Soft music, soft lighting, and a pleasant temperature are all elements that prepare the body and mind for a positive experience. Start with foreplay Foreplay plays an essential role in preparing for anal pleasure. They help awaken desire, increase excitement and relax the muscles, particularly those in the anal area. Light caresses, kisses, and massages around and on the anus can help initiate this relaxation, gradually building up arousal. Equip yourself with a lubricant Lubrication is a non-negotiable aspect of anal exploration. Opting for a quality lubricant, adapted to this practice, facilitates penetration and makes the experience more comfortable and pleasant for all partners. We have designed a natural anal lubricant , perfectly suited to this practice. Using sex toys for male anal practice For those new to anal pleasure, using sex toys designed specifically for beginners can be a great way to start. Small anal plugs, with an enlarged base for safety, or anal beads, allow gradual and controlled initiation. The exploration of anal pleasure in men is a journey towards deeper intimacy and previously unexplored pleasures. At Goliate, we support you every step of the way, providing you with the keys to an experience that is safe, respectful and incredibly enriching. Open yourself to this new dimension of your sexuality, and let “Male Anal Pleasure” become a source of joy and fulfillment in your erotic life. Some tips for having a perfect time The world of sex toys offers a variety of options designed specifically for male anal pleasure. Each toy is a key to unique sensations and diverse experiences. Anal plugs Perfect for beginners, they allow a gentle and gradual introduction to anal pleasure. Available in different sizes, they help relax muscles and get used to the feeling of fullness. Prostate massagers Designed to precisely target the prostate, prostate massagers can transform the experience of anal pleasure into a deep and intensely gratifying exploration. Anal beads Offering gradual stimulation, anal beads are ideal for playing with intensities and discovering what resonates most with your body. Testing pegging: a heterosexual anal sex practice In the vast landscape of sexuality, pegging stands out as a daring and deeply intimate practice, offering heterosexual couples a new avenue of pleasure and mutual discovery. What is Pegging? Pegging is a form of anal sex where a woman penetrates a man using a harness and a dildo. This reversal of traditional penetration roles offers a unique exploration of pleasures and power dynamics within a couple, opening the door to enhanced intimacy and innovative sexual experiences. Break taboos Embracing pegging in a couple's sex life requires courage and open-mindedness, defying established norms and prejudices. However, it is precisely in this questioning of traditional roles that lies the opportunity to forge deeper bonds and discover unexpected facets of mutual pleasure. Integrate Pegging into the relationship Communication and Consent: The Pillars The key to a successful and fulfilling pegging experience is transparent communication and enthusiastic consent. Obviously, selecting a suitable harness and dildo is essential for a comfortable and pleasant experience. There are a variety of options designed to accommodate different preferences and experience levels. Opting for quality materials and an adjustable harness guarantees safety and satisfaction. Finally, adequate preparation, including generous lubrication, is essential for comfortable anal penetration. Taking the time to relax, warming up with caresses and foreplay, and using enough lubricant makes the experience easier and increases the pleasure. So, are you getting started? By exploring the subject of male anal pleasure together, we have taken an important step towards a richer and more fulfilled sexuality. Far from taboos and prejudices, this exploration reveals to us that pleasure, in all its forms, is a fundamental right of each individual, regardless of their sexual orientation. At Goliate, we firmly believe that the key to a satisfying sex life lies in communication, open-mindedness and exploration. Anal pleasure in men, far from being a taboo subject, is an open door to new dimensions of pleasure, complicity and mutual discovery within the couple. We invite you to continue this exploration with confidence and curiosity. Our range of products, specially designed to accompany you in this adventure, is there to guide you step by step, whether you are a novice or already a fan of these new experiences.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Stunning pleasure: Discover the secrets of the Inverted Andromache

The inverted andromache, an exciting variation of the classic position, invites you to a new sensual exploration. In this position, the receptive partner is on top, facing away from their partner, providing a new perspective and increased control . This position is not only a physical exploration, but also an emotional adventure, allowing for deep intimacy and connection . The reversed andromache is ideal for those looking to renew their sexual repertoire and experiment boldly and creatively . Benefits of Reversed Andromache The reversed andromache offers several significant benefits. First of all, it allows deep stimulation and intense pleasure for both partners, thanks to the unique angle of penetration and the possibility of control by the receptive partner. This position also promotes better communication and emotional connection , as partners must be in sync and attentive to each other's needs and reactions. In addition, the inverted andromache allows you to explore different sensations, by stimulating erogenous zones that are not always accessible in other positions. It also offers a stimulating visual perspective for the active partner, adding an additional erotic element to the experience. This position can also be used to discover anal pleasure. Disadvantages of the inverted andromache The inverted andromache can have some disadvantages. It requires good flexibility and a certain level of physical fitness, which can make it difficult for some couples. The position can also be demanding in terms of balance and strength , particularly for the receptive partner who must hold themselves in position. Additionally, for beginners, it can be difficult to find the right rhythm and depth of penetration , requiring a period of adaptation and practice. Finally, this position may not be suitable for all couples, especially those who prefer a more passive or less physical approach to their intimacy. Preparing the space and atmosphere  Preparing the space is crucial to fully immersing yourself in the reverse andromache. Choose a comfortable and intimate place, with cushions or a cozy bed. The temperature of the room should be pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold. Dim lighting, perhaps with candles, creates a sensual and relaxing atmosphere. Music also plays an important role: opt for soft, haunting melodies that fit the rhythm and intimate nature of this position. Choice of massage oils, lubricants and accessories For the reversed andromache, select massage oils that awaken the senses and facilitate the sliding of the bodies. Oils with aphrodisiac essences such as ylang-ylang like our Aphrodisiac Massage Oil can increase arousal. Our 2in1 edible lubricant “ Le Couple Gourmand ” for a smooth glide will also allow you to go directly from massage to penetration , ultra practical! Accessories like feathers or blindfolds can intensify the sensations and add an element of surprise and exploration. Massage and stimulation techniques In the inverted andromache, the massage can begin with light caresses on the legs and move up towards the erogenous zones. Use fluid and rhythmic movements, in accordance with your partner's reactions. Explore different pressures and textures, and pay attention to the areas that provide the most pleasure. This position offers an excellent opportunity to stimulate often neglected areas , such as the lower back or thighs. Find more ideas for a real sexy massage on our blog . Communication and consent Communication is essential in the reversed andromache. Discuss your expectations, boundaries, and desires before you begin. Make sure both partners feel comfortable and excited about this exploration. Consent and comfort are essential for a fulfilling and safe sexual experience. Exploration and variety in the reversed andromache  Encourage exploration and curiosity in the reverse andromache. Don’t hesitate to change pace, intensity, and experiment with different movements. This position is ideal for discovering new ways of giving and receiving pleasure, breaking the routine and introducing excitement and novelty into your sex life, like the coital alignment technique for example? Difficulty level of the reversed andromache: 2.5/5 The reverse andromache, while extremely rewarding, presents a certain level of difficulty that requires coordination and flexibility. This position requires the receptive partner to maintain balance while managing the pace and depth of penetration. It's important to start slowly , making sure both partners feel comfortable and in control. Ongoing communication is essential to adjust and avoid discomfort. With practice, this position can become easier and provide a deeply satisfying and connected experience. Feel free to use cushions for extra support and experiment with variations of the position to find what works best for you and your partner. Stimulation of erogenous zones in the inverted andromache  The inverted andromache is particularly effective in stimulating various erogenous zones, providing a rich sensory experience. For the receptive partner, this position allows direct stimulation of the clitoris or perineum, depending on orientation and movement. The active partner, for his part, can experience intense stimulation of the glans or clitoris, depending on the configuration. In addition, this position offers easy access to the breasts , buttocks and back , often under-exploited erogenous zones. The reversed andromache thus encourages complete bodily exploration, allowing partners to discover new sources of pleasure and intensify their intimate experience. Orgasm meter of the reversed andromache: 4/5 In terms of effectiveness in achieving orgasm, the inverted andromache is given a rating of 4 out of 5 on the Goliate orgasm meter. This position, thanks to its unique angle of penetration and the possibility for the receptive partner to control the movement, offers strong stimulation of key erogenous zones. It is particularly effective for stimulating the clitoris and G-spot in women, as well as the glans in men. However, the need for good coordination and a certain level of fitness can sometimes make achieving orgasm a little more difficult for some couples, hence it does not receive a perfect rating. After sex: sharing and reflection After the experience, take a moment to share your impressions and feelings. This communication strengthens connection and mutual understanding, and paves the way for future enriching and exciting explorations in your intimate life. This article offers a comprehensive guide for those wishing to explore the reversed andromache position, with an emphasis on connection, communication, and shared pleasure.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Anal Pleasure: our complete guide to gentle exploration

In the infinite universe of sexuality, each exploration is an open door to new dimensions of pleasure, unknown territories where each sensation is a discovery , each thrill a revelation. Anal pleasure, often shrouded in prejudices and taboos, is nevertheless rich in the potential for deep and unexplored pleasure. At Goliate, we firmly believe that sexuality is a space of freedom and personal expression, where every curiosity deserves to be explored with respect, gentleness and open-mindedness. It is in this spirit that we approach the subject of anal pleasure, not as an ultimate challenge to take on, but as an invitation to discover another facet of our intimacy . Ready to explore new horizons of pleasure? Follow us on this journey where gentleness, listening and self-respect are the real keys to a fulfilling exploration. Preparation is the key to anal pleasure Approaching anal pleasure requires above all careful preparation, both physically and mentally. This essential step is the foundation of an experience that is both pleasant and fulfilling. Understanding and respecting the preparation process is essential to gently opening up to this form of pleasure, often surrounded by mysteries and prejudices. Relax to have a good time Relaxation is the key word when it comes to exploring anal pleasure. The sphincter, this powerful muscle which guards the entrance to our most secret intimacy, only opens fully in a state of deep relaxation. It is therefore crucial to create an environment conducive to relaxation , where time seems suspended, and where the body and mind can surrender to the experience without restraint. To do this, you can start your moment together by performing a sexy massage to create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Choose the moment wisely Choosing the right moment is essential: a moment where distractions are far away, where calm reigns, allowing total immersion in the present moment. Whether it's a quiet weekend or a relaxing vacation, the important thing is to feel safe, comfortable and free from pressure. Communication and consent Talking openly about your desires, fears and limits is fundamental. Whether the exploration is done solo or accompanied, giving yourself permission to discover this facet of your sexuality is an act of trust and self-acceptance. As part of a shared experience, dialogue with the partner is crucial to establish a framework of mutual trust, where consent and respect for others are essential. Gentle foreplay to promote anal pleasure Before venturing further, it is recommended to start with external stimulation to properly prepare for the anal act . Gently massaging the area around the anus, without pressure to penetrate, allows the body to get used to being touched in this area. Stimulating other erogenous zones , like the clitoris or penis, can also help relax the anal muscles, making the experience more fluid and pleasurable. Use toys dedicated to anal pleasure The exploration of anal pleasure can be greatly enriched by the introduction of sex toys designed specifically for this experience . These tools, far from being simple gadgets, are real allies in the discovery and appreciation of anal sensations. They allow a progressive, controlled and above all, adapted approach to each stage of your journey towards anal pleasure. Start with butt plugs Butt plugs are often the first step in using sex toys for anal exploration. Their ergonomic shape, designed for easy insertion and comfortable wearing, makes them an ideal choice for beginners. The widened base of the plugs ensures optimal security, preventing the toy from sinking too deeply. Using sex toys with a wide base If you don't have a plug on hand, you can dig into your toy drawer to choose a suitable sex toy . The main tip is to choose a toy with a base or feedback like our Rabbit Vibrator . Indeed, the suction power of the anus can be very significant so it is recommended not to use a toy without a wider base. With our Rabbit, you will be 100% safe for anal practice. How to practice anal according to the rules of the art? Definitely use lube The use of any anal sex toy should be accompanied by abundant lubrication. The lubricant facilitates insertion and makes the experience more pleasant and pain-free. Opt for water-based lubricants which are recommended when toys are used as a bonus. You can obviously use our natural lubricant which is completely suitable for anal use and use with toys. Hygiene is super important The maintenance and cleanliness of your anal sex toys are essential for anal use. Clean them before and after each use according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure an experience that is both safe and hygienic. Hygiene is also important in anal practice as such, a quick shower before taking action can be pleasant for you and your partner! Also, if you practice anal penetration, avoid subsequently practicing vaginal penetration because it could encourage the appearance of vaginal infections. If you still want to do it, change your condom between the two penetrations. And now is the time to remember that it is essential to protect yourself with a condom if you and your partner have not taken the necessary tests in due form. Discover anal sex but listen to your body By exploring together the delicate and deep contours of anal pleasure, we have lifted the veil on an often misunderstood practice, surrounded by mysteries and taboos. Far from being limited to a simple quest for new sensations, the exploration of anal pleasure reveals itself to be an intimate journey towards a deeper understanding of our body, our desires and our limits. We invite you to continue this exploration with curiosity and open-mindedness, remembering that the key to an enriching experience lies in communication, listening to oneself and others, and the adoption of safe and respectful. If this article has awakened in you the desire to further explore the vast horizons of your sexuality, we encourage you to browse our other advice on the subject !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Breast orgasm: complete guide to exploring breast pleasure!

In our infinite quest for pleasure and self-knowledge, there are territories of the body still shrouded in mystery and curiosity. Among them, the breast orgasm stands out as a fascinating enigma, often overlooked, but nevertheless well worth discovering! The breast orgasm, this symphony of sensations which originates in the heart of the chest, invites a delicate and deep exploration of our bodies. It reminds us that pleasure is not limited to the traditionally recognized erogenous zones , but that it is a holistic experience, capable of arising from every particle of our being. In a world where female sexuality continues to free itself from the chains of taboos and preconceived ideas, talking about breast orgasm is opening a door to a richer intimacy , to a more intimate understanding of what makes us tick. It means recognizing that the woman's body is an inexhaustible source of pleasure, whose secrets are just waiting to be revealed. What is breast orgasm? The breast orgasm, or the art of discovering pleasure through breast stimulation, invites us to rethink our approach to sexual pleasure . Traditionally, the quest for pleasure is often centered on the genital areas, thus obscuring the erogenous richness of other parts of the body . However, the breasts, and more specifically the nipples, are endowed with a sensitivity which can, under adequate stimulation, lead to orgasms of surprising intensity. But how can you have a breast orgasm? Scientific studies have shed light on how nipple stimulation activates areas of the brain associated with sexual pleasure , similar to those activated during genital stimulation. This discovery highlights the importance of considering the body as a whole when it comes to pleasure, reminding us that every inch of our skin can become a gateway to ecstatic experiences. Addressing breast orgasm is therefore inviting you on a journey of discovery and self-rediscovery, where curiosity and experimentation play a key role. It's about opening up to new dimensions of pleasure, by gently and attentively exploring our body's responses to different forms of caresses, pressure and stimulation. In short, breast orgasm is not only a path to unprecedented pleasure; it is also an invitation to rethink and enrich our relationship with our sexuality. By abandoning the beaten path to venture onto less explored paths of our intimacy, we give ourselves the opportunity to experience moments of deep connection with ourselves, thus revealing the true extent of our capacity to feel pleasure. The importance of the brain in sexual pleasure The brain, this complex and fascinating organ, processes the sensory information it receives to transform it into sensations of pleasure . When we talk about breast orgasm, we are referring to an experience where stimulation of the breasts and nipples sends electrical signals to the brain, which then interprets them as pleasurable, even ecstatic, sensations. Research has shown that nipple stimulation activates areas of the brain similar to those stimulated during genital arousal, highlighting the universality of pleasure and its ability to transcend physical boundaries. This discovery highlights the need to consider sexual pleasure as a holistic experience, where the mental and the physical intertwine in an inseparable way. Breast orgasm, in this context, is not only the result of physical stimulation; it is also the fruit of a mental disposition open and receptive to pleasure in all its forms. Approaching breast orgasm from this angle invites us to cultivate a deeper and more conscious relationship with our body. It is about recognizing and appreciating the capacity of our mind to amplify, modulate and enrich our experience of pleasure.** This awareness encourages us to explore our sexuality with curiosity, to experiment without judgment and to welcome the multiple facets of our desire. How to become a breast stimulation pro? The exploration of breast orgasm naturally leads us to the crucial question of stimulation techniques. How to awaken this often neglected source of pleasure? The answer lies in a gentle, attentive and exploratory approach, which takes into account the uniqueness of each body. Create a pleasant atmosphere Before diving into specific techniques, it's essential to emphasize the importance of atmosphere. For the experience to be fully satisfying, you must create an environment that invites relaxation and intimacy. Soft lighting, soft music, a pleasant temperature: all these elements help to prepare the body and mind for a sensory journey like when you prepare a little sexy massage as a couple . Set out to discover sensations Stimulation of the breasts and nipples can begin with simple caresses, exploring the surface with the palms of the hands or the tips of the fingers. This initial approach helps awaken the sensitivity of the area and prepares the ground for more direct stimulation. Using massage oils or creams can not only make contact easier, but also add an extra layer of sensation. The movements can vary in intensity and rhythm, ranging from gentle circular pressure around the nipples to more vigorous kneading of the entire breast. Stimulate the nipples The nipples, as nerve centers, play a key role in breast orgasm. Their stimulation can be done in multiple ways: light pinching, sucking, use of specific sex toys such as nipple vibrators or even feathers and other accessories to vary the sensations. Amplify breast pleasure with accessories The adventure towards breast orgasm is not limited to caresses and manual techniques. The world of erotic toys and accessories offers a range of possibilities to enrich and diversify the sensory experience. Judicious use of these tools can transform the quest for breast pleasure into an even deeper and more rewarding exploration. Nipple Vibrators Vibrators specially designed for the nipples are valuable allies in the stimulation of this erogenous zone. Their ability to provide targeted vibrations allows the nerve endings to be activated intensely, paving the way for new sensations and a potentiation of breast orgasm. If you don't have one on hand, you can also easily use clitoral aspirators to suck on the nipples and feel pleasure. Try nipple clamps For those who enjoy more direct stimulation, nipple clamps offer a unique pleasure experience. By exerting adjustable pressure on the nipples, these accessories can intensify the sensitivity of the area and increase the sensations during stimulation. It is important to start slowly and adjust pressure according to comfort and arousal level. Test the feathers Using feathers or other sensation accessories, such as soft whisks or brushes, can add an exciting dimension of foreplay. The lightness of caresses, contrasting with more direct stimulation, prepares the body for increased receptivity and can amplify the intensity of breast orgasm. Use massage oils Oils and creams designed to awaken the senses can also play a key role in exploring breast orgasm. Applied to the breasts and nipples, they can increase the sensitivity of the skin and enrich tactile sensations. Some formulations provide warming or cooling effects, adding an extra layer of sensory stimulation. Regarding Goliate products, we strongly recommend our edible massage oil which will be perfect for then kissing your partner's nipples. The key to achieving a breast orgasm is sharing! The exploration of breast orgasm can clearly become a shared adventure, enriched by the presence and participation of a partner . The first step toward successful shared exploration of breast orgasm lies in open communication and mutual consent. Discussing your desires, boundaries and expectations creates a framework of trust and respect, essential for a positive experience. It is in this secure space that the partner can become a true ally in the quest for pleasure. The experience of breast orgasm as a couple can be intensified by the synchronization of sensations: what if you tried this at the same time . One stimulates the nipples of the other and vice versa. If the nipples are too sensitive , you can also stimulate other erogenous zones in parallel, creating a symphony of pleasures that respond and amplify each other. Remember, the path to pleasure is as unique as you are. Take the time to discover yourself, cherish yourself, and celebrate every aspect of your sexuality. Pleasure is a right, a source of joy and well-being. Embrace it, explore it, and most importantly, share it.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Vanilla sex: rediscovering erotic simplicity

In a world where the quest for originality and extravagance in our intimate lives sometimes seems to become the norm, the concept of vanilla sex invites us to rediscover the charm and depth of simplicity. Often misperceived as a conventional or even boring approach to sexuality, vanilla sex is actually a celebration of intimacy , tenderness, and authentic connection between partners. At Goliate, we understand that the beauty of our sex life lies in its diversity and in the ability of each couple to create their own universe of pleasure. That's why we want to take you on an exploration of vanilla sex, not as a limitation, but as an invitation to rediscover pleasure in its purest and most sincere form . In this article, we will deconstruct preconceived ideas around vanilla sex to reveal its often overlooked advantages. We will also offer you advice to enrich and vary your experience of this practice, reminding you that simplicity excludes neither passion nor innovation. What is vanilla sex? The term "vanilla sex" often conjures up an image of simplicity and sweetness, reminiscent of the universally loved flavor of vanilla. In the context of sexuality, it designates a classic and tender approach to intimate relationships, favoring penetration, caresses and kisses , far from practices considered more extreme or experimental. But far from being limited to a restrictive definition, vanilla sex encompasses a wealth of experiences and sensations, all rooted in respect, trust and mutual consent. Historically, vanilla sex was synonymous with traditional sexuality, often reduced to the missionary position . However, this perception has evolved to embrace a broader vision of sexuality, where simplicity does not rhyme with monotony , but with an authentic and reassuring form of pleasure. It is a sexuality that, although considered "standard" by some, remains deeply rooted in individual desires and preferences. Prejudices around vanilla sex Despite its many advantages, vanilla sex sometimes suffers from a negative image, unfairly associated with a lack of creativity or daring. This vision is reinforced by a society that often values ​​novelty and originality in all aspects of life , including in the intimate sphere. Yet vanilla sex isn't about boredom or routine; it is a reflection of shared intimacy, where comfort and familiarity pave the way for a deep and satisfying connection. Why practice vanilla sex? Opting for vanilla sex means choosing a fulfilled sexuality, where communication and mutual respect are essential . This approach makes it possible to build a solid relationship, based on understanding and accepting each other's desires. Vanilla sex offers a safe space to explore your sexuality at your own pace, without pressure or judgment, thus promoting a fully consensual and pleasant experience for all partners. Simplicity as a source of pleasure Vanilla sex, with its tendency to favor caresses, kisses and classic penetration, reminds us that sexual pleasure does not necessarily require complexity or elaborate accessories. This simplicity allows partners to fully concentrate on the present moment, appreciating the shared warmth, closeness and tenderness, creating an intimate and satisfying experience. Intensify emotional connection One of the major strengths of vanilla sex is its ability to strengthen the emotional connection between partners. With an emphasis on romance and intimacy, vanilla sex promotes deep nonverbal communication, where tender gestures and shared glances express mutual affection and desire. This emotional closeness is the key to a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Vanilla sex creates a space of trust and safety where each partner feels comfortable expressing their desires and boundaries. In this atmosphere of caring, consent is at the heart of the experience, allowing for respectful and consensual sexual exploration. This approach reinforces the feeling of emotional and physical security, essential to fulfilling sexuality. Vanilla sex can be an integral practice for the couple Vanilla sex, with its sweetness and simplicity, can be a central element in a couple's intimate life, providing a solid foundation for exploring sexuality while strengthening the emotional bond. Here's how to seamlessly integrate vanilla sex into your relationship, enriching your intimacy without losing the magic of simplicity. Ritualizing Vanilla Sex The regularity of intimate moments is essential to maintain the flame in a relationship. Planning sex dates may seem less spontaneous, but it ensures that everyday life doesn't take over your intimacy. These moments dedicated to vanilla sex become bubbles of tenderness, where connection and pleasure are at the forefront. Foreplay plays a crucial role in vanilla sex, setting the stage for a sensual and emotionally rich experience. Take the time to discover each other, to explore caresses, kisses, and looks, thus strengthening your bond before the sexual act even begins. Test new, gentler practices Vanilla sex is not monolithic; it offers a spectrum of possibilities to explore. Varying positions, locations, or even times of day can inject novelty into your relationships, without leaving the reassuring framework of vanilla sex. Here are some cool practices to try when you want to explore vanilla sex: Try circclusion , which is a gentler method of masturbation, Gently test new erogenous zones , Discover or rediscover your partner's body with couples massages , Test simple and accessible toys like clitoral stimulators , which do not require penetration. Using accessories doesn't have to complicate your intimacy. Massage oils, scented candles, or even a simple blindfold can enrich your experience of vanilla sex, adding a touch of discovery and wonder. Recognize the beauty of simplicity Celebrating vanilla sex is recognizing the depth and richness that simplicity can bring to your sex life. Every shared moment is an opportunity to celebrate your love, your desire, and your unique connection. Expressing gratitude for shared intimate moments reinforces the feeling of complicity and mutual appreciation. Recognizing and valuing the presence of the other in these moments of vulnerability and pleasure contributes to a lasting and fulfilling relationship. By integrating vanilla sex into your life as a couple with intention and creativity, you will discover that simplicity is not synonymous with banality, but can be the source of deep and enriching intimacy. At Goliate, we encourage you to explore all dimensions of your sexuality, remembering that every form of expression of desire, no matter how vanilla, is valuable and worth celebrating. Being fulfilled is ultimately what matters most! In conclusion, vanilla sex, far from being a simple expression designating sexuality devoid of fantasy, reveals itself to be a celebration of tenderness, simplicity and intimacy. Through the pages of this article, we have explored the many facets of vanilla sex, demonstrating that a classic approach to sexuality can be just as enriching and fulfilling. At Goliate, we firmly believe that sexual well-being is based on communication, consent and respectful mutual exploration of each other's desires . Vanilla sex, with its nuances of sweetness and closeness, provides a perfect backdrop for strengthening emotional bonds, while leaving the door open to exploring new dimensions of pleasure, at your own pace and according to your desires. We invite you to rediscover vanilla sex, not as a limit to your sexual fulfillment, but as a path to deeper, more satisfying intimacy . And if you feel like exploring beyond, Goliate is here to support you, with a selection of products designed to enrich your sex life, whatever form you choose to give it. Do not hesitate to visit our site to discover our advice, our products and to inspire you with new ideas that will make each intimate moment a unique and memorable experience. At Goliate, we are dedicated to your pleasure and well-being, celebrating all forms of sexuality with openness and kindness!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Succeed in your sexy massage: this is where it happens!

In the quest for deeper intimacy and a strengthened connection with our partner, sexy massage presents itself as a royal road , combining pleasure of the senses and non-verbal communication. Far from being a simple passing caress, it is a subtle art which, when practiced with attention and delicacy, can transform a simple evening into an unforgettable journey to the heart of sensuality and complicity . At Goliate, we are convinced that each gesture of love, each touch, contributes to weaving the threads of a fulfilling and lasting relationship . This is why we invite you to explore with us the world of sexy massage, a practice that is both ancient and always new, capable of awakening the deepest desires while nourishing the emotional bond that unites two beings. In this article, we will guide you step by step through the techniques, oils and gestures that will make your massages unique moments of sharing and pleasure. Sexy massage: we lay the foundations! The sexy massage, far from being a simple ephemeral caress, is an invitation to explore the richness of the physical and emotional connection between partners . This practice, anchored in the art of sensuality, offers a unique opportunity to discover and rediscover the body of others, in an exchange where touch becomes language. The secrets to a successful sexy massage? At the heart of sexy massage lies the intention: that of giving and receiving pleasure through touch . This intention, pure and attentive, transforms each gesture into an expression of love, into a quest for shared well-being. It is not just about techniques or movements, but about real non-verbal communication , where each touch, each pressure, tells a story of desire, respect and complicity. The success of a sexy massage begins well before the first contacts. It lies in the preparation of the space and the atmosphere : a room with a pleasant temperature, subdued lighting, soft music in the background, and above all, the use of suitable massage oils. These elements, far from being simple details, play a crucial role in creating a cocoon of comfort and sensuality, inviting bodies and minds to relax and open up to pleasure. Taking the time to prepare a sexy massage means engaging in new sexual practices , gentler and more attentive to others. How to choose the right massage oils? The choice of massage oil is essential in the practice of sexy massage. A good oil should not only make it easier to slide your hands over the skin but also nourish the epidermis and awaken the senses . At Goliate, we favor natural oils, enriched with aphrodisiac essences, which add an olfactory dimension to the sensual experience. Whether enriched with notes of hemp or hazelnut**, massage oil becomes a key player,** a vehicle for sensations and emotions. In our range, there is something for everyone: Massage oil for couples : in addition to being two in one, since it also serves as a lubricant, it is edible! You will love its delicate nutty smell, Our relaxing massage oil with hemp oil, for limitless relaxation. Our aphrodisiac massage oil with sandalwood, to warm and stimulate the senses. Where to start the massage? Sexy massage does not necessarily require massage therapy expertise, but a few basic techniques can greatly enrich the experience. Gentle and fluid movements, such as effleurage, allow the massage to begin gently, preparing the body and mind for more intense pressure or more targeted techniques. The important thing is to stay attentive to your partner, their reactions and their needs, adjusting the movements to maximize pleasure and comfort. Learn to awaken your senses with sexy massage Sexy massage, in its quintessence, is a celebration of the senses, an invitation to dive into an ocean of sensations where every touch, every smell and every sound contributes to creating an unforgettable experience. This part of our journey explores how to awaken and nourish the senses to transform a simple massage into an exceptional moment of intimacy. Sight: first key sense for preparation The awakening of the senses begins with sight. Even before touch comes into play, the visual appearance of the massage space plays a crucial role. Creating a visually calming and erotic environment can significantly increase anticipation and desire. Soft sheets, dim lighting, and perhaps a few carefully arranged candles, all help prepare partners for the sensual experience to come. Particular care given to the appearance of the space invites relaxation and sensuality, laying the first stones of a building of shared pleasure. Hearing: to harmonize your sensations Music, chosen carefully, can transform the atmosphere, enveloping it with an additional layer of sensuality. Soft and captivating melodies, or the sounds of nature, can accompany the massage, guiding the rhythms of movements and breathing, and amplifying the intimacy of the moment. The voice, too, is a powerful instrument: whispered words, compliments or expressions of shared pleasure can intensify the emotional and sensual experience of the massage. Here are 5 cool music to listen to during a sexy massage: “Smooth Operator” by Sade – This song has a sensual and relaxing vibe that is perfect for a massage. “Cry to me” by Salomon Burke - Epic music from the renowned film “Dirty Dancing”, by far the best of the episode, you will love a massage to this music full of memories. “Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye – A timeless classic of sensual music, perfect to accompany a moment of relaxation and pleasure. “Adorn” by Miguel – This song has a sensual atmosphere and suggestive lyrics, ideal for a sexy massage. “Earned It” by The Weeknd – With his seductive vocals and languorous rhythm, this song is perfect for a sensual massage. Touch: the heart of sexy massage Touch, the very essence of sexy massage, is the most direct tool for communicating affection, desire, and care . The skin, the largest organ of the human body, is a map rich in sensations, ready to be explored. Varying the pressure, speed, and texture of movements can awaken varied and deep sensations. The use of massage oils, chosen for their sensory properties and their benefits for the skin, enriches this exploration, making each gesture more fluid, each caress more captivating. Create a real connection thanks to this massage moment for two Sexy massage, beyond its sensual and erotic aspects, is a powerful vector of connection and communication between partners. This third part of our exploration focuses on how massage can become a bridge to deeper intimacy, strengthening emotional connection while exploring new dimensions of pleasure. The Importance of Trust The basis of any successful sexy massage is mutual trust. Before you begin, take a moment to ensure mutual consent, that you are both comfortable with the idea and open to the experience . This emotional preparation is crucial to creating a space where everyone feels safe to express their desires, boundaries, and preferences. Dare to communicate Encourage open communication before, during, and after the massage. Discuss what you hope to get out of this experience, what areas you would like to explore and what areas you would prefer to avoid. This honesty creates a framework of respect and understanding, essential for a rewarding sexy massage. Explore together See sexy massage as an adventure that you undertake together, an opportunity to discover and rediscover each other's bodies and preferences. Let curiosity guide your hands. Explore gently and carefully, and pay attention to your partner's reactions, adjusting your actions accordingly. Don’t hesitate to vary the techniques and rhythms. Alternate between gentle movements and firmer pressures, between long caresses and light touches. This strain stimulates the senses in a dynamic way, making every moment unpredictable and exciting. Integrate Accessories Incorporating toys and accessories can greatly enrich the sexy massage experience. Feathers to tickle the skin, blindfolds to intensify sensations , or even vibrators to explore new dimensions of pleasure. At Goliate, we offer a selection of sex toys for couples to enjoy designed to complement and amplify your massage experience. Create an after-sex moment after the massage Share your thoughts Once the massage is finished, take a moment to share your impressions and feelings. This step is essential to strengthen your bond and to learn from the experience. Discuss what you liked, what surprised you, and what you could explore more next time. The sexy massage is not an end in itself, but rather an open door to other sensual explorations . Use what you've learned from each other to plan your next adventures, whether they take the form of massages or other forms of shared intimacy. By deepening the connection through sexy massage, you will not only discover new ways of giving and receiving pleasure, but you will also strengthen your relationship. At Goliate, we are honored to accompany you on this beautiful adventure, providing you with the tools and inspirations to explore the richness of your intimacy. Adapt your massage to your partner Personalization of the massage Each person is unique, as are their needs and desires. A successful sexy massage is one that adapts to each person's individual preferences. Listen to your partner's reactions, and don't hesitate to ask their opinion or wishes along the way. This personalized approach guarantees a fully satisfying experience for both partners. Don't be afraid to experiment with new techniques, new accessories, or new oils. Variety is the essence of pleasure, and each massage is a blank canvas on which to express your creativity. At Goliate, we offer a diverse range of products to inspire and support your explorations. Sexy massage, like any art, is enriched with practice and learning. Don’t hesitate to get information, follow workshops, or read on the subject to discover new techniques and inspiration. Each new knowledge is an open door to deeper and more connected experiences. Listen and adapt The key to a successful sexy massage lies in listening and adaptation. Every person is unique, and what works one day may not be as effective another. Listen to your partner's needs and be ready to adapt so that each massage is a source of joy and discovery. By making sexy massage an integral part of your couple's routine , you open the door to ever deeper and more fulfilling intimacy.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Humping: this crazy practice to get off

Most of you have probably tried humping without knowing it. Its name comes from the English term “hump”, which is the French meaning “to rise”. What is it exactly? Humping is nothing other than a stimulation technique without penetration . The principle is to rub or press your genitals with an object. The friction is accompanied by pelvic movements. If you've never tried it, it's time to discover humping . This guide was created to help you discover it. Humping: a new way of having sex In reality, humping has a role to play in the discovery of sexuality . This is why it is the masturbation technique regularly practiced by teenagers, especially those who have never had sex: it allows them to discover new erogenous zones . The genitals are, in both women and men, parts of the body with many nerve receptors that provide a lot of pleasure. In women, it is the clitoris which is the most sensitive with more than 8000 nerve endings: considered the source of female pleasure, it is very much in demand during a humping session . Stimulating it can create extraordinary orgasms that are much more intense than orgasms created by penetration. How to practice humping? Here is some information that will help you know the different ways to practice humping . Practicing Humping alone In general, humping is practiced alone, since it is a masturbation technique. Regardless of age, humping allows you to discover new sensations and better learn to tame your body. But then, how to practice it properly? To practice humping properly, it is recommended to use objects like: an object with a soft surface such as a bolster, a pillow, a duvet rolled into a ball, the armrest of your sofa, immobile sex toys , The principle is to position yourself above the object in question and then rub your private parts against it. The objective is therefore to stimulate your penis, the clitoris in particular, through friction and without penetration. Practice humping as a couple Who said that sexual relations between a couple should involve penetration? There are various ways to pleasure yourself and both humping and slow sex are excellent options. How to do ? For example, you can rub your private parts against your partner's skin. Here are some ideas: use your partner's leg to rub your penis against it, you rub against your partner's hands, you rub against your partner's face, without him or her performing cunnilingus. As always, this practice must be carried out in an environment agreed to by both parties. Classic humping or dry humping? In general, you can get naked during this erotic practice . Sometimes full nudity stimulates the libido and provides an even more pleasant feeling. If you are completely, this is the technique, we then talk about classic Humping. It is if you decide to do this fully clothed (which is a possibility), that we will talk about dry humping. The English word “dry” translates to “sec” in French. What is the reason for such a name? Keeping clothes on while humping completely prevents any exchange of bodily fluids. This version of humping is very popular because clothes can be an additional source of excitement. To amplify the pleasure, you can wear clothes with a tight texture like jeans. But then, what are the advantages of sex without penetration? Practicing humping allows you to enjoy optimal sexual pleasure, without penetration. What are the advantages ? A solution for certain sexual disorders For women who suffer from vaginismus , the practice of humping is strongly recommended. The fact that they cannot stand the pain of penetration allows them to discover new things which do not prevent them from having a fulfilling sex life . The practice of this erotic activity is also very advantageous before sexual intercourse for women prone to vaginal dryness. It is an excellent way to arouse yourself and promote lubrication of the penis . A way to explore your body Humping allows you to discover your body and explore your erogenous zones. This is very important if you want to have a satisfying sex life. Don't forget that this sexual stimulation technique is practiced everywhere within the limits of legality of course. A way to avoid STIs and unwanted pregnancies If you rely on dry humping, you will also be protected from the risks of STIs or sexually transmitted infections. At the same time, you will avoid unwanted pregnancies: what a good idea when you don't want to take any risks. A way to discover new sensations Finally, the practice of humping allows you to discover new sensations if you are a sex amateur . It's a form of excitement that won't disappoint. In addition, you can use different accessories, which will vary the sensations. Test humping gently and with pleasure Do you want to try humping but don't know where to start? The first thing to do is to choose the accessory that will do you good: the key is to choose it clean and without risk for your body. So, are you going to try it too? This masturbation technique can give you intense pleasure and is ideal for foreplay. You have the choice between humping and dry humping. All you have to do is go solo or in pairs. With humping , you will discover a new way of giving yourself pleasure .

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